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 Sep 2013 Emily Tyler
Sand Drops
Morbid nights of endless past and future
A darkness i'd endured in unwavering solitude
A tormenting blight forged with evanascent hope
My identity had all but lost its face

A maiden forged from the scales of heaven
A twist of the warm dark waves of locke
A brown eyed hue of sparkly dews
Sculpted out a beauty divine
A never ending feast, crave my lifeless eyes

A smile is all, darkness be gone
Your laugh it strings every beat of my soul
A glow you eminate, i stray not away
A simple whisper, i waver not from your side

The nights of yore are long forgotten
Unblinking, blinding lights i endure
Hope has taken form, a beauty undiscovered
Deny this you may, an unmarked angel you are
forever mine to protect
I will seize the day
And it will throw me

In the water.
Plunge me
into the unfamiliar cold.
Push me adrift
from my harbor.
Let me breathe.
I am a no longer a weight, sinking
I can break the surface.

In the sky.
I have no limits.
Adrenaline high.
Let me soar with the birds,
past the clouds,
to the moon.
I am weightless.
A shooting star,

--A. Azurra Grace S.
I will capture it.
Squeeze its neck.
Hug it to death.
Let it be inside of me.
A part of me.
The day.
Seize it.
The laughter.
The smell.
The sand storms.
The heat.
The city.
Over-flooded with happiness.
And the regret.
That now its all gone.
Pictures of you in my head
Closed eyes
Open heart.
You penetrate my madness
Of being without you.
Simple things you say
I hear so loudly.
Tell me where you are
Somewhere inside my madness.
Help me find you
So I am sane.
So salty
Sometimes sweet
Can be joy
can be sadness
Holding so much inside a single drop
Each has a meaning
So clear and sometimes cloudy
Depends upon  the joy or sorrow
I am drowning inside
I choose to stay down
Under the water
If I come to the surface
I see above the water
Then I realize
What's under the water is a dream
Coming to the surface I must open my eyes
And see the truth.
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