Every time I pass that corner I think of you.
I think that once you pass that corner, May. 26th, that that’s it.
The school, and everyone in it will become nothing.
Nothing but a distant memory that you want to escape.
Because even though this place means so much to me, it means nothing to you.
We haven’t talked in a while, and I miss that.
But I don’t want to be annoying and say something first.
I want to feel like I mean something to you, like you want to talk to me.
But now. Now I think I was never anything.
Once you leave this place will you even remember my name?
Because ill remember yours forever.
I don’t want you to leave, but you’re counting down the days so I guess ill help.
Because that’s all I can do.
All I can do is sit by and watch as the days narrow down and you walk out on us.
On all we had, and all we went through.
Because to me those 10 days we spent together was the best adventure I’ve ever had.
But to you, it was just getting community service hours.
Every morning I struggled to get out of bed, to make the choice to live.
But then I thought of seeing your smiling face and that.
That very image got me through my first year and will get me through everything.
Until that face and that smile turns that corner.
That’s the worst part. Not knowing what I am to you.
I’d like to think im more then just a dumb freshman but I know im not.
So please.
All I ask is that you remember my name.
Just my ******* name.
Because to get my hopes up, well… they would only be crushed later.
So please. Please. Just remember my name when you turn that corner.
Because that corner is so much more then a corner.
It, along with many other things is a constant reminder of you.
So please. Just my name.