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Elizabeth P Feb 2014
I know this is probably for nothing
But let fears be known to all
I'm afraid I love too deep,
Am clingy,
Am annoying,
That you'll come to hate me.
I'm afraid that you are lying to me
About your identity and values.
I'm scared that we shalt never meet
And all will be in vain.
I fear that I have shared too much,
Or not enough?
I'm afraid that I've asked the wrong questions
That, in the end, you'll get bored
I am uncertain, so uncertain
I hope I'm not right, that these things aren't true
I really hope so
Elizabeth P Dec 2013
In the philosophy
Of modern day
We must figure out what is important
In this flimsy world
When there are so many feelings
So many religions
So many products
Simplicity is no more
Complex now is our world
More so than our ancestors would believe
Technology is rapidly growing
At a rate no one expected
I hope man can keep up
And keep our philosophies in check
Elizabeth P Dec 2013
Against my chest
Beats my heart
And blood
It flows
From my head
To my toes
With such mastery
It drums to the beat
Of the rain on this little street
I don't have much to do
But listen to my heart beat, beat, beat
On the cold street
On this slow, rainy day
Elizabeth P Dec 2013
So today (Dec. 22) I was at a rest stop on my way home from my family's small town near Waco, Texas. We stopped to refresh ourselves, but I stayed in the car with my mom. As I sat there chatting with her about the reunion we just attended, I heard a little country band playing some really tacky country music. I saw 2 female back-up singers, a guy on drums, and the leading man with a guitar. I felt something towards those microphones. Maybe it was because the group was just that bad and I thought I could do better or maybe it was my frustration with my family, thinking that singing could fix it. I don't really know what it was. I just felt the urge to get out, take the microphone from the leader, and belt out a Christmas classic like Silent Night. I can sing pretty well, but I still didn't do it in the end. Too embarrassing, especially in front of all those strangers.
I know that this isn't technically a short story, but it was an experience I wanted to share.
Elizabeth P Dec 2013
It is part sweet, part sour.
It may only last an a hour,
But that could be the best hour
U ever spent
With no intent
Of falling deep into the delightful pit of love

Please keep an open heart and soul,
But most importantly wide eyes
'Cause love comes
When you least expect it.
Elizabeth P Dec 2013
Dear Mr. Tomorrow,
Keep in mind that I will never forget
Mr. Yesterday.
And Mr. Today, if he so exists.
But I will cherish you as long
As we both shall live
And after as well.
Your Future Love, Elizabeth
Elizabeth P Dec 2013
I thought I was over you until...

I heard you answer your phone
Speaking perfect Spanish
clear and crisp
it was beautiful.

I saw your eyes up close for the first time.
Darkest and most decadent chocolate
I have ever seen

I saw a sign for a comic book shop
close to your home
You love comics,
DC comics.

All of these reminded
me so much of you
Every time I see these
I feel a proverbial punch in the gut
and a tear in the darkest corner of my eyes.
And I thought I was over you...
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