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Emily Moser Aug 2014
Shut up and go to bed
Put the pillow under your head
I'm sick and tired of all your worries
Shut up and say goodnight
Say your prayers and turn off the light
I'm sick and tired of all your sob-stories

Shut up and shut your eyes
No more histrionics, no more college tries
Stop pushing, stop shoving, stop straining
Shut your mouth and button your lip
You're a late night faucet that's gotta drip
All you're doing is merely complaining

The excuse that you're crazy is useless
You're not biting you're barking you're toothless
But you're ruthless

Shut up and count some sheep
And do me a favor, don't ***** in your sleep
No more agony, please no more sorrow
Shut up and catch some Zs
Ice cream with a cherry plus a big pretty please
I promise we'll resume tomorrow...Goodnight.
  Aug 2014 Emily Moser
The wine isn't as good as I remember.
It's sour, and the sweet aftertaste isn't there.
It does the job though.
Two gulps and I'm chilled out
Ready to take on all the socialization that life's going to force on me.
Instead of uncomfortable and anxious
I will be a calm observer.
The scent of my breath will make her upset
But it's what I need to face the rest of the night.
The world is more beautiful
The leaves on the oak become beautiful green Styrofoam
The smell of the bushes enchants my senses.
Because of the wine, everything is better.
  Aug 2014 Emily Moser
Molly Hughes
I want to be one of those girls.
The girls with craters for collarbones,
arms so gamine and slender
that they mirror the bend
of a flowers stalk.

I want to be one of those girls.
The girls who can wake up and go
without spending an hour
scrutinising themselves in the mirror,
so naturally beautiful
that they exude summer.

I want to be of those girls.
The girls who like to dress like the magazines,
that are entirely sugar and spice
and everything nice,
always painted
with a rom com ready smile.

I want to be one of those girls.
The girls who always know
exactly what to say,
when to laugh
and when to shut their mouths.

I want to be one of those girls.
The girls described as ****
and cute
and girlfriend material,
instead of
'one of the guys'.

I want to be one of those girls.
Not whatever I am
who laughs too loud
and eats too much
and drinks too much
and doesn't care
what Kim K wore to the gym last week.

I want to be one of those girls.
I want -

I just want to be me.
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