Love is a party to
which you are not
Ah well, two or
even three steps
short of hate, good
enough, you are
the waitress of his
cold served fate
(eat it, I
You, ****, have
convinced the one
who hates you most
that in the absence of love
well, here is your ghost
Warm, right holes
right temperature
Oooh lah lah
You cannot go past
those red velvet ropes
the ones meant for v.i.p.s
and certainly not for you
to pass through
Love exits each time
you enter
Love is a party, dear
but not a costumed event
you stake your **** hole
of a mouth as a declaration
of love, you stake your
freakish circus tent
Ten years, count 'em
a few more, count 'em
your sort of love is a war
of attrition
(****, ****, ****
you blinded ***-faced
Veni, vidi, vucci
go to hell you
(in case anyone wonders at the "misspelling" of the last in the trio of veni, vidi, vici- it is not a misspelling but the last name of the **** for whom this poem was written. )