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Jan 2012 · 642
Ellen Elizabeth Jan 2012
You treat me like I stole her
When really all you did was take a toll on her
She is tired of your selfishness
This whole situation starts to bore
I wish I could tell you everything and pour
But every time I try to tell you what is best
You make me take the blame
From her I want pure love not fame
This is no longer a love game
You can frame me no more
You are so blind you forget where to aim
Your selfishness can’t  ever seem to be tamed
She changed the direction of her heart
Finally a love that cannot be broke apart
What we have is like a priceless piece of art
But you can’t seem to depart from your feelings
You think that I am stealing her
When really I am healing her from your destruction
The battered pieces you left of her
Jan 2012 · 845
"My Puppet Master You Are"
Ellen Elizabeth Jan 2012
I am falling into your scheme
Just as another player in your act
Every scene, I fall more into your restless arms
All the entertainment you crave
Could never be displaced
Right when you turn your weary back
I feel a hit straight to my heart
As a shard of reality pierces deep
Right when I am able to think clearly
She reels me back into her mischief
I try to get used to this game
But I have grown so dreary
You say you want no strings attached
But you permanently binded these strings to me
The littlest movements control all these emotions
My aspirations sway at the flick of your wrist
My dreams get fuzzy at the slightest twist
This is all a complete haze
And all I want is to get out of this mad maze
All this is a phase force-fed by you
I know better now
All I am is just another puppet in your act
My puppet master, you are
Jan 2012 · 635
Ellen Elizabeth Jan 2012
Close Enough to love in spite
Far enough to start a fight
Creatures of the night,
Whisper to me right,
I face fright
Because,  They speak of no delight or sight
Where is my right?
I know what we have is right in spite
Our time on earth may be tight,
So corrupt, full of blight
We must be strong and fight
To ignite the remains of your youth
To collect the truth Over time,  
We might just unite,  
Jan 2012 · 495
Ellen Elizabeth Jan 2012
I feel my emotions floating off in space.
I'd go to the moon and back,
just to see that face
I tend to lose my pace, when you grab my waist
All I can think about is the way you taste
When you pull away, I tend to feel spaced.
My heart speeds and it begins to race.
The feelings, I simply could not replace
The grace that is almost impossible to find
people spend their whole lives confined
trying to combine perfection
but nothing is as sweet as your affection
I swear I'll never use or cheat when I get my turn
I promise I will always return
Please let this flame burn and not fade
Can't you say you'll stay, babe?
Jan 2012 · 671
"Her Poem"
Ellen Elizabeth Jan 2012
She does not want me to drift away
Yet she keeps leaving me in complete astray
In the dust, she leaves me when I let her in
I bet she’d beg if I walked out
Through those narrow doors
while I’m trapped in the middle
Getting hit with the winds of empty promises
A puppet I’ve became
It’s as if she is my master controlling everything I do
She keeps pulling my strings
Speaking commands
But she refuses to speak clearly
The steam resumes rising from this forbidden passion
The glass eyes I now look through are becoming opaque
The inside looks so foggy
While all were seeing is beautiful lies that we are becoming to believe
We are continuing to use each other
When you are near it feels so meant
But right when you turn your back
Our doubts begin to multiply
I do not know how to get out of this
The emptiness I feel without the lust
Is this real?
Or am I still going through a nightmare
Please just be clear,
Don’t make me jump off that pier
Don’t let me drown  in this  misery
You are taking advantage of my kryptonite
I just might leave for you to want me more
As we sleep all our worries drop
Please all you do, don’t stop.
Jan 2012 · 602
"He Will Never Prevail"
Ellen Elizabeth Jan 2012
Oh, so this is what you look like under all that skin, baby
You are holding back enough to never feel a win
After you begin to bend,
you can’t hold it within
You begin to branch out
All you want is out
She begins to sprout like a sapling
Barely holding on to life
Begging to not hold on to the pasts’ strife
Almost like a knife barely hitting the skin
It’s nowhere to be found now,
But it still leaves a scar
She holds on to her prayers
Holding back almost every word
Tears escape from her sockets
She fears him
But loves him
She always lived by his traditions
She knows better
She knows he will never prevail
She keeps getting trapped in his webs
Almost like a sick addiction
She has to get out
Before he takes all she has left
Her soul is drifting away
She must hold on
To the untold stories of her shower
She must let go of his lust
She knows he is unjust
She just let go
She is going through a transformation
To be reincarnated into something more
Than a piece to his master puzzle
Jan 2012 · 535
"When You're alone"
Ellen Elizabeth Jan 2012
Not long after you are stuck with aloneness,
You are struck with complete loneliness.
The loneliness that makes you cry out in the night
Waking up in complete fright
It is not the darkness,
It is not even what’s in the night
It is what is not there
What is not starring or lusting
I do not feel right,
Like I am slowly busting through the seams
My lips are sealed shut, but all I wish to do is scream
I wish she still invaded my dreams
I wish I could still persuade myself that I am okay
That I am not so faded and jaded
I wish I could just be completely isolated
From this life where I am just trying to be motivated
I am finding out how not to be dominated
By this tragic society
I am shut off
Cut off
To rebut, becomes an everyday affair
Loneliness may be unfair
But truly in its’ full extent,
this life is just pure despair

— The End —