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em Nov 2017
i am torn between two paths
wanting to separate
and wanting to conform
wanting to be unique
and wanting to be the same

                                                 i need time away
em Nov 2017
you’re wild
you run with the wind
you belong to nothing and no one
and i’ve always been afraid of telling you this 
because i was afraid you’d leave
but i forgot that saying nothing
wouldn’t change who you are.
this side of you was so enticing
it was all i'd ever wanted to be
you left anyways
em Nov 2017
how many hours of my life have i spent
sitting on my bedroom floor
with my heart in my hands
waiting for someone
to place it back
inside me
so that i might heal
into what i do not know
since that person never came
and that gaping hole
has not healed
all i can do
is wonder
april 18, 2016

— The End —