At night
I lie under the darkest cloud
I lie in a storm
I lie in brightness
I lie alone.
At night
I miss
I miss the loud
I miss the quiet
I miss chaos
I don't miss.
arms entwined
around each other
I see them
but I don't see me.
silent whispers
and unspoken looks
I see them
but I don't see me
noise and chaos
is what I have
and what I want
similar in their definitions
in a parallel universe.
But then
I see him and him and him and him
I see them all
and I see me
I see darkness
and I see hunger
and I see no spark
I see both
seeping the drastic differences
absorbing the realities
dreaming the dreams.
I see me, and I see them
both thems are different
but I'm not.
When I want to be them
I see the other them
and I see me
and then I realize
that the them could be either.
but the me,
is me.