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 Jul 2013 Ella Snyder
"Half-sick of shadows"
Yet incessantly longing for the night
A shadow-wrapped liaison
Our skin uttering what we have not

Half-sick of scars
Yet longing to kiss yours
Both of us healed, both of us unsure
Both longing for the clinging dark

Sweet nighttime
Love-drunk revelry
Hands tangled in my hair
Your hands clinging to my thighs

Moonlit heat
Love lit obsession
Lips caress my teardrops
Your pleasure curves my spine

Grasping hands and knowing hearts
In the shadows we find the truth
In the darkness,
In the shimmering stillness,
In the sweet nighttime.
 Jul 2013 Ella Snyder
 Jul 2013 Ella Snyder
A responsibility
The Flames
Meant to be shared between two
And only two
Once a tender leaves?
Together we must link the flames
the heat cannot be handled by one.
but thats where the responsibility falls
Desperately trying to warm others
with the flames unfathomable rage
reaching out for help
losing His humanity
But to no avail
Burning everyone in It's wake
the flame is eternal, but the fuel is not.
The tender becomes
A charred husk of what he used to be,
Nevertheless he keeps his great affinity for the fire.
He who was the king of sunlight
Is Now
The Lord of Cinder,
A scorched soul,
A forlorn epitome of disconsolation.
left to weep in the kiln of the flame He created
to protect us from the corruption of darkness
Only in a place like this
Can a new,
True spark
Be Born.

*Here's to the saddest story i know
 Jul 2013 Ella Snyder
for: s
 Jul 2013 Ella Snyder
i want my name to become
synonymous with
your definition of hope
        (i don't know how to save you
        but i know how to try,
        and if you let me, i'll be your saving grace)
"An average of seventy-four species become extinct every day, which was one good reason but not the only one to hold someone's hand" --Nicole Krauss, The History of Love
for my best friend.  i love her more than anything.
 Jul 2013 Ella Snyder
I am a little bit more
than a little bit out of my league.
But whenever I start to panic
you try to reassure me.

What happens when we eventually run out,
of things for us to talk about?

Well then we'll both finally get some sleep.

And when we wake up?

**Then we'll  just talk about our dreams.
I am in panic mode.
Some folks
are meant for the
plunge into another's soul
but I am not a part of them
I am a lone
© Daniel Magner 2013
I'm ******* everything out of my skull
and putting it in a mason jar.
For safe keeping and for secret keeping.

I'm forcing everything I feel into a field.
A field with deer ticks and poison ivy.
And plenty of mosquitoes.

I'm pushing all of the twists and turns in my stomach
down through my legs and into my toes.
So I can do my nervous dance and never
let my heels touch the ground.

I'm filling up a baby pool with all the things I've learned.
I'll do a dead man's float and get a sunburn.
I'll peel away my flakes of skin and
overnight them to my future self.
It wasn't yet summer.
I swam toward your eyes,
Wrinkled veins of the sky
And permeated your spine.

It wasn't yet autumn.
Leaves clung to trees,
I clung to you.
The wind began to rattle.

It wasn't yet winter.
Snow buried our feet,
Stuck on a side street
Beside naked trees.

Ice melted
Along with my mind.
Words turned to knifes,
Snow marooned.
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