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Remember the last we touched and sparks seemed to fly
And remember the last time we locked eyes and I think mine broke into
Because God, who wouldn't miss yours
I can't remember the last time we talked
Just a hello
Just a hey
I mean what did I do wrong
I think I've spent too much time trying to figure it out
Have you done the same?
Have you thought of what you did wrong because you broke me or at least
Cracked me
Can you get over that?
Call me in the middle of the night and cry
I just want to hear your voice
Anything can be better than silence on the other end of the line
You don't know of the drafts in my phone
That I've saved on the late nights when I can't sleep
The "I love you" I was about to breathe before you said
"Let's take a break"
Is still stuck in my throat and I remember the day we sat in your car
I couldn't swallow hard enough it seemed like
Because I still feel like I need to throw those words up
But I'm afraid that if I speak to you I will get sick on your shoes
Or mine
I wish we could just sit in the trees and be quiet
So that you could hear my heart
 Apr 2020 Elly Hunter
 Apr 2020 Elly Hunter
It was not my intention to let you become important to me. If I was paying attention you would be dust in the wind, but you caught me unaware and now I want you to stay

— The End —