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Sleeping beauty hurt her thumb,
She started feeling overcome.
Probably she would have died,
As the witch provesized.
for 150 years,
she missed ***** and film premieres.
till' prince charming came along,
singing out a cheerful song.
kneeling down he kissed her cheek,
hoping she would wake and speak.
but her waking words were these:
"just need five more minutes, please?"
Once upon a time,
There was a little girl.
This little girl wanted to be loved,
And so she trusted.

Once upon a time,
A little girl trusted.
She trusted with all her heart
But this trust was betrayed.

Once upon a time,
a little girl was deceived.
At the time she didn't understand,
but she would grow.

Once upon a time,
A little girl blossomed into a girl.
This girl was forgetful,
Yet some memories cannot be ignored.

Once upon a time,
A girl regained some memory.
To be sure she asked,
Only the answer was worse than expected.

Once upon a time,
A girl received an unpleasant explanation.
So she held a memory,
though this memory was more like a secret.

Once upon a time,
A girl kept a secret inside her heart.
However every secret has it's weight,
And this one hurt.

Once upon a time,
There was a girl who hurt.
To seek comfort she released a demon trapped inside,
For it just couldn't do so much harm when exiled.

Once upon a time,
A girl was mistaken.
When someone rejected her suffering,
It pained her even worse.

Once upon a time,
Injury haunted a girl.
The more she tried,
The more damage was done.

Once upon a time,
There was a girl.
This girl wanted to be loved,
But her heart was crippled.
As I walk among the wreckage of what once was
I feel the guilt pulse through my veins.

This was not what I intended.
This is not what I imagined.
What began with good intentions
Ends with the stain of tears shed.

The thoughts and tears collect
Like pennies in a jar
These pennies, though, are far from lucky.

They mix together and form something altogether worse and more painful.
A penny by itself won't hurt when it is thrown at you.

Throw the full jar.
You'll see how easily I bleed.
Maybe this is just me being paranoid
or crotchety, ****** or rude
Maybe I shouldn’t even write these things down
Maybe you’re just not in the mood
Maybe I’ve come up with scenerios that are completely out of this world
Maybe I’ve done my research and I know there’s another girl
Maybe she’s skinnier, prettier and a lot less far
maybe she’s calmer, easy going and has her own car
Maybe she’s willing to do what I’m not willing to
Maybe she fits better into your box you’re trying to fit yourself into
Maybe she doesn’t nag or yell or complain
Maybe she’s not stressed out and has more time to enjoy life and play
Maybe she is perfect for you but you still choose me
Maybe she doesn’t even exist and we are still a great possibility
Maybe I’m scared and maybe I’m wrong
Maybe we actually do belong
Maybe I just want you to tell me whether I’m making this harder or easier
Maybe I just want to hear you say that no matter what, we’ll always be together
Maybe I need you more than ever and I hug myself at night
Maybe I want to feel your love before, during and after a fight
they did not tell me
i would feel like this.

they did not tell me
there would be days where
getting out of bed would be a strenuous task.

they did not tell me
there would be times where the feeling
of loneliness would embrace me so tightly,
i would not be able to breathe.  

they did not tell me
i would spend evenings alone in my room,
clinging to the seat of my chair, sobbing endlessly.

they told me i would be happy.
they told me life was a grand adventure, waiting to be explored.
they told me it would be easy.

they lied.
If you were a mirror
I would break you
If you were a can
I would crush you
If you were a cd
I would scratch you
If you were a toilet
I would **** on you

But you are none of these things
You are a frightened little girl
So now all I can do is feel bad for you
Because I don't like hurting little girls
I sometimes fear the younger generation will be deprived
  of the pleasures of hoeing;
  there is no knowing
how many souls have been formed by this simple exercise.

The dry earth like a great scab breaks, revealing
  moist-dark loam--
  the pea-root's home,
a fertile wound perpetually healing.

How neatly the green weeds go under!
  The blade chops the earth new.
  Ignorant the wise boy who
has never rendered thus the world fecunder.
What if the world were a perfect place
A perfect example of peace
No pandemonium, no evil
Only love, beauty and perfection

What if the world were a dark place
No light or life
Pitch darkness not one feeling of emotion

What if the world were a perfect blend
A balance of dark and light
Between good and bad
Where neither one tipped the scale
What if...
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