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 Sep 2013 emma
 Sep 2013 emma
i like to think
  you are the
but i know
you will leave
and it will

 Sep 2013 emma
 Sep 2013 emma
Even though I tried
to keep it hush hush.

You're the one who's
making me blush.

Being around you
gives me a rush.

I swear you're turning
my heart to mush.

How can they say
this is only a crush?
just a stupid little thing i wrote last night
 Sep 2013 emma
 Sep 2013 emma
when i was
a child
a bird flew into
our window
and died
i cried when my mother said
that it happens all the time
and i wondered
why they didn't just
change direction

but now that i am
in love with
and i know that i will
when you stop loving me
i understand
that it is so hard
to turn around and
avoid the window
because what if
it for once
was open
 Aug 2013 emma
chryselle g
he won't write you poetry like neruda or bukowski. he won't ink your name underneath his skin nor will he cut his hair shorter for your mom. he won't stay up with you to read jane austen and hemingway. sometimes all you'll hear from his end of the line is snoring and you'll know he has fallen asleep. again. he won't take you to a romantic dinner every other night. he won't surprise you with a picnic basket on a tuesday afternoon to whisk you away to a spontaneous date on the beach. his hand will sweat sometimes. he will smell like cigarettes and the inside of a Starbucks. he will chew his food loudly and eat with his leg up. he will wake you up in the middle of the night just to tell you about a dream that woke him up. he will do this because he's afraid he'll forget in the morning. he will not get along with some of your friends, your dad will ask you "are you sure?" and your little brother will hate him. he will have acne and blackheads. he won't be around everytime you need him. he won't magically appear just in time to catch after you've tripped down the stairs.

he won't be the guy you keep reading in novels about. he won't be the mysterious, poetry-writing, guitar-strumming, *****-dropping British guy you keep wishing you'd finally meet.

surprisingly, despite of all of this, you will fall for him anyway. because even though you wanted a love story similar to those you found printed in pages, you will realize that they end after a dramatic moment in the airport, or a long romantic make-out session under the pouring rain, or after the one major problem is resolved.

you will realize that nothing comes after for them. what happens after the romantic colors of sunset fade and the darkness takes over?

you will realize that your own story is way better. because even though he talks too loud in libraries and hogs the blanket, he stays. he is there beside you at 2am when you suddenly wake up from a nightmare. you can feel his breath on the back of your neck and his arm around your waist. you can hear him whisper "i love you" and it will be dripping with honesty. and that is more than any fictional poetry-writing, guitar-strumming, *****-dropping British guy can ever do.
 Aug 2013 emma
 Aug 2013 emma
you make me worried.
the kind of worried that makes me want to puke
not the kind that people have for losing the things they like.
you make me worried because you smile so ******* much
and right at me
like some sort of ******* laser beam
and i can't work out your motives behind it.
you make absolutely ****-all effort to see me
(meaning none)
but whenever you do
you lean on doorposts
and cross your legs
and look me right in the face
like you want to walk across this room
and look at my face
and that makes me
 Aug 2013 emma
Jonothan Lewis
My heart comes alight
Every time I close my eyes
You live on my eyelids' inside
I think about you every night

Even when times get tough
And I want to run away
I close my eyes for a second or two
You're enough to convince me to stay

Today I found a picture of you
It made me want to cry
Knowing that I cant hold you now
To find you, I'd travel far and wide

I reminisce about our time
Heart slowly breaking in two
So many wasted opportunities
Too bad, nothing I can do

As time ticks away slowly
On this sly-looking clock
I tell myself reassuringly
This is only a pit stop

For one day I truly know
That it will be worth the time
That last barrier I will breach
And together we'll elope, escaping for a while
 Aug 2013 emma
Cunning Linguist
Real lies, unreal thing
Light me up just take a puff
Then once more until you huff
And again with feeling
Feel your life unreeling

Real eyes

Lungs replete with cloud of one thousand burning trees
Avert your gaze, look beyond the haze
So you'll fail to notice I etched the stress as wrinkles in your face
and smothered your Eros, imbued void in its place


Whether its reward or solace you seek
Inhale me, the vapors of your saving grace
I am everything you've hated to love and loved to hate

Now exhale your pain
Oh exalted Soul
Pity I bring you no relief
Rather, wield a sword

Now as I overwhelm
And pull you down under
You can take the helm
But your vessels asunder

Your heart and lungs are now black
I harbor plague, yet still you'll come back
Because your peace of mind rests with me
In these most tumultuous tides
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