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4.2k · Sep 2013
donuts in the morning
Emma E Jones Sep 2013
that night with no sleep
it rest in my head
with the smell of cigarettes
floating through the air

ladders were placed at a window
we made cookie dough i believe
around midnight the real night began

poems read allowed
with words lingering
far into to the night

out in the cold many cigarettes
smoldered in each hand
i lost count as to how many
after three

on the brink of dawn
i sat with coffee in hand
on top of my cold car roof
waiting for the sun to rise

clever words come to mind
as old acquaintances come
and judge me for sitting
and writing about what i see

after a walk
to clear me thoughts
i decide on donuts
with box in hand i climb
up the ladder to a dear friends room
curl up in bed
there i stay till noon

that sober night is my favorite
to remember
not a thought of sleep
only words carefully written
one sleepless night of summer, a favorite story
2.2k · May 2013
Emma E Jones May 2013
once the hole is dug
all the dirt is gone
never again to return the same.
time moves on
light barely reaches the bottom
a deep hole

stuck clawing
grasping at the blue above
then dark seeps in,
consumed by fate
the light retreats
never seen the same again
different shadows cast
still no escape
the walls crumble in
2.0k · Sep 2013
Emma E Jones Sep 2013
how can i explain in words
what the dark feels like
to somebody who hasn't seen

some you know
its found a way
in their heads too
through the cracks

seeping in from nowhere

quiet now but just the voices
some bring me back
others draw me in deeper
to a well of ink filled sorrow
1.3k · Oct 2013
Emma E Jones Oct 2013
why sleep
when i can
wander the streets
after dusk
on my own

I follow my demons
to a door
that leads

silent and alone
because nobody
else seems
to care
if i will be there

so for now
I'll slip away
at dusk
and wait
for a phone call
that will never
1.2k · May 2013
Emma E Jones May 2013
those screams in the night
are they real
could they be in here
waiting for me
to close my eyes
and let them consume me
in total darkness
seeping in through the cracks
i here him shout again
always the same voice
his voice, that voice
your evil voice
pulling my mind apart

i wait each night
for that voice in my mind
you stare into my eyes
i can't seem to shake
that malicious glare
haunting voices of the past
hes screaming now
and eerie sort of scream
the one you hear
at the peak of darkness
lost in the depths
of an empty mind
he has no face
no body
just that demonic voice
consuming the night
not done yet just a idea
1.2k · May 2013
clouded doors
Emma E Jones May 2013
In-between what space
The vast expanse.
Colors around the bend reaching,
Reaching for the emptiness
Each end concealed with a door
A filter for the corruption of evil.

The lone man bares the harsh pilgrimage
From one door to the other,
He strides through nothing
Ever so empty
Feelings abandoned
inspired by the wonderful  Aldous Huxley and his quote -"If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite”
1.0k · Oct 2013
Emma E Jones Oct 2013
its nights like these
where i bite me nails
thill they

i didn't choose
now to be alone
but i guess
its better than
having to pretend
the fun

nails in my coffin
i guess
they are
each of these nights

how much gold
did you trade
for this ****** coffin?

but ill just feed
my sadness
with burning
bitter coffee
and less sleep

so i don't have
to poison
those i love
with that

but i guess they
decided on a
cure instead
a cure to my
sadness that
is no me
897 · Oct 2013
Emma E Jones Oct 2013
my broken finger
I've stopped protecting it
because the pain is a reminder
of how real this all is
873 · Aug 2013
coffee stains
Emma E Jones Aug 2013
cold coffee sits on rickety little tables
while grand plans are constructed
novels poor out of young minds

dull and awkward second dates draw out
so much longer than needed
and the coffee goes cold they part ways

oh what comes out of those little coffee shop corners

a man calls for a plumber

that lady drew an owl

oh well he spilled that all over the place

the clatter and chatter never leaves a silence
like a library no it's warm and old and smells like my dreams last night

the greatest nights are spent becoming part of the coffee shop crowd
making stains on little tables and letting the coffee get cold
observations from nights spent in the coffee shop
866 · May 2013
Emma E Jones May 2013
A stroll through the city
just after dusk.
Alone in the dark but don’t fret mother
I’ll be in my bed by the time you wake.  
I’m not a child,
underneath this skin, freedom itching to escape.

These people don’t care.
A million lost soles what am I but another
In this great vast jungle,
a jungle of light and sound.

A man passes he doesn’t know my name.
It just a city,
Dangerous and big, but so is my mind.
Yet you let me wander through that maze alone

Monsters waiting in the corners.
Looming monsters,
Monsters that damage and destroy.
So what is a little danger, a little freedom?
If not for freedom on the outside,
I’m stuck holding tight to the monsters within.
can we really escape or monsters with in? maybe not but freedom os a distraction that should not be limited
841 · Jan 2014
when we became wicked
Emma E Jones Jan 2014
Write a farewell to the aliens
crawling up the back steps,
cross the threshold to post existence,
evaluate snapshots of poor lost souls
crumbled moments,
When they fall over the edge
of a spiraling waterfall only to be caught
in the palm of the devil.

Welcomed with opening arms
the sick and twisted find comfort
in the warmth of a thousand
burning souls.

Far from where it was left sitting,
A cold metal can is thrown
from a rusted over train car
carrying on a message for
the wicked kids,
remaining away over the horizon
running through cold dark streets
every step closer to the waterfall.
726 · Nov 2013
Emma E Jones Nov 2013
i'm fine
those words tumble out
of my mouth over and over
again like a record
spinning out of control
down in to a sanctum of
uncontrollable loneliness

i cant make head or tails
up or down
just tumbling down this
hill with no end

my stomach aches
with a diet of straight nicotine
odd scribble of sad poems
cluster the pages then torn and
tossed to oblivion

burned away is my care
(not the fun kind of care
free from the movies)  
more the depressing kind
that just makes all the others sad

we move in circles
passing by what
once used to be part of it all
but now what? now where?
642 · Oct 2013
bloody knuckles
Emma E Jones Oct 2013
its now that time
to pretend that nothing
hurts, but my eyes
never can stay dry
as long as I'm alone

what if i gave up people
and started smoking
right now that seems
so much more comforting
than putting up with
this **** right here

i feel like I'm dragging
my knuckles along
one never ending
sidewalk of sick minds

or could it be
I am just only
a shadow
there when I'm need
or maybe remembered
for just a minute
599 · Oct 2013
drug addiction
Emma E Jones Oct 2013
i'll admit
i have this drug addiction
and it getting pretty bad
my drug of choice though
is not what you would think  

i wait in line with all the other addicts
to get my daily dose
to keep me going
just to stay in this world

it comes in so many forms
i like mine with a little bit of milk
oh and some sugar

its come to a point where i
choose it over sleep
many nights in a row

caffeine is my drug of choice
556 · Oct 2013
forget this
Emma E Jones Oct 2013
i don't know
quite how to
do this thing

its been 5 days
i think
but all
i can wonder
is why

tonight in the
dim light
i wished simply
to sway in the
wind like a tall

to forget
how to talk
so i don't
have to
515 · Oct 2013
after thought
Emma E Jones Oct 2013
thanks mom for shoving me full of pills
because i am "to hard to deal with right now"
well little do you know that outside what you
can see right here the problems extend
far beyond what you can really think
problems that your stupid little pills
will not fix

see it would be nice to know that
I'm just not something people have
to deal with, really after awhile
i just except that I'm the one
left out here to rot
an now it been so long
nobody wants to come close to me
so they all forget, really they all just
don't care all that much

I'm becoming an after thought
an "oh i wish you were there"
I get the word "I'll call you in a bit"
far to often that now i know
those words are nothing but lies

so you see mom I'm really
not sorry that you have
to deal with me
because I'm used to it now
and yeah it hurts me
but who is going to care
513 · Aug 2013
friendly doubt
Emma E Jones Aug 2013
A cycle tired of repeating
what each day brings
that mystery
only held closed inside
my empty hand

A cycle that goes
first in trust
but soon it all
becomes fresh with doubt
then I'm desperate for attention  

I feel the loneliness
as it creeps in slow then
in an instant I'm swallowed
all at once by denial
"they don't like me"
I sit and tell myself
as tears find the surface again

All it takes is one good day
all the doubt flows away
but I should not forget
that soon my trust will
stab me in the back as soon
as you do once again
495 · Jul 2013
the empty world
Emma E Jones Jul 2013
my foot steps echo in lonesome
each stride further away from
those who said they cared
that dark dusty corner
is my one friend now

but then the hope returns
not for long
they always leave
alone again
loneliness is my worst fear
yet it seeks me out

they only care about you
if you do what they want
they , they control your life
all because you're scared to be alone again
492 · Oct 2013
who cares
Emma E Jones Oct 2013
how many nights will it take
before i realize
how truly little, people
care about me
sitting unnoticed
silently full of sadness
because so many others
project theres upon

everybody else
tonight i need to leave
because i cant take
being treated like this

all i want is somebody to care
somebody to be excited to see me
i guess I'm just
not that important anymore
477 · Oct 2013
Emma E Jones Oct 2013
never believe people
that say they will call
or text

it never happens

so why wait on it
419 · May 2013
still silence
Emma E Jones May 2013
I see you stranding there,
in the corner smelling flowers.
Pretending time has no end.

When the sky stops moving
the flowers look away.
Questioning why,
Every day the sky stops
and the birds fly away.

But you stay, never looking away
always stuck, always cold.
Smelling the flowers,
even after they have looked away.
413 · Oct 2013
i'm cold
Emma E Jones Oct 2013
why it is that i find myself alone again

i really just don't know

how many times do i cross peoples


none i think probably none

if i did they would have called

but instead i m going to sit here and cry

myself to sleep again

— The End —