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 Sep 2013 Emily Tyler
It has been a month or so
Still thinking what it could have been
If you did not yield to leaving
And forgetting everything
A smile can still be painted
And my spirit is still filled.

Fate is not in our ways
Yet our hearts remain beating
Our souls searching
Reality knocks on our door
No sense in holding to something fading
Help me get over then.

Hope is in the horizon
Tomorrow brings a different story
A sea of new faces may surround us
The perfect love may be found
A love that overcomes any adversity
And does not surrender easily.

I pray for a desire
To teach my heart to forget you
To free my soul from blue
That I may breathe the wild breeze of tomorrow
And witness the buds blossoming
With the right man holding thy hand.
 Sep 2013 Emily Tyler
Ashatan Tee
"The world's greatest daughter, forever and always."
That was what you used to call me.
You said it with
Such pride
Such happiness
Such confidence
You used to carry me on your shoulders as we were enveloped by my wild laughter
I was proud, I was happy, and a was confident at the fact that I was in fact
The world's greatest and luckiest daughter
And yet, three years later, to the other side of the country you ran
Not a single letter
Not a single text message
Not a single call
Because that's what I am to you now... right?
And I will, forever and always, be nothing to you.
 Sep 2013 Emily Tyler
Ashatan Tee
The colour of your eyes are brown
A boring, uninteresting shade of brown
I do not drown in your eyes
I do not become mesmerized
I can see
The love
The passion
The intensity
Of your character
Through those eyes that may not draw attention to anyone at first
Eyes that are not the rare shade of blue or emerald
When your smile is witnessed
Your genuine
And utterly attractive smile
They will understand your eyes
Like I do.
i guess
i will never understand
how such a beautiful boy
could be fooled into thinking
he deserves less than
The prison walls are closing in
Making it harder to escape
With nothing to do you sleep away your day
Trapped in a room that's barely your own
So many thoughts in your head
You want to leave but there's nowhere to go
This prison is your home
 Sep 2013 Emily Tyler
I've been with you
Through thick an thin,
But all you do
Is cause pain within.

Never listening
To a word i say
But all you to
Is vent all day.

I try to be nice
And smile it away
But what you don't know
Is that I have something
To say.

I try not to complain
But sometimes,
It drives me insane.
 Sep 2013 Emily Tyler
 Sep 2013 Emily Tyler
I sit in class
Staring at the board
Looking like
There's nothing wrong
At all.
I feel my pulse,
Blood running through my veins,
Asking myself
Why am I alive?
Each and everyday.
 Sep 2013 Emily Tyler
Sand Drops
trudge, traipse, troll and wane
bustling along the winding que
a sea of faces, a wave of masks
pondering along inured to all

walls of spikes held up high
forts these are, not open not whole
misery ridden hands writhe agape
solemn cries muddled in laughter
lights so bright, blinding at sight
the fates have been written
the bridges have been awoken

time heals all, but broken it has
the bridges the walls now open to all
a whole we become, the cries no more
trudge and wane, masks no more
a little ambiguous i know, but bear with me.. rather a poem that is explicit, one that has personal interpretations I find are more ubiquitous
 Sep 2013 Emily Tyler
Sand Drops
Cold stars torch the night
Untrue lights hold my sight
A lie is all i will to state
The darkness consuming, I its bait.

The world is silent
My heart violent
I gasp a final breath of absolve
Steeling my eerie resolve
A life lost, a life found
The meaning had become sound
In its wake I lay awake
Lying still for the world's sake

A lie is all I will to state
The darkness consuming, I its bait.
 Sep 2013 Emily Tyler
There's nothing I could ever wish for
Coz right now I feel complete
And I feel loved
Thanks to my loving family
For making my day a special one! :))
Not a poem actually. I'm just happy today coz I celebrated my birthday with my loved ones :"> I feel so loved and special ♥♥♥
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