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em Feb 2020
four years later i sit
still on my bedroom floor.
my heart
no longer in my hands
instead cradled by my ribs
back where it belongs
someone finally showed up
someone finally placed it back inside.
the person
id waited all those years to meet,
that person
was me
em Mar 2018
teach me
to love 
the way you do
teach me
to open my heart
the way you do
so vulnerable
so comfortable
so beautiful
teach me
to view the world
the way you do
with open eyes
open hands
open heart
em Nov 2017
we weren’t two people in love
just two people learning what they want
and need in love
em Nov 2017
thank you for forcing me to look inside myself.
thank you for forcing me to face my fears.
thank you for forcing me to fight my demons.
thank you for seeing my pain.
thank you even though you are the one
thing i lost
through it all.
looking back it was all for the best
em Nov 2017
watching you fall in love with someone else
is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do
and it hasn’t even begun.
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