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May 2015 · 504
without and within
Ember Bryce May 2015
I'm getting out to pursue within.
Appearing insane through the eyes of most.
A toast, to the late great sheep, who was always only half asleep.

Questions from the mind combined with adventure
Emancipating an explorer of experience.
Delirious, with eyes wide open,
seeking an ancient truth.

Love is the answer, love is what I got, love is what I will give..
But not within these walls I live.
My little run away, always astray but never lost.. a fine cost for a life to create.

"What will you do?
How will you make money?"
A reality I despise.

I prefer:
How will you rise and bring others up?
How will you change what is ****** up!?

"Look inside," my heart says with each life giving beat.
                      It's more difficult, with all these other voices,
                                                     to listen.
                                        So I close my eyes, and breath.

'Ignore what is not, and go with your flow.'

I exult my arms above my crown,
light up the heavens form the ground.
A request of peace.
through the vibrations in your soul.

My goal, is to grow
within and without.
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Jenay Breden
Ember Bryce Apr 2015
She's not gone. She's still right here.
In your smile, in your laugh,
in that awkward way you stand sometimes.
In that urge to break out into a song or dance.
In the way the wind blows your hair toward the mountains, making you gaze over them in amazement, knowing that is where you belong.
She is in the sudden bursts of artistic inspiration.
She is in every flower that opens, every star that sparkles, and every time you think of the word love. She is there, smiling with you, laughing with you, dancing with you.
Ember Bryce Oct 2014
When I take notes in school,
I write down what I want to know,
for my own personal growth.
Not necessarily what's going to be on the next test or quiz,
which I believe sometimes are two completely different things.
I copy what gives me interest or intrigue
and what I think I should see.
I am not going to let myself over-look information I deem important
to conform to cirriculum and write down what the masses are.
It screws with my grades.
But I'd rather have the satisfaction of knowledge inside me than on a piece of paper.
Call me selfish, but I think the school system and who runs it is selfish."
Oct 2014 · 1.0k
Dream Theory
Ember Bryce Oct 2014
This is the kind of note I hope you all have an addition to..

I think I've come to a realization. Just watched "waking Life" for the first time the other day and I've ALWAYS been super curious about dreams. The many discussions with my roommate Jenay Breden the many talks on deja vu with Ben Masters, and many others, I am open with dreams and like i said very curious and good at asking questions (To me it is kind of wrong because I feel dreams tell A LOT about people so I am getting all this information from someone and they think they are jsut telling me a silly dream that means nothing.) A dream is an opening into your soul and psyche. Its very personal yet can be profoundly universal.. Anyway, I had a strange dream last night: (haha though all dreams are strange)
but the premis of it was a personal moral I feel I had to overcome at this moment in time..

not all dreams are the same, it might not be a moral, but the conquering of a long journey. For example I've had many a re-occuring dream where I would be on a quest and every time I have not completed it but the next time I dremt it I got further. Till one night I will complete it, then not have the dream again..

about half my dreams are scary on all sides of spectrum, from having family in danger, to other dark things.. to monsters, to death, running from someone/thing, to real-life-stuff to not-so-real-stuff, to parkouring in a mansion while my friends and I throw random objects at each other (i know.. what? haha).
Random dreams about things I desire, or fullfilment of life goals (one time I wrote a song on the piano in my dream) or the dream I had about swinging on the vines in the jungle before my bday.
Such as adventure dreams: flying is a huge thing i do in my dreams that I savor each moment of. A very-young-me dream was I was a sto-away on a pirate ship, but it was fun to travel through the maze of hidden spots..
Or maybe other dreams that aren't so much scary, but things I fear happening. Like a boyfriend cheating, or losing money. I mean, we all have these dreams.
My girl Ashleigh was telling me how her and her boy, had a similar dream the same night.
I see random people I know, and people I don't know.. yet
Such as deja vu. Ever since I had the theory a couple years about deja vu being a dream you once had, I have only encountered moments that attest to this.
Almost every deja vu Ive had I remember it being from a dream.. How can your mind know what is going to happen in the future?
We all might have heard that our mind and the universe are one. In many ways you know. examples: positive and negative affirmations, how the way we think spans subconsciously to others (when you're thinking of someone and they all of a sudden call or text you), we are all connected, etc
SO, if the universe IS our mind (and our souls are connected to this unvierse, to each other) and the universe has no time, because how can you put a tangible definition to something intangible, (i also got that from reading "universe in a nutshell" by Sir Steven Hawking).. then the universe/your mind, already knows the many paths your physical self can take in future, past, and present.
But WHY then (always my question:WHY), why then would it want to show you this glimpse into 'the future'...?
I will leave with a lucid dream I had one night:
a re-occuring place in my dreams I've noticed is a housing complex that is many stories tall where many people of many different ages and ethnicities live.
In this particular dream we are being chased not by zombies or aliens but a mix of the two, they look like the creatures from 'I Am Legend'.
I first noticed I was 'just in a dream' when one of them was chasing me up a flight of stairs and i fell, on my **** hands and legs scrambling up I saw it come for me and kept telling myself to 'wake up wake up!' and i might have for a second or two but then right back to sleep. When i realized there was no way out of this and that it was: 'MY dream, i could do what i wanted with what I had' (sound familiar to one's waking life? hmmm) before this whole moment I had run out of amo and had no gun so was at a lose to be easy prey. I was in the basement with everyone else of the house or others who had run in for shelter, and the beings were on their way downstairs. All of a sudden I thought 'there is a gun on the person in front of you and it is loaded' i grab the gun and with excitement but uncertainty I shot at the beings, and sure enough, they one by one fell down. WE were all, now, safe. Then it cut to a scene that we were all at a bar dancing and celebrating. haha
I am excited that i have lucid dreamed before but its not like once you do it from then on you are capable of it, it is very rare for me to lucidly dream, but still very exciting.

Please Please coment and tell me ANYTHING relatable to this. your dream, your thoughts, your theories, your deja vu, your disagreements.. I am very intrigued. I would create a blog somewhere but have no idea where to start, so i started here..
I tagged people I know and love and people i've noticed who have also taken interest on any subject I've mentioned.
Sorry for anyone I missed but please feel free to comment anyways if you see this and are not tagged
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, no matter if I said it, only if it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
Oct 2014 · 1.0k
Ember Bryce Oct 2014
How Beautiful it is, this Gift of Life!
           The Gift To Be!
The Irony is.. it is what you Perceive.
       How Vast your Ontology.
Idiosyncrasy shows you,
    what you know either Flows you,
              or Stills your Will to Grow.
To be Happy is a choice!
To be ignorant in an Age of Information,                  or to have a Voice?
The Absurdity is--
Our Transcendent Consciousness is within an Immense Majority of Reality.
            We are but a small Human Form; a speck in Space and Time.
                  Each Chain of Action holds many Justifications, and We are the Authority.
If there is no Reason to Believe that Anything Matters.
        Then the Opposite must be true.
     There is Reason to Believe that Everything Matters.
That is the Irony:
          We, as Conscious Beings Knowing!!
                    - Yet only Knowing that which we want to fit into our Epistemology and Ontology.
Perception: We See and Do only what our Self Allows us.
               The Collision of Reality and Perception within us, is like Chains Binding us.
Yet, we hold the Key to our Freedom..

                                                         "All of a Sudden I said, 'Could you Believe!?'"
-Inspired by the philosophy of Absurdism.
Mar 2014 · 492
Mind Dancing
Ember Bryce Mar 2014
Dance away to the dream domain.
Sleep sounds surreal to the insane,
body remains, mind flies.
She tries to close her eyes..

Please sleep, become of me,
like a rock to my feet in a mental ocean;
dragging me deeper to the depths-
Mind that won't stop, Thoughts that wont be.
Is it I who calls to them or them who calls to me?

Restless awakening,    is
a blind man's curse to one day see.

"I think therefore I am,"
a man once said.
On an Island in a book, that
a girl once read.

Born of the stars I'd be so wise,
To spread my wings and swim the skies.
Mind flies, body remains
dancing away to the dream domain.

(Instrumental break)

"Fly me to the Moon,"
a man once said.
On a record, in a room,
with a ******* her bed.

Restless awakening, cannot be tamed
a wild heart with a pretty name.

They came with swords, I came with words.
Above the clashes, they cannot be heard.
From the ashes arise a bird
open your eyes
and fly away.
Feb 2014 · 504
Ember Bryce Feb 2014
Art is a kind of innate drive that seizes a human being and makes him its instrument. The artist is not a person endowed with free will who seeks his own ends, but one who allows art to realize its purpose through him. As a human being he may have moods and a will and personal aims, but as an artist he is 'man' in a higher sense— he is 'collective man'— one who carries and shapes the unconscious, psychic forms of mankind.
When art comes to you, you must get it out before it flows through you
Ember Bryce Feb 2014
symbolizing that we are all pupils in the universe.
Feb 2014 · 494
"Out of Reach"
Ember Bryce Feb 2014
'The staff strays
and music plays
notes sounded, noises heard
silence speaks
feelings flow, energy bursts
clouds part
making way for the pitt patter
of rain.'
waiting for the rain to fall
a new rainbow is on the horizon
Feb 2014 · 314
Let me be
Ember Bryce Feb 2014
You say im so beautiful, yet you do not accept some of my flaws.
This is who i am, everything you see, I embody it all
I appreciate you trying to help me become a better woman
I need to learn things on my own and come to my own realization.
I'm not playing well enough yet.
I am enjoying what i am doing now.                   Let me learn.
It might not be the "right" way, but many ******* things were either discovered on accident or invented by straying from the norm.
Let me be beautiful.
Ember Bryce Feb 2014
I love my family, love my friends,
love an ongoing list that never ends,
because all kinds of love do surround,
patiently waiting to be found.
But you, my man, i love in vain
this heart feels physical pain
If it wasn't for you i would not understand
the love between a woman and a man
Feb 2014 · 355
these thoughts
Ember Bryce Feb 2014
they* eat at me
why am i so tasty?
from the inside to the outside
a combustion of both
met at the ego
Feb 2014 · 594
Divine Source
Ember Bryce Feb 2014
Angelic Being of OM
Life on planet Earth is a test of personal growth
the fabric of afterlife is pure LOVE
all communication is telepathic
you are precious and infinitely loved more than you can possibly imagine
Love is not jealous or selfish, but unconditional
You are never alone
Love dominate the Universe
If you want to know the Universe, know Love
Oct 2013 · 926
Sleeping Wake
Ember Bryce Oct 2013
Her dream surrounds a great movement amidst the winds and sands.
             The engulfing trees tower over the travelers upon entering the dense forests filled with                                                                      strange beings not of her land.

   Danni awoke after another one of what could only describe as her sleeping story, but it never seemed to go anywhere. The people she was with were always moving. Instinctively she knew that they had left behind their original home, and they never spoke.
   She took in a deep breath and exhaled as she walked downstairs to the harsh frequencies of the morning newspeople. That meant Ronald was awake, he always had the TV on if he was awake. But he was never really awake. He was always stuck in a blank expression, going through mundane motions of everyday. She nonchalantly passed him as he ate the food.  They never talked, in truth, Danni didn’t talk to anyone in the rest of the complex, none of them had the sleeping stories, nobody had the sleeping stories.  
   She met Jamie at the park, one of the only people she talked to because Jamie didn’t watch TV or eat the so called food, either.  They were able to speak on a higher sense of knowing what most people did not understand. But there was a premonition of change to come. There was a constant vibration reverberating throughout that promoted a positive oneness.  The others like her and Jamie, that seem to be the rare thinkers, were growing as well.
   The thinkers are a danger to the watchers, because they don’t want the change to spread. They put people away like Jamie and Danni but the masses are unaware.  Thus leaving the thinkers never to discuss this voice they constantly heard expressively.
   That day after Danni finished telling Jamie her rendition of remembering last night’s sleeping story, Jamie suggested something she never has before. She told Danni to try to wake up in the story being told and see if she can move on her own and interact with the others, maybe then she can find out the reasons behind these images.
   That night, as she lay and look up, she kept focusing on trying to wake up.  Finally asleep, the restless pictures started to show. This time Danni thought intently about each step and focused how they felt, to the movement of branches, to the wind on her face. She consciously blinked in her dream then tried to speak.
   Where are we going? She asked to no one in particular.
   Everyone kept moving but she heard a small voice behind her reply with another question: Hello? Are you dreaming too? Danni almost froze except something about the story kept her legs moving. In shock she turned her head toward the source of the sound. A boy, not much younger than her who had before been keeping a steady pace, was also able to move on his own, and speed slowly closer to Danni. What’s a dream? She almost couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth, but something about it was familiar.
   It’s those strange pictures you see every night that no one else does. Danni was silent, not knowing how to react to this new information. What is your name? she finally managed to say.            Andre, he replied, there are more people like us, that can dream, and more of us are waking up in the dreams.
   Anyone can do this?
   Yes, if you are willing to.
There was a comfortable pause as everything settled in.
Where are we going? Danni broke the silence right before awakening in her bed.
a terribly quickly written short story for my Biology class during our subject of evolution.
*Expand your mind; Evolve*
Sep 2013 · 454
In My Hand
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
There is something making movement,
in my hand.
It is very warm, it inhales then expands
Thick liquid drips down my fingers to the floor
Thumping sounds like steps coming to a lonely door.
The soft top layer squishes when I squeeze.
Though strong, very strong indeed.
This thing I can tell is very much alive and i feel my fear creep up inside.
For I know that though it's as big as my fist, it will falter at the tiniest, misunderstood risk.
So delicate and fragile, it's a lot to handle
It's not a toy, nor something to take
for granted would be a huge mistake
Because to somebody else, this heart does belong
and they have held mine too, all along.
Sep 2013 · 666
Our Own Dilemma
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
My newly gotten kitten,
was playing in the kitchen,
chasing a delectable treat

He pushed it around
on the cold-hard ground
as if it were live meat

Now that he's older
and learned cognitively
that treat is not what is seems

So now there's no push with a playful paw
No thrill, or excitement, or lifeless, I saw.

For there instead
in his bemused head
the thought his beliefs are a lie

So now he just eats it greedily
because it comes so easily

..this is our reality..

Imagination is a word
seldom ever heard
except to describe the child inside

That kitten, you see,
represents you and me
because we once had those ideas

Nothing is real,  Nothing is fake
it's all from inside, it's all what you make

But our society has told us what is right and wrong
and we have believed it far too long

You must follow a one mind track thinking
instead of listening to your truth

Just like this kitten,
who played in the kitchen,
chasing a delectable treat
Sep 2013 · 549
Tick Tock
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
tick tock, tick tock
the most frightening noise,
like the watch on your wrist,
counting you down.
                           The metronome used to keep time with the rhythm.
How can one be 'out of Time?'
Referring back
        to counting down
                  till time          runs            out..
but out of Time?
Completely dismembered from it,
in this space of four dimensions?
Of course not,
it's to keep time with the band, excite, Move the Energy of 'Time' and make people get lost under your control,
playing with the ripples of time through us..
Sep 2013 · 434
Three Variations of Love
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
The energy of Love flows through us and around us, always..

              A starving ****** sits
                alone in the dark
                      and waits;
     wishing, pretending, hoping
                     for Love..

                                          As a hungry Lover begs
                                                         for­ more,
                                       seeing how much he can take;
                                         pleading, chasing, playing
                                                       with Love..
                                       ­                                         An empty Child cowers
                                                          ­                                 and hides
                                                           ­             the sleeve with her broken heart
                                                           ­                      crying, missing, hating,
                                                         ­                                     Love
Some sad souls don't get to experience Love.
Some are Greedy with It.
And some get Hurt by It..
Sep 2013 · 521
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
Sep 2013 · 1.6k
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
I don't want to think anymore, my thoughts are just a bore
I'm tired of being so consumed
my mind and body are too heavy to carry

I don't want to feel anymore
my pain and sorrow overflow
happiness is unfamiliar
the emptiness   is filling me up

I don't want to dream anymore
my fantasies have escaped my head

I don't want to try anymore,
cry anymore,
die anymore

I want to Live

I need Self Satisfaction
Self Praise
Self Love
I need Love

Why do I feel so low
so down
I would like someone to warmly hold me
and kiss me on the head
I would like someone..
Sep 2013 · 615
Pass IT On
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
When you feel the beat, you hit it right
the flow should send a might so strong
through your body and excel
to the furthest reaches of the Universe.

We don't know why we're here
but why waste time
asking questions of the sort?

Just live life
to what makes you happy.
What makes you feel you are Worth something?
Cause in the end, that is why you're here

To Do something,
Change Yourself
Be a Better Person
Influence Another's Life
Ignite your own Passion

Changing the World, One Creative Mind at a Time
Intelligent Thought,
Pass IT On..
another one that started from a flow
Sep 2013 · 543
Mind your Mind
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
It's the way you use your mind, to think and perceive all that's around you,
Determines your attitude, morals, respect, religion, success
What makes you happy or sad is all up to you
Sep 2013 · 934
Judgmental People
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
I cannot be tamed,
but I cannot be blamed,
for the way I behave.

I can tell you want me,
I can see it in your eyes,
when you look right at me,
and your pupils dialyze.

I'm just being me,
why can't you see?
You can't hate what's true, shows what you knew
about people, life, judging, and grudging..

You can't, for it only grows hate in your heart
When you think bad thoughts about yourself and others
there's a part of You that melts away
And the demon inside, is free to play..
Sep 2013 · 456
False Perseption
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
Strange faces blur
but the familiar
is what stirs
the only comfort
that we are indeed
Sep 2013 · 394
Forgotten Word
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
When you get down to it, there's no stopping me.
To my moves on the floor, the the words in my flow,
         there's no copying me.
I just spit out some more,
Oh, I'm sorry, did I get that on your face?
      I didn't know this **** was a race.
Not one where the winner is the fastest,
but the one who can actually last this; stand this:
                 Conform! Please the Man!
                    hierarchy, or
                          do what you can
                                                  to ask,
Who Is Man?
Who Am I?
                 Often, hidden like Waldo in this world..
                          Where even 'Hello' is a Forgotten Word.
started as a flow
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
The beat you can't repeat,
   my flow's last defeat,
     will not be obsolete
            some teach
            some preach
             but i reach
             then breach
what others cannot see
even when they seek.
          For it's only seen when the weakness, and darkness, and harshness of Soul, disappears.
                                   As clear as the near drop of Life spills down your throat
                            As the lips slips and drips Truth that the Conscious Cannot Hide.
But it must be released
Or it will become deceased
            And crawl back to the Corner of the Mind
Where through the Door,
              ­                       to the Imagination, Creation, Manifestation of Thought, Individuality, and Soul
The whole of the creature made up of this, separates it from the rest..

                Though all else is the same,
                                   aggression, survival, with no protection but skin
                                              Nothing guards our Minds..
started as a hip hop flow
Sep 2013 · 682
Feeling Creative
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
uncanny     unrefined      
   undefined, but established
               Here, Now, In this Moment
                                                     then gone

Constant flowing imagination
creation, frustration, hesitation
rain came clear beyond
this cliff of addiction

Who knows, motion
beautiful mistake
mislead confusion
finding rise

Drugs, keep em coming
Escape, Abuse, Release

The show must go on,
no matter how heartless,
really bad free write, surprisingly i think i was sober
Sep 2013 · 952
Spark of Reality
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
I slowly lose it every once in a while.
Get too "out there", philosophical thinking.
I lose myself in thoughts, but seem to find out more and more Truth.
I get a spark on insanity, but it helps me see the sanity in it all.
I get happy to know this is in existence, then sad and angry that no one else sees it.

Sometimes just want to drop everything and yell: "Do you not see this, do you not see what is happening right now to you to me!?"
We are incredible beings, with the ability to think and feel, and know we are doing so, the capability to create, destroy.
Yet some of us are still mundanely getting up at 5 to go to a job we hate to come to a broken home to watch our favorite t.v. show to help us escape from our lives, to drink some beer to chill out, to buy that bigger car to make us feel less small.

If everyone, right now, could just stop what they are doing, look up at the stars..
you are connected to everything

If everyone could realize that this Earth is our original Mother and our only Home, like really see, maybe even feel how she feels, would they respect her more? If they knew the natural givings she offered for us to live, the herbs, food, habitat, water, medicine, etc, would we stop destroying it?

If everyone would focus on meditating and Love as much as they do the clothes they wear or the shows they watch, imagine the exponentially positive vibrations this world would propagate!

I understand a lot of our ancient wisdom has been swept under the greed and power rug. I understand some people and cultures still adhere to these, and to other natural laws of love and life. But i also see the opposite, and the indifferent.

t's good to be good, it's bad to be bad, but it's worse to be indifferent. Some of you are. You hide in your magazines, your T.V. Shows, your gossip, your fake happiness. the happiness you create out of thin air and consciousness. That is how I make my happiness too, but I don't birth mine out of sorrow and lies.

I know what I know, and I am satisfied, but will always remain a student, and hopefully at times, a teacher.

The children are growing, evolving, and astounding me. I've always known there was something special about children, and there is. They are the closest ones to the realm between Life and Death. They know more truths than we do, and we tell them lies. We tell them what they know in their heart and soul is not real, which is a huge mistake. Because also as children, we start to believe it, so we conform to a society of one-way thinkers.
Indigo, calling out to you to color the spectrum with your radiance of intelligence. Watch out for these guys.. I know I have qualities, and I try to have many conversations with others that do as well.

Insomnia. Why? Idk. Several reasons. Writing helps. Maybe I have too much **** up in my head. I need to get some of it out.

Still I cannot help but fathom the fact that I know all these things, (and I know others do too) yet I walk around the bare white walls and see the blank step ford stares of other inhabitants of this planet.  They are all going about their business as if nothing is happening. As if all of this is normal!
Sure I can do all this homework, go to work, pay rent, pay for school, drive a car, text and drive, eat this fast food, study, make my parents happy, make the cops happy, don't step on anyone toes, just try to be the best in my field, find someone, marry them, have kids, raise demons in this Hell, cry, become old, wonder where my life went, buy a motorcycle to make me feel better, see my kids all of a sudden leave my house, get sad and lonely again, continue my mundane job or hopefully have enough money to quit and travel, maybe retire, maybe have a cool hobby, try to **** myself with cigarettes and ***** before I live old enough to really hate myself.
Yea, that sounds really normal. I mean comon' most People on this Earth live like This. (If you can call it living).

**** NO! WE have the powers and capabilities to think and to do, so ******* do them.
think for yourself, do for others

It makes me feel better to come across things like Spirit Science or The Emerald Tablets or The Flower of Life books. Because it proves my sparks of insanity are real. I am not alone in the way I think.
This non-believer found something to believe in.
Now I must be patient, I do not want to become one of those 'bible-pushers' i hate so much.
But the Movement needs to move..
Sep 2013 · 2.3k
Consciousness is God
Ember Bryce Sep 2013
We write because there is an unexplainable magical phenomenon surrounding us called conscious.

It is what expanded in the very beginning, it's will evolved everything living.
It invented these elements, that binded to create compounds.
With the help of gravity and expansion, these natural chemical compounds slowly started structures.
Other elements were produced, binded, and reproduced, exponentially manifesting other life.

Thankfully, consciousness is beautiful.
And it has an exquisite pattern that boggles the mind. Astronomers, mathematicians, scientists, artists, and other mortal men are astounded by it (even if they don't know 'it' yet). Because of this pattern, known as The Fibonacci Sequence, also relates to geometry, dimensions, and space, creates "The Flower of Life".

Look up into the stars and you will see them all pointing out, all moving still as one, there will be one brighter star that seems to serve as the center point for the flower. But focus on another and you will see the flower there too. Howl at the stars and you will see a dimension of movement as they shine a tail reacting to your vibrations. (I wonder if that's what wolves always see).

It is because of this pattern that the compounds "fell" into place. They happened upon a dimensional line and shaped nicely into spheres that includes all their elements they were attracted too. They followed the Sun and other stars for the light and a leading center point. Our rock (this planet) just so happened to be perfectly away yet close enough to the Sun, and had the right kinda elements, that it was able to form a livable habitat for something..

It was the first four main elements that came alive with activity on the surface of this land. Earth, Water, Fire, and Air started oozing, spilling, swimming, forming, into a place that gave way for the compounds that make up the cells of plants to sprout. Bacteria grew also out of cells and atoms and ****. Bugs and other simple creatures where the first to be bestowed upon this mass. This consciousness just wanted to grow, however way it can or does, it did. Even as reptiles, as dinosaurs, as birds, as sea creatures. The consciousness that started the craziness was snot stopping any time soon. It was going through trial and error, how we, everyday, always do. The consciousness just wanted to grow, to do, to be, it needed to replenish it's energy through eating whatever else it had created, it needed to reproduce so as to continue, and it needed to die to make room for the new and improved. But this consciousness is always there, always around, flying everywhere.

Other habitants of this universal consciousness has seen our Planet, and they were pleased. Good and Evil wanted to help or destroy.

The weather, and geology, are also still a part of this consciousness, and with their elements and the expanding evolution of the atmosphere and core of the Earth, were able to evolve as well. Other animals came about as a reaction and adapted to the ever changing environment.

Finally, the consciousness that exists in every thing that tells it to move, to change, to do, to be, to create: started having emotions.. Thus, humans were created. We still have that older consciousness of wanting to do, to be, to create, to reproduce. We have viral qualities of latching on to a host and slowly destroying here (Mother Earth), we have plant like and animalistic qualities becuase we have a male and a female that reproduce, we feed, we grow, we protect, we crave the Sun, we crave acceptance. But now we also crave Love. We encompass compassion. We have consciousness, and we KNOW we have consciousness, we not only think and make decision, but we know that we are. Isn't that crazy!? I believe many animals are starting to think this way too..

We embody emotions, the greatest being love. Fear was an emotion for the first creatures on this Earth, it is slowly evolving to Love. Fear made us make more. As bacteria and viruses, we fear deceasing to nonexistence, so we become stronger to keep up with the cures. As plants we feared being over powered by others, so we reached out our limbs and branches to touch closer to the Sun. As animals we fear other animals. As humans, we know what it is to love and be loved.

Some Earthlings know the powers we carry, and of the Mother and Father.
Some give praise to these every day, because we are the children.
Some don't, some have lost what it means to be.

Some have evolved in the opposite intended direction. Which is silly to say because as consciousness' only meaning is to grow, be and do, with this statement, consciousness is going in the 'right' direction. I do not know yet why there is good and evil sides of consciousness. did one come as a result of the other? were they nth part of consciousness at the same time? Can we all agree we need both? (cannot feel pleasure without pain, etc) or can we see what it is like with just good surrounding.. then in that case, who is to say what is good: The child dancing in the rain, watching her garden grow, catching droplet on her tongue, would say the weather is 'good'. The lovers' getting washed away in the flood trying to save each other, would not. But all this is 'the way things are'. Anyways..

to be continued
Aug 2013 · 781
Escaping to the Mind
Ember Bryce Aug 2013
Day dreaming keeping my mind from sleeping. Lack of it is depleting me mentally. Or is it too many zzz keeping my eye from ease and not enough action to please my restless laziness. At home I feel safe to open up and express to explore my minds deepest recess. I don't like what I find half the time, but I must accept the darkness. Harness and caress though the thoughts never rest. What must I do but continue to stew this *** of rotting intentions. Innovation, manifestation, creation. Please become of me so I can of you. So much to give, so much to do. A need, a desire to feed the fire of knowledge and my capabilities. A challenge indeed is what I need. An endeavor, an adventure. An escape. So maybe that is why, I run into my mind.
Mar 2013 · 546
night one
Ember Bryce Mar 2013
In this race, we might lose the pace as it slips through our widened eyes and spacey minds
there are no posters here, no **** nor beer,
not much to be called my own,
shadows and light are my only friend tonight.
with the exception of my cat, the only air of what once was
i do not feel welcome in my own home
alone. no, lonely perhaps
but isn't that just a state of conscious?
Peel back and reveal a mystery;
meaning to be discovered, uncovered, justified
        Cried to be free!
so be it
Mar 2013 · 2.0k
Bright Lights, Blank Stares
Ember Bryce Mar 2013
Bright lights stare
as they whizz down the street in pairs
Judging me, not seeing me

I walk alone, head down.
my feet pass quick and steady as if a river and
Like a curious child I see below the bridge where I stand
Wishing to know the meaning of existence
Yet content with the view
And wanting to jump in.

No one can see me crying
Its too dark
Just to be safe I pretend I have something else on my face every time I wipe it
The fresh tears mix with the aged aqueous
And disappear with those of the past.

Their bodies of steel are cold,
Their eyes are sharp, their words easily glide through my skin like a razor held by a hopeless addict
Their man-made mistakes
Become by most feared and hated.
People with labels and names,
Are but just that

I’m alone within the voices
I push them back with my chair and whip.
Trying to tame the temptress
that seduces my escapist muses
But she growls and snarls and I feel the scratches slowly turn to scars and wounds on my inner most soul

How long can someone keep their chin up
Before they are simply just ignoring reality, ******* up their ‘control’
Should  I tell myself  again, “its’ gonna be okay”, or is it alright if I take time and break down

How many more drawings can be?
with the colors of black and white spilling from me and outside the lines
How many words regurgitated from my mind
Scrambled in a way they might be defined.
How many more patterns of vibrations will I need to resound to match my frequency
How much more art must spew from me that is otherwise calm and quiet
Should I open up and try this thing called talking?
Though I have tried.. I stutter, I get lost, I bore
I move my lips but the blank stares flare a hole in me like the Sun through glass on a scurrying ant.

I know they're not listening

My art listens
But it cannot talk
Just display to me what is inside
Escape that which I have been imagining
Or creating, or thinking.
Though it can speak, profound
Without making a sound

But I would like a voice
Not one of mine, of another
Who will listen
Not just talk

Introvert, shy, stuck-up, I’ve been called all the above because I don’t express easily what  others say so freely.
Nervous, intimidated,  Insecure
Sensitive, what will they think when I say something?

“I’d rather be thought of a Fool , then to open my mouth and remove all doubt”..

but  maybe an open mind cannot be,
without an mouth willing to open.

My arms spread wide for all who need, my heart is displayed.
But please don’t be greedy
Stepped on, used, abused, have I
Been because of my gratitude and compassion
I wish someone would listen to me, as if it were a silent pupil to a master whom only speaks the truth and only when he feels ready

Bright lights, blank stares

Water, moving, flowing, going, nature vs machine
Nature vs man
Spirituality vs reality
Mar 2013 · 740
Healing Powers of Love
Ember Bryce Mar 2013
Healing powers of Love
stealing the pain

Biting my bottom lip, ******* me wet
Come in to me, and I will surrender

Hold up my arms, out, around your body embracing upon mine.

Animals, we are
just cannibals
eating hearts, sharing souls
your strongest hold
leave me free to move as one

Free birds have a reason to sing
I enter and stay, knowing any day, I could fly away

Leave the cage door open, and after my adventures have burned
to your shelter, I will return.

Silent conversations
our eyes speak
our hands ******
The energy produces propagating waves
And I see the colors of the spectrum

Open me up,
and enclose me,
within your symmetry

In pain no longer,
your love heals.
Mar 2013 · 617
Winding everlasting road
Ember Bryce Mar 2013
On this winding ever last-
a road.
Referred to as Future, Present, and the Past.
Our souls, they journey throughout time.
In spaces they swim, in objects defined.
The present connects, we are all, and we are one.
The future reflects on what once was.
A possibility, a question, a mystery, best left to be unsolved.
The past, evolved.
As if poetry it rhymes but never repeats.
Some seek for answers, some seek to be.
Is it a selfish question to ask Who is me?
No, just micro, for the big picture shows.
It has it all, that you'll ever need.
We could embrace out own existence, ask the why and how but get resistance.
It does not want to be found; it wants to be lived.
One may drowned in the deepest depths they venture to swim.
Try to understand, all you can.
But greed is a fault of the mortal man.
Though, I still, cannot help but wonder
Who are you and who am I?
Mainly, I am along for the ride
It is the flow to which i subside
The answer is, we have a reason to be
known by the other, and just maybe
we're here to help each other.
On this path
of Future, Present, and the Past
Wandering on this winding road
An adventure has been bestowed
and maybe not a pondering question of why
but an action, our quest, will help us find.
For now, I have come to conclude,
it is this present to which i am subdued
and in it, I am happy to share it with you..
Jan 2013 · 350
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
I do not get this thing called Time
     why does it move with the rhythm of my Rhyme?
I wait
     it slows
I start
    it goes
I do not understand
         it slips
                  it drags
    it bores
            it roars
     you should not Exist
Jan 2013 · 2.0k
This Tree pt. 1
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
there's no where else i'd rather be
than sitting right here, besides this Tree
watching the geese as they flee upon the Lake
covered in a frozen sheet
i feel nothing relatable to obsolete,
with these roots beneath
i feel complete
the Landscape is truly beauty
to be seen
the Air is casting a moment serene
Nature to behold in all it's glory
tells a most profound story
simplicity and grandeur
meet on this design
the Freedom of Flight
is shared with the Sky
The birds in their grace
replace asking why

instead, it is clear
so i release my fear
an reply in the language of Silence
i breathe in as my giant companion breathes out
moving as one though
staying still
Dancing to an unexplainable music
but feel it strongly as i witness it within them
Jan 2013 · 636
a light in the darkness
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
Why is your soul so attractive to me?
       I wanted you before I knew you
I made you up
piece    by     piece
                          you came together
   in my past, endeavoring, thoughts
before I knew I had you
       in front of me

From the first moment I knew
   I felt like we've known each other before
                          maybe we have..

It sparked my curiosity
        why are you so intriguing
   it is rather exciting
Cognitively, I put up my security
      and held up my heraldry
But I am slowly seeing, you are not one to be fearing
       Why are you this way?
               Why are you so beautiful
    Perhaps because I am use to the hostile

You must experience darkness to appreciate the light
    I embrace your light and soak it up like the rays of the Sun
                    Of all the questions I have but just one
        to answer me,
please       can we continue to be
Jan 2013 · 3.4k
I Wish They Knew
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
I wish my mom thought we were more important that the T.V.
I wish my stepdad thought we were more important
than his nightly bing drinking

I wish my stepsisters wouldn't be depressed to come home
or afraid to stay after dinner
instead of fleeing, alone
to their designated shelter

I wish my stepdad was less angry all the time
I wish my mom didn't have to thirst her sorrows with
boxed Franzia Red Wine

I wish she would stop complaining,
and see all the little things worth enjoying

I wish they knew their lives were slowly wasting away
faster than the drinks they put down
and the sarcasm they put out

I wish they knew there was a world outside
because I'd like to experience it with them
and leave some good memories inside

I wish they knew that missing their life
was more important than missing their show
I wish they knew missing their children's lives were too

I wish they could sit down with us
and learn what brilliant family they have
But we are too boring
We are no ****** mystery, crime
sport, beer, or wine

I wish they would be honest with themselves and each other
and admit out loud that
they are unhappy

I with they knew the energy they expelled
the atmosphere they create
makes it a home of one almost hated

They are good guardians, they protect us, feed us, love us
and I know they care
Still lingers this sad, constricting, and distant feeling in the air

I can come and go as I please
but I wish they saw their daughters
had the running away disease

Whether inside themselves, to their room, or a friends,
They should not want to escape their homes in the end

Their children have such inspiring minds
They are beautiful souls,
ambitious, intelligent, kind

I wish they could see
but it's blocked by the T.V.
and all the Netflix movies

I wish they could tell I am an outsider looking In
and I don't even know where to begin

Mainly I wish they would open their eyes
and realize, their lives and their family
are passing them by

We love them so much
we miss them
we know they love us
but I wonder if they miss us

Or if they even know who We are..
Jan 2013 · 638
thank you lonely paper
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
blank, empty, and lonely this paper
with only lines for company
but no form

subdued in compromise
for I am of the same

I share with this book
a cause, a need
for intrusion
to communicate

What do you have to say journal?
What do you need to relay
to share


but look!
what has happened
what have we done?

Your pages are no longer
they Speak
my Thoughts

so I don't have to..
Jan 2013 · 416
Free to Fly
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
He told me once, he could tell
that I was Afraid.
   I didn't realize till now,
                the extent of my Pain.
            I pushed it away,
   "I'll be okay,
      I'm fine."
But its not what he sees,
                            I was never good at lying

     He wishes for me to let him in,
but first i must know it's Safe
              to give-in

          especially to one who's        
               Eyes Speak Truth
       cleansing words Spill like
           the 'Fountain of Youth'

Maybe it's just hard
      for me to Believe
          that between us,
    is about to conceive,
          become affected by; a feeling:
               think of, dream up, devise, formulate,
          design, develop, create,

     when we are Together,
         the Air is so Clear
             and for him,
I want to
                Surrender my Fear

  I want to shake off my Shield,
          and Free my arms
      spread them like Wings
          Exposing my Heart.

  with his
they Beat,
      like the Rhythm of a Drum
           that has been waiting, patiently,
                   in the Shadows, to Sing to the Sun.

   my Mind comprehends,
        what my eyes See
                            then what is still Constricting me?
     gives power and control,
             to something other
                   than your soul

i'm slowly taking back what is rightfully Mine
           if We can be resigned,
            we'll see with Time
    then there won't be anymore Lies
                     and Love
                            between us
                                    will be Free to Fly
Jan 2013 · 714
Open Up
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
I wish I could tell you
                how much I like you
    I can tell you like me back
           by the sound in your voice,
                     your excitement, your choice,
               to be involved
            to come to me asking,
                            to be enthralled.
Yes, yes, I will,
      just tell
  Me where and when?
         I want to see you
                I want to have
       a shared acquaintance
            or companionship
     to me,
         Open Your Soul
      and in turn,
          (who never tells)
                               her secrets
                 for they open acceptance
                                      of Control
                                            for others
                                               to use
But no,
   I cannot
         I know I'm weird,
             I am for real,
         because I Am Me.
  So you be you,
     and what is True,
                 will show
                     within me too.
      I shall not hide,
          please be wise,
              I do not easily
                  show this side.
            They do not listen,
                   they do not see.
so I show Nothing.
    a facade,
       a face,
            a mask, does dotingly,
           to adapt,
                            to become
   If comfortable, I bring what, is me..     out
          enjoy, escape, be
                 that's me
                                    my friends,
                             the close ones,
                                       only ones to see.
But You,
        there's something,
                 I cannot describe
                      A mystical mystery
                             like science
              to be discovered
                         or maybe uncovered
          but that's half the fun.
                            I won't say out loud,
                    you are the One.
                                            I like you a lot.
                         so you are the one I want to show
                                      you are the one I want to see
                                                 will you too, then, show me?
Written after meeting a boy
who had quite an impact on me
for an unexplainable reason.
Jan 2013 · 492
This Ride
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
Someone please take this car away from me
before my road rage kills.
Third degree murderer on the high way chasing thrills.
Music from the stereo will be the sounds I hear last.
My mind and this machine are moving too fast
maybe i'm indifferent, maybe I want it to be
but this ******* ride will be the death of me.
Jan 2013 · 537
Stare at the Sky
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
Gracefully dancing standing still
no destination nor force of will
no catacombs can claim or tame the thought
one not to be abused nor left to rot.
as i stare in awe it amuses me
a weightless cloud is what I dream to be
Jan 2013 · 807
Embrace the Emptiness
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
Fresh out of the Cocoon.
                   Waking up in the Eastern Sun.

                    Truth is depressing,
              it only digs up deeper questions
                                    and empty answers.

The Secret is
          Embracing the Emptiness,
                         filling it with Breath and                                          
          The Wild Spirit

                                          Yet the Open
stays quiet
     behind a composed exterior
              unafraid to have fun and be crazy.

that piece of personality is as real and
           humble as the quiet

                                                          ­  There is A Proud and
                                                              Un­spoken Spirituality
                                                               that Guides how you
                                                                ­    *walk this Earth.
Jan 2013 · 586
I am the Moon
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
     "The moon as you are, so soft in lazy motions.
  The ease of your comforting words.
     As a patron of this Earth I gaze for more than one night.
  I know there are all your Phases like frames in each Creation.
     Where I am is in the Water, and in the Waves you make me Move.
  I will continue on these tides for you are my Moon.

     'Fly me to the Moon,'
   a great man once said,
     'To your surface, surrounded with me in a crater.
   Like a Child with a telescope I gawk, amazed, lit up, and naked.
     See your skin, dark to begin
   still waiting as the Tides in the ocean Sin.
     To the Moon and more,
   If only I could tie a String.'"

     "Gravity pulls, her winds blow.
   Balance of the two create the Waves.
     When she feels Threatened, her senses are Heightened,
   and her Emotions cause Commotions in the Water.
     The Waves then shut down, not making a Sound,
   which angers the Moon.
     She is there to shed Light in the Darkness.
   When the Waves won't give in,
     she casts Dim."
*I take no credit for the poetry of 'Him',
he was another lost and confused soul,
but whom did not want to be found*
Jan 2013 · 659
Insanity is Normal
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
"Yes, I agree, just keep your head up.
And yes, you can unleash
on me whenever you want.
Just understand I may do the same.
But I do listen to you,
and I do know how sensitive you are
that's why I don't..

I'm sensitive,
but I can look past
I'm not made of glass
and people need to vent,
or just tear someone down
and to pieces cause it makes them feel control
of something
and keeps them sane,
which is normal.."

     *is it?
     no but
    for real,
      is it?
*no credit for the writing, I just put it in poetic form*
Jan 2013 · 727
Traveler's Dilemna
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
"I love you,
the Sun will drop, the Stars move aside,
waves subside,
to the calming of a head on a pillow.

Here it is the case of blood and gold
that's backpacked a thousand miles
and the square footage,
of a Human Soul Infinite."

"Traveler's Dilemma:
                  never Satisfied.
  an Adventurer of the classified,
     to what might make the Questions
so the pupil will not live Insanity.

At least to know what she does not is Truth
so the Journey is not a wasted youth."
I am 'me'
He is 'he'
Jan 2013 · 330
Nothing is Real
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
Nothing is Real.
none of this matters to me.
               I am going somewhere I feel I am making
         a Difference
              to a world
                  of Truth.
Jan 2013 · 727
Goodnight Distant man
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
       to the distant man
               who's always there,
                             but never here..

                                                         ­     forgetting
                                                 ­                 or letting,
                                    controlling,        ­                                open,
                           ­                      phrase,                                       cage,
                                                                ­                                         escape,
                                                                ­                   wage,
                                             tell me secrets,
                                                      li­es,                                  hide,
                                                                ­                                 lost,
                                                          ­                                           everyone wants,
                                                            ­                                               give,
                                                                ­                           take,
                                                                ­                                        waste,
                  ­                                                                 ­              why?
                                                            ­                   sigh
                                                          ­                    escape:
                                                                ­                high
                                            ­                                                 I don't know anything,
                                                       ­                                               too young to realize,

past tense too late,
                                  I can't;
                                                          ­          sad song,
                                                           ­                tune of the world
                                                           ­                           slowly dying,
                                                          ­                                     crying
                                                          ­                                                  solves nothing,
                                                        ­                                 water the Earth?
                 = dismay
                                             never clear
go away,
   always there,
       but never here.
a lost, free write
Jan 2013 · 1.4k
Lover's Fear
Ember Bryce Jan 2013
i am no Stranger to Fear
that which adhere's
to Love,

as if in Disguise
it Preys,
wait's till the Weak
lags behind.
then through courage Seeks,
and easily finds.

Love is everywhere,
flowing around,
matching the Frequencies
our Emotions' sound.

all forms of Expression,
Reaction, and
Passion can be,

in me
i have found
no solid ground.

always Floating,
Flying, and

Imagination creating
a most serene setting
i fall into Believing.

Deceiving it is.
so i easily give in.

Temptation of Escape,
the comfort holds my hand
to guide me through the land
of possible Truth,

but Fear becomes out of Doubt
and overpowers.

and Understanding,
can not be

shared by one whom invites,

when one weight falls,
the Balance enthralls
Chaos into Dimension.

Nothing is the same,
it's all Abstract.
the lashings and arguments quickly Attack.

his Desire for me was Selfishly shown
through the Monuments built on our Love's Tomb.

no longer Love,
but Want,
kept his Soul aflame.

to keep what was his right to Tame.
my Fire Inside.

i could not walk,
or crawl.

i knew he Loved me,
and that was All.
but this was not Love.

this was Secret and a Blind
transformation to quick to be seen
by me or Time.

..or was it there all along,
waiting to come out and play his melancholy song?
this body,
his Vessel,
was a host of Confusion.

as if maid Mary to Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde,
it took all my Energy to Try,
but Why?

i Loved him,
but it was no longer Him in control,
Madness had finally taken it's toll.

"throw me under a bridge," last words of a troll.

Sorry my Man,
my Lover,
my Friend,
seems Fear got the best of You
in the End.

go down with the ship,
i'd rather not,
my Mind is too Free to be Caught.
i did not give up,
i did not run.
I simply did what had to be done
Body and Soul lay peacefully as one.
my Fear of You
is finally gone.
when you are afraid, you are not in love.
when you fear, you cannot love.
another power has control, when you feel fear
it is not fair to a future lover, to let fear share your bed

— The End —