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 Sep 2013 Elsa Mora
 Sep 2013 Elsa Mora
Just let the tears
fall free from my eyes.

I'm starting to get tired
of silent cries.

I'm getting sick
of telling lies.

Let the tears fall free from my eyes.

 Sep 2013 Elsa Mora
 Sep 2013 Elsa Mora
That's what I am.
I am suffocated.

So many people
and my hands and legs
won't stop shaking.
I can't breathe
but I can't run.

Is this what it feels like?
To be so scared and afraid?
All you want to do is stay at home
forever and ever and ever...

No friends, no one.
Only me, only me...

I think I like it,
the suffocation and darkness
and this loneliness.
What's gonna happen to me?

I think I'm going crazy,
and that's absolutely fine with me.

 Sep 2013 Elsa Mora
 Sep 2013 Elsa Mora
My pillows soaked up my tears,
from the times I was afraid of my fears.

My blanket shield me,
from the demons that could be.

My bed became a friend,
after a long day comes to an end.

They were my only company,
when I'm lonely and needed somebody.

 Sep 2013 Elsa Mora
 Sep 2013 Elsa Mora
I'm not good
at expressing my feelings.
I'm doing the best I can,
and it's hard for me.
Life seems to be easy with you guys,
and here I am feeling like my mind is going to blow up any time soon.
I wish I had a simple reason
for why I'm feeling and being like this.
Please hold on to me,
I'll open up soon.

 Sep 2013 Elsa Mora
 Sep 2013 Elsa Mora
I've made myself bleed.
The thought of doing it never occurred to me.
But I was curious.
I wanted to know what it was like to slice open your skin.
To play with knives and blades.
To have blood dripping.
And now that I've done it,
I promised to never do it again.
But the thought of doing it is addicting.
I like the pain.
I like the endorphins released.
I like the feel of it.
I like how it takes away my pain for a moment.
I might do it again.
I might never stop.
Here's to hoping I will be saved.

Show me love
like the love that paints
the grass with light
when morning rays reach out
through the dead of space
to embrace the Earth each day.

Lay me softly
down into a bed of clouds
to match the comfort I would
show to that someone somewhere
who could show me truth.

Here and now
sing whatever song you want
because the dawning life's beauty
comes to those who call
for something new.
There's  nothing worst than a heartbreak the memories tearing me apart wishing we could've done so much better
blaming my self cause you messed up and got the world feeling sorry for me this isn't over our story was the most
beautiful one to tell yet you didn't want to tell there is so much more than kisses and hugs but you didn't understand, now i was the one that was wrong because i didn't want to talk but you were the lazy one that didn't want to try you're the reason we got as far as we did you gave up on me as if i wasn't worth your time now i cry thinking our love was just another pathetic lie that i believed.
Just as many times I say I hate you I really do hate you but what I hate the most is that I liked you
and didn't realize how you're not as special
as I thought you were but in all it wasn't
me who needed saving it was you and
I guess I saved myself from

I hate myself
more than a lobster hates boiling water
which is impossible
the boiling water kills the lobster
but just like the boiling water going into the lobsters skin boiling everything inside
is how slowly im taking my own life
with every scar I leave on my skin

    that is how much I hate myself  

Does it even make sense? It makes sense in my head.
I'm trying to picture the days we spent in your house hidden from friends so they won't bother our only time together
I dont remember it so clearly anymore
your face is erasing off of my mind so soon

                                     I fear that
                                when I wake up
                          tomorrow you won't be
                       the first thing on my mind

I fear that
tomorrow I will
   forget somebody who
       meant so much to me

                                                          You dont fear that
                                                     tomorrow you will
                                           forget somebody who
                                     meant so much to you

                because it already happened

Fading so soon but I still write about you.
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