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Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
You were there
In the cold of afternoon
And you were there
When I dozed off too soon
You were in my dream
Of parties and smoke
You were in my dream
And in it you spoke
You told how you'd been
And you stood a little close
A felt your lips on mine
As you slowly spoke
And I wanted to kiss
But listened instead
As you whispered and joked
About crazy in the head
For I knew you before
When you smiled quite sane
But then, I knew you before
You ever spoke with disdain
But then I got mad
As I slowly realized
That all the boys I have loved
Don't carry real eyes
For their eyes were all fake
With a bright shine of star
That hid their sad madness
Unless you looked from afar
And as I awoke
I knew the truth to be
All the "sane" boys I've loved
Are all crazies in my dreams
Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
I have a confession,
But more of an obsession;
I don't wear this dress
Just to impress.

Yes, I like to dance
And sing and prance
But I feel most happiest
When you're most sappiest

And we can be crazy
Although we're lazy
And I don't feel like a mess
With you and this dress
Not my best, I must admit. But it's what I wanted to write.
Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
Hello Mr. Stranger
I think I'm in love...

With that smile
Those freckles
That look in your eyes
You're happy
You're cute
And you look good in ties
You're a faraway stranger
We've never talked once
But when you walk by
My heart skips a bounce
My cheeks turn to blush
When I think of your name
I know you not at all
But like you just the same...

Oh, Mr. Stranger,
I swear I'm no liar
It's only your voice
And your hand I desire
Kaity, if you read this, I'm so sorry. Haha!
Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
"Oh, mom, oh look!
The Circus is in town!"

"Oh, dear, I'm sorry,
That ship has sailed."

Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
There is a story
Of the Chinese old
That whispers of lovers
And red strings it told
But I ask you this,
You Chinese of old
Where is my lover
And the string he holds?
Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
I look at my teachers
Who stand in the very front
Of every single class
And teach me how to be
How to grow and learn
And be well rounded

I think of everything they know
All which they have learned
From textbooks
And from life
All of which they share
And that of which they don't

I think of their kindness
Sometimes their hatred
How they smile and joke
Or judge and yell
Why they are who they are
And how they came to be

I think about their days
Every day is spent
Within four walls
With hundreds of teens
Who hardly give a ****
And how they get through it

I think about their thoughts
The knowledge they hold
And if what they're teaching us
Is what really needs to be taught
And if what they have to say
Is really what they need to say

I look at them all
And I wonder
What they could teach
What I could learn
From each and every one of them
If the time and place and opportunity
Were given to us

And it makes me sad
To think that
All of my teachers
And my professors
Are all going to die before me
And I'll never know
I'll never learn
I'll never grow
From what they know
But never told

Because they only talked about
Synonyms or the quadratic equation
Or all the periodic elements
And they never talked about
What is most important in life
So we never know the important things like
And pain
And having your heart broken
And crying for all the right reasons
And why we are the way we are
And how to get where we're going
And having dreams
And participating in life
And telling people that you love them
And understanding death
And understanding life
And how to save lives
And to be open and vulnerable
And knowing that everything is going to be okay
Even if it's not
Because that's what truly matters on life

It makes me sad to think
That people go through life
Without ever knowing
All of the important things about life
Because no one ever told them
And they never experienced them

So what are we doing?
Why do we go to school
To learn about things that matter
But don't really matter
In the end?
Because in the end,
You don't think about
Synonyms or the quadratic equation
Or all the periodic elements
You think about your life
And the the people,
Even the teachers
Who got you through it
And made that difference

You think about those few
Oh, so few
Teachers who taught you
The important things
About life
And how that
Made all the difference
Elizabeth Ann Nov 2013
I sit in class
In a hard chair
Day after day after day
But completely alone
Staring at the
Anything at all
So that I don't have to look
I don't have to see
The faces
And the eyes
Children in grown up bodies
Pretending that they are
Very very big
When it's okay
To be
Very very small
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