As I wipe the lingering dreams from my eyes They're pierced by the light, radiating energy into every object that falls into its spotlight.
Filling the land with vigor, a gentle shake taking you away to the Suns dimension
Stealing you from the Romantic escapades of the Moon.
As you leave it steals a kiss or two urging you to return again tonight.
You'll start to warm by the blinding love of the Sun.
Heat rising from your toes to the top of your head.
The air crisp sharp shocking your lungs, a comforting sensation
As the new dew Drops glissen, so do you.
There are many realms in which to dance through twirling and twisting between what cannot be seen.
These realms are ever spinning Carousels in which you can dismount and return at will.
But each time you do the song the atmosphere changes.