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Apr 2014 · 773
Emilie L Apr 2014
Un simple geste suffit
Pour m'avouer l'infini
D'un sentiment qui envahit tout mon être
Si seulement, pour toi, je suis celle
Que tu trouveras belle
Tu liras ainsi les mots de mon coeur
Et ainsi se dessinera, peut-être une lueur
Une histoire qui sera nôtre
Et à personne d'autre
Je tends une main vers l'inconnu
Pour que tu la prennes sans retenue
Et ensemble, nous irons là-bas
Où le bonheur nous viendra
Et à ça, on y aura droit...


© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
A Road to Remember
Emilie L Dec 2013
In the early morning of August,
We headed off to the Great Ocean Road.
The beauty of it all took my breath away.
I can still remember the vivid blue
Of the Ocean,
Of the sky.
Cheveux au vent
The piercingly cold wind
At the Twelve Apostles
Swept us away,
With grace.
In the heart of the Rainforest
We made our way through like warriors,
With glory.
The experience felt like a dream;
It was enchanting
And I loved it.


© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Dec 2013 · 588
Paradise in August
Emilie L Dec 2013
As we lay there side by side
The clouds above looked beautiful
The gush of cold breeze felt refreshing
Beneath the blue sky of Surfers Paradise
We closed our eyes
Breathed in the fresh air
The gentle sound and
The smell of the pure, untainted sea
Warmed our hearts
It was a lovely moment shared
It was a quiet, simple afternoon
With our worries behind
And an immaculate view of blue before us
Even now, I still remember how perfect it was
And I treasure the memory of it
With sheer fondness


© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Dec 2013 · 476
Trip to Your Heart
Emilie L Dec 2013
Where have you gone?
Be where I can see you
Why did you disappear on me?
Do I not mean anything to you?
The thought of you hurts so much
That I can barely breathe
Where did I go wrong?
Pls tell me
Did you give up on me
Because I didn't show that I cared enough?
Or were your feelings for me never that strong?
I miss you
I want to see you
I want to be with you
I want to travel miles
And take a trip to your heart


© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Dec 2013 · 546
Just A Dream
Emilie L Dec 2013
I saw you
And felt joy
You appeared
So differently
You showed interest
And listened
And was kind
I told you a story
Talked about the “Tallgrass” book
Showed you my world
Let you in
We connected
Took a stroll
It felt real
I was myself
With you by my side
Everything looked bright
I didn’t want it to end
Then I woke up
I knew it was just a dream
But it was beautiful...


© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Dec 2013 · 876
Vers l'aurore
Emilie L Dec 2013
Un rêve si lointain,
Ces moments si chers,
Se sont évanouis comme un soupir,
Ce beau sourire
Qui fait chaud au coeur,
Ne reste qu'un souvenir.
Le silence s'instale
Et a corps perdu,
Je m'y perds.
Cette musique dans ma tête
Comme un léger souffle
Si doux et si tendre.
Vers l'aurore, l'aube debute.
A l'horizon, une lueur se dessine
Et a contre-courant, je m'épanche,
Avec une certaine maladresse.
Mais tout lentement,
J'ouvre mes ailes
Vers une destinée nouvelle...


© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved
Dec 2012 · 721
Emilie L Dec 2012
An early bird
Is all up
And ready to go
Ahead, a challenging road
Inside, the spirit to conquer it all
To succeed without fail
To do and not just try
No matter what it takes,
To give it her everything
And make it happen
Because when you believe
Then anything is possible
I believe

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2011 · 548
~A Daze~
Emilie L Nov 2011
The delicate, velvet paper
And the silky pen of a writer;
There, they lie, on the table,
Untouched, unscribbled.
Through the windows,
A gust of wind blows,
Disturbs a profound silence
To fill the room with romance.
Outside, leaves are falling all around,
The rain starts pouring gently, with no sound.
Inside, her heart slowly melts,
Lost in a daze she knows best.
He whispers to her
Softly, in a murmur,
The words he’s waited years to say.
Feeling the moment, she turns away.
Tears fall down her lovely face;
Some things shouldn’t be said.
Now is too late,
We can’t play with fate.
He takes her hand, and she, the pen.
She has to write on the paper.
He needs to know her despair.
But he won’t let go.
And so remains the paper,
All blank; just like the world of a loner.
She can’t write for him after all
For he won’t understand
That there was a time
That she liked him dearly.
But the rain has stopped.

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Aug 2011 · 673
To a World that I Like
Emilie L Aug 2011
Here I am,
Once again.
Just this beautiful silence.
Let me melt
In the beauty.
For I seek happiness
Where there is none.
May I have a smile,
When life is harsh?
May there be a poem
For the lonely man?
Will there be a brighter day
When the rain has stopped?
Will there be roses
For the heart that is broken?
Or am I a fool to dream,
When dreams never come true?
Still, I see stars in the haze of the night,
To the blind, they bring light.
I sit and ponder,
Reflect and wonder.
When I close my eyes,
I drift miles
To look for the one star
That will lead me far
To a world that is mine;
To a world that I like.

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Aug 2011 · 629
Jane Eyre
Emilie L Aug 2011
That severe expression on his face
Would it ever be moved?
A hidden darkness had left a trace
And there’s a heart none would dare intrude
She then walked into his life
A pure, untainted, direct creature
The attraction he felt, he couldn’t deny
She was no beauty, was plain and obscure
An invisible coldness surrounded her
A painful past kept so well inside
Yet there was something about her
Something extremely sincere he yearned to find
She had manners, all too polite
The formality was rather unsettling
And so for her heart, he decided to try
Her soul, he found charming
In his eyes, she wasn’t merely a paid subordinate
She was an equal
She wasn’t a machine without feelings
And that despite her distant disposition
He wanted to seek her
A friendship thus bloomed
Stronger feelings soon emerged
Was their love even possible?
A secret shadowed what was to be
And made their union impossible
She had to leave
Though the passion inside never died
And long enough did he live
For her to see him
And be with him finally
And their souls were linked again.

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Emilie L Jun 2011
SPOILER ALERT* *This poem has been inspired by the novel "The Obsession" by Catherine Cookson, and is about two of the main characters.

“Their gaze never wavered as he went on, ‘I hope you’ll be very happy.’”
Would she give him that hand that was so delicate?
For he wouldn’t hesitate
Yet, they met a little too late
Though later, circumstances changed
So there they were, together
On the top of Craig’s Tor
Drinking beer as if nothing else mattered
Because a new life were to start for her
And they had to say goodbye
Leaving him devastated as she walked out of his life
Years later, he would still remember that lovely face
For those feelings in his heart, he couldn’t erase
She was then happily married with a lovely man
As he passed away, the other stepped in
Fate finally smiled at them
The memory of a moment
And so, old feelings ensued
The jealousy of a mad woman once threatened their union
Deranged by a sick obsession
She ended up in flames and dust
At last, at his bed, he wasn’t dead
And she called him a lovely man
How lucky he was for she was a lovely woman
No, not woman, a girl
The girl he fell in love with.

© eMs' silent poetry. All rights reserved.
Apr 2011 · 423
Can you whisper?
Emilie L Apr 2011
As a shiver, can you whisper?
As the cold wind, can you give me the chills?
As a shadow, will you walk by my side?
As the beautiful sunset, will you melt into my world?
Can you whisper the answer?

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Feb 2011 · 916
2011 Valentine's Haikus
Emilie L Feb 2011
Beautiful Silence

A beautiful smile
Melts her candid heart fondly.
Yet, no words; silence.


Your eyes whispered love,
Inside, the heart beats so fast,
Will this feeling last?

A lingering

This sweet lingering,
Will it ever go away?
Yes, if the wind blows...


Oh random stranger,
In the lovely night of May,
Stole my heart away.

Now or Never

So dearest stranger,
I shall not wait forever
Speak now or never.

Your Sweet Melody**

Your sweet melody
Resounds in my heart of porcelain,
Stops; and it shatters.

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Emilie L Feb 2011
When all seems meaningless
When you can’t understand
When what once excited you no longer does
When all are lost, even words
This is when the heart cries
And the soul is too weak to fight
A façade conveniently hides the torment
Emotions so violent
You’d rather be alone
In this world of the unknown
You’ve been rejected
You feel dejected
You lose faith
You want the pain to go away
They say things happen for a reason
And you’d rather not find it out; just move on
Because chances are you won’t find it
Some things are just not meant to be
You know it but acceptance isn’t easy
Nothing in life is easy
This is why it is so hard
This is why it weighs on the heart
And the heart but cries…for no reason...

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Feb 2011 · 1.4k
A Daisy in The Wind
Emilie L Feb 2011
Sad and lovely face;
Bright petals of the Daisy
The wind blows them away.


*Note: This is my very first haiku and is about the character named Daisy from Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby".
© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Emilie L Jan 2011
The burning skies
Desperate cries
The edge of the unknown
Those who once were, are now gone
Things which meant something, are now lost
How to let go when it hurts so much?
Behind the curtains of uncertainty
We stand to fight animosity
And struggle to find the truth
It doesn’t matter if it’s cruel
Because as long as we live…
We wish to believe
And be strong
To keep moving along
Inside, the heart feels cold
A smile then changes it all
There’s a will to make things change
Can we go back to how we used to be?
Yes if you hold my hand
And follow me
Even to hell…

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Emilie L Jul 2010
If I look high up,
Will I find peace?
If I breathe in fresh air,
Will I find bliss?
At night, I gaze at the stars.
Then I close my eyes,
Suppress inner wars,
Smother painful lies,
And stop to think
This very instant.
I dream, I blink,
I treasure the moment.
As precious as it is ephemeral
It won’t last forever.
The grey sky is dismal,
The rain is no better.
When the rain drops drip down,
My whole world weeps with it.
When the heart cries so loud,
Every piece of it is lost bit by bit.
Yet the morning does come,
And the azure sky smiles at me.
A lonely day is already gone,
A new one is about to begin.
I then forget the pain of yesterday
Because in hope, I innocently believe.
Bad memories have been washed away,
Again, my world has started to live.
Don’t take this away from me
This beautiful sky.
Will I say goodbye.

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Emilie L May 2010
Every now and then, my world spins around
Giving rise to a myriad of turnarounds
At the junction of two roads
I can't help but hesitate
Where am I to go?
In this world of nothingness
Vacuum, emptiness
I feel a part of me is so shallow
I am so hollow
Struggling to find a future ahead of me
Confused by the indecisiveness haunting me
Back there, I used to be so brave
Now here, I am but a coward
My inner self is shivering with dejection
For there's no answer to this fight
Endless as it seems, nobody knows
While I want to reach the stars
Dreaming of the wonders of a utopian life
I'm ****** into a zone of utter disgrace
Greed is not a virtue
To counter it, I have to be strong
No matter how long it takes
I know I can and I will...

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Emilie L May 2010
-If I were *****, who would I choose?

The lovely Edmund treated her kind
Indeed, kind he was in her mind
He was protective of her
His words were of comfort
She doted on him so much
That seeing him with another depressed her

The charming Henry grew fond of her
On her gentleness and modesty he dwelled
In her modest and elegant manners, he found charm
There was a sweetness to her which felt warm
And Henry was seduced by such gentleness
He found her timidity so delightful
That for her, he harboured feelings so soon

Yet in *****’s innocent eyes
Crawford’s flirtations led to his own demise
Not indifferent to what seemed to be sincere efforts
He forcing his love on her however proved just worse
She was too much convinced of his pretence
In his endeavour, she found not grace but nonsense
His unsteadiness
Her ineffable kindness
They were too much different
On such belief, she wouldn’t be bent

On the other hand
There stood Edmund, oh dear Edmund
He cared about her so deeply
But his attachment was merely brotherly
Knowing such truth saddened her immensely
Yet she’d rather be with him as a sister
Than not be with him at all
He was too virtuous to be deceived

The goodness of her heart dictated to choose none
Poor Edmund was blinded by Mary’s doings
As calculated as they were, they promised sufferings
Edmund could think of no woman but Mary to be his wife
His idea of her was exceedingly flattering; what a plight
A hurt ***** could not change his mind
Her unwavering support never left his side

And the proud Henry Crawford
What to say of his ardent courtship?
At some point, vulnerable ***** could fall for him
But she never did, not even once
He changed for her in manners and words
But to defy one’s true nature would be to lie to oneself
Temptations so strong
In the presence of an interested Mrs Rushworth
Needless to say; his true colours showed, infidelity ensued

In the end, who to choose?
If I were in *****’s shoes
It certainly wouldn’t be Henry
Such a **** doesn’t deserve a pure soul like *****
Though I don’t doubt that he truly fell for her
He ruined all chances of being with her
His incessant words of love were received with pain
He tried to win her affection in vain
But to try to gain a girl’s heart with flowery talks
This is an unwise move, it is too much

Thank God, Edmund realised his error in the end
But can he redeem himself when he showed so poor a judgement?
I doubt so; and I dare question his change of heart
His infatuation for Mary faded, and his love for ***** grew so fast
Does it even make sense to have one’s eyes opened that fast?
I dare answer in the negative
This said, none of them deserve *****
If I were *****, I’d choose none...

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
May 2010 · 626
You found me
Emilie L May 2010
When everyone left
I was left bereft
When all were gone
And all was done
You stayed by my side
And were always the one to bide
You didn't have to open your arms wide
For a smile said it all in my puzzled mind
Never a word, just a stare
Never a touch for you wouldn't dare
Mysterious and cold
Yet comforting and bold
It was all written in the books
It was all inferred from your looks
Blessed in the shadow of loneliness
You never faltered despite the mess
Wandering alone in the woods
I knew you'd come all too soon
But you came as kind as a white knight
You saved me from the darkness of the night
And revived that shrivelled soul of mine
You lifted me out of boredom
And shed light on my lost Kingdom
You were quiet and composed
But when you spoke, you didn't pause
Your voice was soothing
Your words had meaning
And your presence was a blessing
Since the dawn of time, I never felt so light
Because you made life bright; you made it right
"Lost and insecure, you found me"
Since then, you never left me
And you waited after all these years
Never stopping to hope despite the tears
Never failing to believe despite the storm
Because you knew and never asked for more
For that, I'd forever be grateful...

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.

The song “You Found Me” by the band “The Fray” inspired me to write a poem bearing this title.
May 2010 · 476
Where's the inspiration
Emilie L May 2010
Sometimes I wonder
Too often I linger
Bright lights
Dim fights
What has my life become?
The road ahead still looks lonesome
Thoughts of gloom
A giant wall seems to loom
Thoughts of uncertainty
And the need for safety
Conflicting ideas of the future
The "I don't knows”, I am unsure
Where am I heading?
Why am I struggling?
The dark thoughts, I've tried to discard
All I am hoping for is a fresh, new start
What is left for me to believe in?
Questions. No answers to fill me in
There once used to be this something to ignite the passion
This something is now missing and with it has gone the inspiration
Those words I'd write with all my heart
I can't find them anymore
Sad as it is
Gone is the breeze
Gone is my dream...

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Emilie L May 2010
In the eyes of the fragile *****
The world was all placid
Passive, the girl had been made so
Trapped in the era’s all civilities
And delicately softened with the suppression of feelings
For the expression of them came across as rude
Thus her inferior position in the dwelling rendered her mute
For a thought of her very own was deemed inappropriate
Yet, Edmund’s support since the beginning, always stayed
Edmund, this cousin so dear, the obliging one
The one for whom her feelings grew against all odds
The secret, endearing wish for a deeper affection
And the realization of the impossibility of such connection
Swirled within as conflicting thoughts
Tormenting her already wretched soul
And the presence of Miss Crawford
With her magnificence, left her torn
Her charm thus clouded a manipulative nature
But blinded the sensitive Edmund with elusive rapture
And hurt poor ***** who saw it all so clear
How to bear the loss of a companion so dear?
Deceptive motives so well masked
Yet ***** should deny it when so asked
Because she was not to choose
Because Mary was not one to lose
Despite her acting nice to *****
Were her intentions sincere?
***** certainly was no figure to revere
How was she to save her cousin from delusion?
The answer was yet to come
For now, the road was lonesome...

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Feb 2010 · 694
Emilie L Feb 2010
This connection;
Lovely emotion
Butterflies in the candid heart;
So is revealed a beautiful start
In those fascinating eyes;
A story so deep, so wise
Lost in the conversation;
Absorbed with fascination
The innocent wish of more;
For being friends isn’t all
One encounter;
Now this sweet desire
Words flowing so swiftly;
It was simply chemistry
This ease not felt for so long
And then he came along,
Changed it all
Curbed the emotional fall
And made “it” real
Please meet me someday
Be my friend, if you may
Be the light at the end of the tunnel
For me to shine though I am no belle
Yet I am hoping for you
Because I’ve been love-struck by you
And I am not ready to give up
Not for now, never....

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Feb 2010 · 2.6k
Poetic Loner
Emilie L Feb 2010
Contemplating the dark
With a life neither bright nor stark
Shrivelled and fragile inside
Aiming for wonders of the glorious mind
With the sun peeping out from ominous clouds
Undisguised, yet elusive, towards an onset of doubts
Shrouding any fallacy
Cultivating mere fantasy
And the phantom of a far-fetched imagination
To bring out an electric, yet marvellous sensation
Shut inside a mysterious cage
Grasping poetry like some sage
Aiming for aloofness
While mourning over the senseless
Forever the beauty of words is a myth
Forever superficiality is a filth
The sublime scenery of sunset swish
Warms the heart, treasuring one’s deepest wish
Via the shimmering dawn
The azure sky I so adorn
To sniff the sweet odour of nature
All alone, as solitary as ever, with a hazy future
Nobody can gauge the depth of the imaginary
And taste the splendour of the ordinary
All this simplicity unravels a cosy palace
Where art is sacred; where the aesthetic is a solace
To end up in sensuous poetry
In which there’s no calculated geometry
Where the comfort of spontaneity is soothing
And readiness is but a blessing
For in poetry, a loner like me finds her grace
For via poetry, the solitary is free to embrace
And through the line of a verse, the loner dwells a florid universe…

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Feb 2010 · 3.2k
See you later
Emilie L Feb 2010
The splendour of sunset in the far horizon
The wonder of mixing colours in a crimson
Your eyes were shining
My heart was glinting
Hugging tightly, your perfume I smelled
So innocent, so vivid, your world I dwelled
Waiting for some tenderness
Hoping for the endless
Nourishing the hope of seeing you
With the sky above you, so blue
Yet no words, not even a smile
You averted my eyes for a while
Your coldness chilled my zeal
Though my love for you was real
An unrequited passion
A depressing emotion
You took away my dreams
Nothing's no longer what it seems
Goodbye is all I can say
With the hope to see you later; one day...

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Feb 2010 · 563
A Reason to live
Emilie L Feb 2010
To the lost soul
We try to think, we try to laugh
Never have we imagined being so close
And yet so far, life sure is morose
With streaks of darkness brushing the painting
Of an abstract meaning, with a sense of belonging
Never have we imagined that to have a dream is a utopia
Illusion remains in this world full of the useless; of trivia
We wish to believe
We hope to live
We want to cling to some desperate hope
We stare at the high sky
And gaze at night, with stars so bright
We dream of flying to a faraway place
When nothing here is worth; where love is no more a grace
That’s why we wish for more
We look for the space outdoor
Could it be that outside something better is waiting for us?
Or is it only stupid to delve in other treasures and to blindly trust?
We never know what’s awaiting us; are we going to meet the fairies?
Life is like a river; it carries away with it all the memories
Facing challenges, enjoying every blissful moment
Treasuring what is dear to us, looking forward to any happy event
These and many other more form part of our boring life
Where we need to struggle and continuously fight
Otherwise what would be the purpose of living?
We have to be strong; and continue believing
Faith, a reason to live, a goal to attain
Never should we let go; to love always and again
Because this is the only way for us to achieve happiness
And to forever dream, to never wake up, to enjoy the endless...

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.

— The End —