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 Sep 2013 Elsa Mora
Neha Singh
I suddenly remember your face
From the night you first kissed me

Kissing & smiling alternately

Holding my hand, curling into a ball, wrapping yourself around it
Nailing me to the bed, pouring your kisses on my lips & my neck
Playing my curves like a guitar,
& spinning the world around me

Between resting & waking dreams
So close to me you breath in my exhale.

Its not just the small piece of rhythmic flesh
This heart that beats,
slow & fast, to the symphony of our love making
Its our souls intertwined, drunk & hungry

flesh and bone
blood and hair
nerves and sweat
now all stripped bare
a heaving, gasping, tangled mass
Of love and lust and rage and greed
of want and lack and take and need
the wet and hot and cold and true
the aftermath of me and you
 Sep 2013 Elsa Mora
SN Mrax
I fell in love with a shadow on the wall.
I fell in love with the light.
I fell in love in dissolving, parting,
stepping in sing song.
I fell into never falling,
spreading into every direction,
feeling and being felt everywhere, within and without,
feeling familiar and utterly new.
I fell in love with nobody.
I fell in love with nothing.
Nothing was there--I could see it
in the shadow on the wall,
in the light.
I could not see it, and I was in rapture at the not sight of it,
a face that was not there,
a thousand times a thousand times greater than love.

Yet here I am, miserable, a fool.
With no great gift of strength, or if I had one I squandered it.
A snarl on my lips and my face in the mud,
cringing all around my heart,
withdrawing my hands ever away,
dragging a great sack of rocks.

You say: Your power is effortless.
Your effort is confusion.
Be still and remember what is inside you.
It is a fire that burns sorrow clean.
It is a river that washes your heart new.
All you have to do
is stop trying to be you, or safer, stronger, or better. That is not you.
Don't keep grabbing--let go. Say "Not that, not that."
All those grey, thorny treasures are worthless.
Return to what is eternal: nothing.
A great, shining, smiling, flowing, blossoming, nothing.

Say no, say yes.
You tell me you'll help me with my issues
I tell you ill help you with your issues
but you can't even help yourself
how are you gonna help me but then again
I ask myself the same question

you and i**
got tired of trying
that we never realized
how both of us will
eventually wash out

we were like the waves
crashing into each other
trying to connect and stay put
at the same time

at the end we just went on with the wind

with the wind whispering into one another ears

"stop trying"

I get lonely in the dark holy nights
it makes me judge my image
So i grab that pretty little silver sparkling blade

***** that that's the way i express it
I fall asleep with a smile on my face

you lied when you said you loved me
                                      and i lied when i said i didn't love you back

dumb of me
 Sep 2013 Elsa Mora
Dannie Marie
I was foolish
To believe you
I was foolish
To befriend you
You played me
Emotions and lust
You betrayed me
With lies alone
I had cared
With honest reason
You didn't see
You didn't care
I was angered
I was hurt
My temper released
Why to me
A good "friend"
Did I deserve
This cruel stabbing
You laughed and
Said "*******"
"Gladly, good riddance"
I seethed back
Aching through strength
Suffering through dreams
That was then
This is now
I am stronger
I am better
You will regret
That one day
You lost me
Maybe not today
Maybe not tomorrow
But one day
You will soon
Remember that I
Was the one
Who stuck around
Because I truly
Deeply, sincerely, cared
When that happens
I won't hesitate
To show you
That I am
Better than you
 Sep 2013 Elsa Mora
starving fawn
Put down that razor,
it'll be alright.
You don't have to do this,
you can put up a fight.
You aren't alone,
look towards the light.
Put that razor away,
completely out of sight.
Go to the mirror,
look at your fright.
Wipe it away;
it's okay tonight.

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