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Elizabeth P Dec 2013
A random times in the day
The light in my head blinks on
Emitting glorious ideas
Of lyrics and melodies in my head
Some I recognize
Others I do not
They go away faster than they came
Like a stallion in a horse race
Too quick to write down or even sing
So the thoughts go to waste
Until I'm in another place
Where you cannot be received
O' how you torment me so?
Elizabeth P Dec 2013
Innocence concentrated
Foliage of the hills of forever
Precious, beautiful
Divine and thick chocolate
All in one

I dare you, next time you go anywhere,
stare into someone's eyes
See what is behind their exterior
Whether it's love, fear, hatred, anxiety
You never know what you might find.
Elizabeth P Dec 2013
Relatives expired
Mind overtired
Body worn
Heart torn
Feeling minuscule
Lack of art
No sweetheart
To hear my cries
No good guys in disguise
No gemstones

Even though,
all this I show.
I know I'll get through
wipe off the residue
and be anew.

Thank you.
I'm sorry if some of the rhyming is rough, but life's been rough lately.
Elizabeth P Nov 2013
Why did you like me?
Why did you break up with me?
Why did you change from
Thoughtful and kind
To explicit and cruel?
What happened?
Did it hurt at all when you cut the cord?
Did you not understand
That I really liked you?
You, Jack, will never answer these questions,
But I just wanted to say
All the questions my ex never answered. Just getting it off my chest.
Elizabeth P Nov 2013
Why do I write?
I write, I guess,
to express everything I can't say.
All those thoughts
that run through my head on a common day
have to go somewhere,
Elizabeth P Nov 2013
Long ago
How I loved you so
You tore me apart
When you let me go

I was broken
My heart
Oh, it was so broken

Eventually it healed
Although it took
A month
My scar twined together

Now I feel myself
Falling out of this galaxy
Out of common sense and into you

I can't help being endeared to you
Knowing your dreams of flight
Seeing you red nerd glasses
Longish black hair
Creator of all that is holy, help me.

I need to stop
Because you are no good
You have moved on
I must as well

Lord, grant me the power to resist the strongest of emotions
Because I cannot
I will not
Give in.
Elizabeth P Nov 2013
On the corners of my notebook
I draw and dream
Dream of endless ivy tendrils
Swirls that go on forever
Eyes whose owner is lost
My world can be expressed in one
Inch by inch corner
Of heaven.
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