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  May 2019 Ema
Emily Dickinson

Behind Me—dips Eternity—
Before Me—Immortality—
Myself—the Term between—
Death but the Drift of Eastern Gray,
Dissolving into Dawn away,
Before the West begin—

’Tis Kingdoms—afterward—they say—
In perfect—pauseless Monarchy—
Whose Prince—is Son of None—
Himself—His Dateless Dynasty—
Himself—Himself diversify—
In Duplicate divine—

’Tis Miracle before Me—then—
’Tis Miracle behind—between—
A Crescent in the Sea—
With Midnight to the North of Her—
And Midnight to the South of Her—
And Maelstrom—in the Sky—
Ema May 2019
My house has two windows
It looks onto stars
It's still and it's sulky
It stands on one leg
I'll think of it soon
In a different bed

My house too has windows
With a crack in the wall
A knack for the fall
Handwriting of age
Feel the skin crawl

My house has no windows
Time cannot tell
Time has no offering
On this I won't dwell
So goodbye my house
You've served me so well

— The End —