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she was the definition of not quite there
yet there all the same
she wore frills and colors when her mind was set
on success
she was unconventional beauty
effortlessly wandering
through his brainwaves and
to his heartstrings
she kissed and told
him she loved him
they filled eachother with promises kept
forever and never did they
harbour a secret in their hearts
which were torn each in a unique way
and each readily sought to mend the other
she shook when she was nervous
yet tremors hadnt bothered her
like so many times before
before he was there
before she felt his arms around her
before her heart skipped a beat
when she felt his soul touch hers
light eminated
life luminated

she gave herself to him
mind and body
readiness and wonder
limited exploration
with all greedy eyes and hands and lips

touch proved fatal to the innocence
a stare held more than three thousand words
spoken with fluidity
or meaning ever could
a stare into eyes like stars
like amethyst
like rainfall
a stare that stroked the heart
that stormed the brain

they who walked on planets hand in hand
never blinded by opression
or ignorance
arrogance or falsehood
but by love and love alone

he who would give her infinity
and she who would embrace it

clarity can be found in the most tenebrous abyss
Talk talk
Talk is loud
Meaningless and mindless
Trapped in my eyes
Are words unsaid
Free my mind of this
Unending stream of chatter
Talk has no boundaries
Fiery, explosive
Locked in my lips is a song unheard
Wipe my slate clean of this
Talk is emotion
Love and joy
Free at my fingertips are sweet whispered nothings
Love me and all of my
the doll of porcelain
frail and fragile whose
sweet china skin can break
at the slightest touch
supports with ease the
troubles of the burdened
yet the harsh embrace of
ignorance cracks her
into a million pieces
Happily she flounces
and bounces
on the ground in
her lemongrass-hued
dress of whatnots

Way back when
The worries of the world
Were nonexistent
She ruled the forests
The toadstool wonders

She never thinks
of sadness or misery as
she performs her silhouetted
for the birds

And as she flies
Above the trees she thinks
to herself
It will be like this
I think I saw the moon tonight
Ivory, aglow
Alive and bright, reflecting light
Shone through my open window

I think I felt the moon tonight
With my fingertips just so
I brushed against her dusty cheek
And whispered a meek “Hello”

I think I heard the moon tonight
Voice lighter than a feather
She shared the folklore of the faeries
Who danced amongst the heather

I traveled with the moon tonight
From Berkley to Milan
She showed me the most gorgeous sights
Beyond imagination

I danced around the moon tonight
To melodies of yore
I felt so happy and carefree
I hadn’t heretofore.

I slept upon the moon tonight
She lulled me to a sopor
She lay me back in my warm bed
And tucked me in the covers.
What a wonderful thing
It was to taste you
A mixture of sweet savory
And sensual
I cherished the feral
Passion and feverishness
As we stayed entwined
Your touch-a spark
And I breathed embers for you
Spoken soft through a whispering willow
The tear-stained leaves
Trickle and tickle the ground
The sadness as curtains
Hiding a haven of which
She gladly and greedily takes advantage
She sits and rests
Falls victim to the succubus
The bound pages
With ink strewn about them
The willow hid the wonders
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