Not a single demand, expectation, conjuncture, influence will keep me from living for me and living out the hopes, dreams, and light that I have suppressed for so long at the request of others around me.
Shocking, really, how quickly things can change, largely due to this new burning and gleaming confidence. I'm like a river - free, flowing, and coursing, and nothing will ever confine me again.
You've always tried to keep me concealed, as if I was a weapon of sorts. A weapon that could threaten everything you've built from the ground up. I've never seen myself as dangerous. I've never seen myself as needing to be handled with extreme caution, lest you accidentally shoot yourself in the foot. Why is it that you see me as a loaded gun, love? I'm not capable of such violence.
You've always been reckless when it came to me. Why the sudden hesitation?