To let a scratch heal
You leave it alone
You don't pick, don't scratch
Let it bleed on its own
Until the blood runs out
Or a new scar forms
You just leave it alone
Let the cold blood warm
This about scratches, bruises, or scars
Everyone knows it's true
Then why, I ask, must you bother my own?
When these scratches were caused by you?
You've seen the blood
And the pain on my face
You've heard my cries
For a sort of embrace
But instead you pick
And poke and scratch
You make the bad worse
In my throat the tears catch
So my scratches keep bleeding
And new scars seem mundane
While old scars keep waiting
To bleed once again
But looking at these scars,
The scratches on my heart
I ask you a question
One to be asked at the start
Is it better or worse,
Or does it matter not,
To cut a new wound
Or have an old one sought?