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Emily Larrabee Nov 2013
The sun shines on its own
It needs no help to be beautiful
It's aware of its light

The moon can not shine alone
It needs the help of the sun
To make it shine at night
It is not aware of its beauty
It needs help to give us light

No one thanks the sun for making the moon shine
No one thanks the moon for being there at night
Maybe they do not understand what they do
For people like me and you
Without them we would die

Maybe this'll sound cliché
Maybe you'll end up hating this poem
Honestly I don't mind
It wouldn't be the first time
I'll just go get my friends because
I am the moon and they are
My suns
Emily Larrabee Dec 2013
Seriously? You're so immature.
Really? We're going to be stupid?
Seriously? We're in the tenth grade.
Really? I think it's time to grow up.
Seriously? This isn't funny.
Really? Now your calling me a lesbian?
Seriously? Cause I hugged my best friend?
Really? Now your calling me names?
Oh what joy.
stupid boys
Emily Larrabee Dec 2013
she left when i was four
no explanation or anything more
it cut me straight to the core
you may think i was too young
to understand but my heart tore
my baby sister she was two
she barely could walk without falling
down onto the floor
now I barely see her
she's growing up too fast
she doesn't remember much of that past
she remembers calling me "*****."
And that she loved saying "it's purple."
I remember so much more
The smell of my moms sweet perfume
how she always had these really good cookies
her hugs and her kisses
but that day when she left it hurt me so much
because a girl needs her mother
a mother cannot leave her children
but my mom she was different
she never said "Good bye."
She never taught me to fly
she didn't see Jillian become the beaut she is today
she won't be able to see my sixteenth birthday
or be there for graduation
or my wedding
but whatever at least I have my dad
and my little sister
and family and friends
at least i have you guys/girls
because i know if you were going to leave you would at least say
"Good bye."
Emily Larrabee Jan 2014
I have a secret
Please keep it
I have never had ***
It isn't a big surprise
Although most of my friends
They have
they talk about it a lot
Kind of ****** me off
My purity
means something
important to me

© 2013 Emily Larrabee. Legally Copyrighted, all rights reserved
Emily Larrabee Feb 2014
I'm pretty sure you're going to say " no"
but I thought I would ask just so I know
so that thing coming up in March
whats it called again?
Oh that's right the semi-formal.
So you see all of my best friends are either
iar or too cool for dances.
and you well you're pretty cute
and super sweet I know this is a stupid question
and I'm going to get a "no"
but I feel as though I should ask this just to be positive...
will you go with me?
or at least save me one dance?
Emily Larrabee Nov 2013
There's something about High School
That makes me angry about life
I go to school to learn math and stuff
not to be made fun of by tools
They just bug me so bad
But I have to stay calm
Before I go off the deep end
There's just something about High School
That makes you just want to cry
Or curl up in a ball till you die
But please just keep smiling
There's just something about High School
I guess that's all I have to say
Copyright ©2013 Emily Larrabee
Emily Larrabee Nov 2013
That day of rest
is truly the best
but today I feel like a mess
i don't even feel good in a dress
but with you
i feel secure
it wasn't just any
Emily Larrabee Nov 2013
Look up Mandie Thurlow and Follow her pretty please<3
Emily Larrabee Nov 2013
Verse I: I am nothing  absolutely worthless
You are everything absolutely perfect
I am the dark no one wants
you are the light we all need

Chorus: I'm nothing special
I'm nothing good
You're my only please stay that way
Never leave me I promise I won't
Break your heart

You're my everything
together or apart

Verse II:  I am just another girl
You're the most amazing guy
I am just so stupid
I bet you know how to fly
because you're amazing
you are beyond compare

chorus x2
Emily Larrabee Jan 2014
Bundled under her black and white comforter knowing her alarm will ring any second. Wraps the blanket around herself and rocks herself out of bed. Right as she does the alarm starts to ring. She tells it to shut up as she turns the switch to off. She goes out into the kitchen no one is up yet. Grabs herself a packet of oatmeal (Always strawberries and cream) She likes it thick and lukewarm with a glass of milk. While shes out there her dad comes out makes his coffee then leaves.After she eats her breakfast she slowly makes her way to her bedroom. The night before she lied out an outfit. Skinny Jeans and a purple button down shirt. She looks at herself in the body mirror by her dresser and pinches the fat around her hips and stomach. She takes off her fleece shirt and pants. She puts deodorant on and sprays herself with "Our moment" she put her shirt then her pants on. Goes into the bathroom. And brushes her red hair back into a messy bun. She applies her favorite makeup on her freckled face and her favorite lip balm on her small lips. She brushes her teeth with one of her eight toothbrushes and Colgate toothpaste. She runs into her room and puts her black flats on. Puts on her red jacket with the fur trim and walks out the door.  "Oh ****" she thinks "I forgot my back pack" She runs inside and grabs it. She makes her way to the bus stop. By the time she gets there everyone is there. About five minutes later the bus shows up. The bus is freeeezzzinnggg because the bus driver doesn't heat the bus. She sits in the seat still bundled up. A little later Aaron and Lori get on the bus. Aaron pushes her over and lies on top of her. Soon after the baybridge kids get on and it gets extremely loud. She talks to Brandie Logan Hannah and Aaron until the bus comes to her highschool. She walks off the bus and into the school. She walks to the cafeteria and puts her stuff down. She sees her best friend and walks around the school for what seemed like an hour. She sees her crush by his locker and tries to hide but he sees her and waves. She smiles and waves back shily. Soon after her class starts. Then she has lunch with him. She sits on her friends lap because there are no seats left. She checks her pockets for a dollar for a bagel but has none. One more class left. She finishes her school day and gets on the bus. (Pretty much the same thing but this time They have to pick the Jr high kids up) She gets to the bus stop and gets off of the bus. HOLY CRAP its freezing she thinks as she starts to walk home. Once she gets to her house she opens the door. She throws her stuff down and runs to the bathroom because she really has to go. Once shes done that she watches t.v. for a few hours. While procrastinating doing any homework or chores.  Finally at about 5 she decides to get some **** done... After dinner she washes the dishes and this one day asks to go on facebook. Her dad says yes so she goes on. She continuously sees Jessica's picture on facebook and tries to hold the tears in. After awhile she can't anymore. She asks her dad to take a shower but the real reason she wants to take a shower is so she can sob without people hearing her. Her dad says no though. She goes into her room and tries to find a razor.... nothing. She grabs a rock that for some reason appeared on her night stand.She srapes her arms over and over. She scratches fat into her stomach. she outlines the word Jess into her arm then crosses it out. Jess is gone she thought. She lies on her bed under the covers and silently cries until she falls asleep.
Emily Larrabee May 2014
I hate society
thanks to society I can't meet my boyfriend
thanks to society I can't meet my best friend
why you ask
they're from the middle east
and apparently everyone from the middle east is bad
well thats *******
just because of 9/11

I mean an American killed a bunch of little kids
at Sandy Hook
That doesn't mean all Americans are evil

We have security in place for a reason
what ******* is going to carry weapons on a plane
if they do a full body scan

Society is ****** up
But what can I do?
heres my rant
Emily Larrabee Nov 2013
Think about it
do you love yourself
do you know what love is
is love something you can define
do you love anybody
I know some people you must
but is love definable
or is it just a word
I realize its a feeling
we say I love you
quite a lot but do we know
what it means
is it strong liking of something
but couldn't we say
"I strongly like you"
what is love
why do we say it
how do we know if we mean it
what is love
Emily Larrabee Dec 2013
what will happen if we ever meet

will you do as you do that day

are you the same person are you as sweet

do you care would you stay

or leave and call me a freak

no im not pretty quite the opposite

What will happen

will you leave me

all alone

ditch me as everyone else has done
turn into my mother

shes made me a fighter

so baby if you are

you'll just make me mightier
Emily Larrabee Dec 2013
I am sitting in a meadow
lush and green with now trees
the wind is quiet
I break down in tear and the wind
it started whispering to me
"Please don't cry. I know it's hard
darling don't you worry."
I wiped my tears away slowly
The wind turned in a breeze and blew past me
I picked a flower as the wind whispered
"Be happy."
Emily Larrabee Dec 2013
I am a girl
six inches over five feet tall
I am bulimic
and sometimes depressed
I can't stand blood so i don't cut
I'm afraid of ***** and so much more
I'm not psychotic maybe a little weird
I love music and poetry
I love people if they love me back
I love my sister she's thirteen
I am me
and this
Who I am
Emily Larrabee Nov 2013
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Please don't be sad
I love you.
I just need
I've been distant
you can tell
I lost a friend
she did the same thing I attempted last year
what if she lived and I died
would this be the same
would people react the same
probably not
Emily Larrabee Jan 2014
Wearing mittens
boots all laced up
scarf around my neck
it's so cold
I can see my breath
it's so cold
Jack Frost isn't nipping at my nose
  he's already chewing it

Winter in Maine
well you'd think it'd be grand
there is so much ice here
that there is nowhere to stand
the birds have flown south
in Florida they land

People cover their lips with Chapstick
there is so much snow in Brunswick
seriously whats the deal with it?

I may get ******* hypothermia
walking to my bus stop

Thank heavens I wore my wool socks

© 2013 Emily Larrabee. Legally Copyrighted, all rights reserved
written on a day it was -18 here :O
Emily Larrabee Dec 2013
We met at a bonfire
it was cold as Antarctica
though talking to you I didn't get tired
though I felt you weren't listening
you just stood there nodding
but since we became friends
you talk a lot more
you're my best guy friend
that I know for sure
but you give awful hugs

— The End —