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emily m Jul 2011
Incumbent victim
gets blown around like litter,
thrown out the window.
emily m Jul 2011
You are my anchor
Through the storms that threaten to
Pull me out to sea.
emily m Jul 2011
i feel the trace of your handprint on my heart,
a loop for every glimpse of love
a swirl for every start
of something beautiful.

we were
a wonderland-

i wonder when
(i know exactly when)

our bottomless free fall
hit rock
emily m Jul 2011
droplets of fear,
disguised in the
cotton fibers of
my sleeve,
absorbed in the
safety of

to your ignorant eye.

specks of pain
shatter across the
weakening walls of
my heart,
devastated by the
daggers of

shrouded by the
clout of your contumacy.

streams of defeat
stain my
innocent cheeks,
washed with
no longer sworn
to secrecy;

streams of defeat
drown my defense,
reveal a jumble of
p i e c e s.
emily m Jul 2011
A blade of grass
separated your pinky from mine

or perhaps a grain of sand;

now a world lies
between us,

unmovable by the winds
of our whistling hearts

which once
swept me off me feet.

Fill my senses again.
emily m Jul 2011
a boat settles at the dock,
restrained, lifeless,
desperate for release by the
magic touch of your fingers.
beyond the bay,
far beyond the
everyday continuum of ordinary,
a world awaits.

let the current of the wind
overcome the hesitancy and
fear which escape your disguise,
and consume those canvas sails with
brave existence.

spread your arms
wide like wings, and
let the wind breathe the
life of your flight.
the clear sky beckons you;
refuse to allow
stormy weather to stop you but
for a moment;
rough waters will reside.

let the salty air expand your lungs,
infiltrate your blood with
resolution, courage, fortitude.
the ocean ahead sees
endless possibility, if you believe that
nothing's impossible.

should you feel alone,
should you be fearful,
look to the sun and its blanket of clouds--
you will find me;
look to the moon and its
blanket of stars--
you will find me.
i dwell in the water beneath
your hull, in the
breeze of the earth
that sweeps your skin.

pursue your heart's desires
and acquire a taste for dreams, because
we'll dream; we will dream.

i see you in heaven's dreams.
emily m Jul 2011
i am clean,
unmarked, but the day happens,
life happens;

she comes home at night,
abuses me,
ruins me,
dirties my purity.
she brands me with
her own scars and more with
fresh wounds.

her crimson ink
bleeds onto my lines, haphazardly
some days, rough days, most days.
when the world scored a
knockout and she's down for...
a while, she's
bleeding all over me-
splatters and splashes in a rush
and then just a drop, and
eventually it stops.

i swell in red, but
she can sleep now.
pen down.

dawn will rise again,
i'll start again,
the night i end blank,
safe from the whippings and
harshness of experience, and she
doesn't come to me-

it's the end of her,
the death of me.
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