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Emily Mary Dec 2013
chipped blue nail polish lay upon my fingertips
im not doing this anymore we cant keep reading scripts
of when I told you i loved you and you didn't agree
you left me hurt with the first degree
its like ****** I have no emotions you slaughtered
the fact of our feelings like you would a cow for dinner tonight.
we could've been happy but now im sitting here fretting how my future won't bright
without you in it, you drive me crazy with those big brown eyes
taunting me with your no good lies your nothing but a player
who doesn't even know how to play his own game
worried about nothing yet stilling feeling empty and ashamed
you set a trap and you captured me and abused me like caged animal
with words such as beautiful, amazing and now im enraged
with the thought of even losing you as a friend makes my stomach turn
just stop with the antagonizing words, you cut me and burned me
with your sour ways and you got on with it, im sick of the games
i don't wanna play them no more with a person
who claims to love me but doesn't.
yer' nothing but a liar
Emily Mary Dec 2013
I love you,
you just bother me to a point where it hurts
you pick and pick about **** that doesn't matter
it feels as though you don't care and it makes my heart shatter
commenting on my weight in front of people I have seen in years
these are just some of my biggest fears
that you grow to hate who your daughter really is
and then you'll start to regret having a baby with him
it isn't fair you see you're my mother
and you're suppose to be there for me
but you left your family in the dirt
and you're talking to a guy you dated 22 years ago
you're such a flirt, it makes my head spin at the thought
so I'll just blot away the tears that have fallen from my eyes
from all of the lies that I know you've told
and it makes me worry to what I'll grow up to be
but I know that my children will never see
the way you treated me or him, im not saying
i don't love you but you just bother me so much
I'm sorry,
I love you.
Emily Mary Dec 2013
You wanna here my spiel?
Come see me at my perfect home
where the sunshines even on the darkest days
While my mom makes us dinner and dad hugs her from behind
we can go and read and do homework together and I'll tell you
about my obsession with myself

but don't tell me your gossip stories of how
Lisa & Tom ****** one another in the stall at school
drama cripples my ears
as would a stampede ******* your bones

Don't ask me if I smoke ***
because I'll lie and say I don't
sitting in my bed smoking a fatty
messaging you on Facebook about my size 8 jeans
that I just bought at A&Fitch;
Have you met my boyfriend? He's captain of the Football team
the good vibes of JB's newest album makes my ears sing
I'm a straight a student that all the teachers love!
Don't ask all of my friends, they'll just tell you I'm a Brown Nose
and I don't do drama remember?
and don't trust me, I lie a lot.
Prompts with friends: write a poem in which nothing is true
Emily Mary Dec 2013
Her bright blue eyes glisten in the sunlight
as she walks down the peer, sitting on the edge dipping
her pink painted toenails in the water
this is the moment when she thinks back to the days of happiness
when it never ended, running through fields as if she saw the world
through rose colored glasses, skipping the ****** up matters of our ****** up world
remembering how she used to visit her neighbor, and they'd kiss under the oak tree
not caring about the way she looked or what she wore; she was simple
after her generation took a steep turn for the worse so did she
she now saw everything through a darkened lens wondering
when she'd get her next cigarette or when she'd have to visit her unbearable
mother, as she sits upon this peer in her old clothes
seeking help but never screaming, her shiny eyes have now glazed over
and she thinks about sinking the ship that sailed in the eighth grade
the grungy no-good ship she called disaster
and the woman who needed everything exquisite she called a mom started throwing fits
and her father got sick of all the ****,
both gave up, one abandoned her family and the other supports it
there are two sides to everything
when she told them about her problems it was a simple
"you're beautiful" or a crude "why is the bathroom door shut?"
arguments blazed and time went on and she got sick of it
and tried ending everything.
screaming into the mirror how she'll never be good enough
But she'll never know if she wants to sink or swim, she just keeps playing mind games with herself
and who she is within
Prompts with Friends: Write a poem with Exquisite, Visit, Glisten
Emily Mary Dec 2013
laying there upon her bed
the sins are running through her head
playing over and over again like a broken record player
how you sat upon her couch with the little light you had
that was coming from the bulb with the dangly lampshade
the night went on and convinced her that the expensive ring you bought
was a token of your love

what'a ******* liar as you walked away telling her you'd see her tomorrow
she waited and waited
hoping for a call or text but that phone never rang; she'll never admit that
you bruised her feelings like an abusive relationship
leaves mark not just on her body but her heart
you took her to a place that she loved just to sleep with her
did you think she was that stupid?
I hope that teaches you a lesson for all the women
that you've lovelessy ****** in the doing of your own self pity
you make me sick to my stomach and she regrets telling you how she really felt
you ****** with the wrong girl and in the end you'll pay
because she ain't playing your ***** love game anymore
Prompts with Friends: Write a poem with the three words -expensive-lampshade-bruised-convincing
Emily Mary Dec 2013
adrenaline palpitating
hands shaking
mind racing
so mad I can't even speak
when you talk about how my mother was a killjoy
or when that boy says im beautiful
texting because talking about us is too truthful
realign my smile into a numb glare
fixated on who doesn't even ******* care
my anger issues are obviously becoming a problem
with you lecturing me about how I get very aggressive
and that my life has fallen.
well guess what, I grew up and I can't change
i get it from my killjoy mother who likes to tell me I'm strange
and you wonder why I get irritated
but our generations just too overrated
life's just overwhelming
in this day in age us adolescent hot heads
can't even play sports if we have died hair or dreads

so don't sit there and tell me I have issues, when you're the one with the problem.
Emily Mary Dec 2013
your mean words slur
as they're 
trickling out of your mouth

like a waterfall of wounding

locution from your sober thoughts

but your drunken actions
 make me uneasy
as you stand there
 swiftly swaying
like a 
feather caught in the wind

at this very moment in time I think I hate you

your heart is no longer real

the blood flow that is long gone

is now diluted with cheap *****

the nasty habits you have gained 
are slowly dissipating the oxygen

that now gently dribbles through your 
inanimate lungs
and pains your ****** liver

your sunken eyes are glossy

eyes that used to be bright blue

have lost there hue and converted to a dull gray

you may have sober thoughts

but you'll always have drunken actions
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