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Elizabeth Ann Mar 2013
I think about you all the time

You are the fingers in my hair
The kiss on my cheek
The breath in my ear
The love that I seek

But you have done me wrong

You stole my heart once, twice before
Broke it in two
Bloodied on the floor

But still you remain constant in my mind
A cursing reminder left in these lines

I must forget that I remember you

Who are you again?

Who are you?
Elizabeth Ann Mar 2013
Listen, dear, to my heart beat strong
Listen, dear, to my heart's broken song

It beat hard and fast
For love that would last
Until you broke it in two

Now it mumbles
On the floor where it crumbled
Drowned in memories of you

Now I sit and sew
Because now I know
There is more to life than this

More love to see
Another man for me
You will no longer be missed

Listen, dear, to my heart beat strong
Listen, dear, to my heart's lasting song
Elizabeth Ann Mar 2013
Sometimes when it's dark
I pull off to the side
I get out of my car
To look up at the sky

Sometimes I'll see many things
Glistening in the night
Other times I'll see nothing
But scattered shots of light

I listen to the universe
As it sings its lonely song
I watch as the universe
Slowly drifts along

I do this to remember
I am very small
Because sometimes I like to think
That I am very tall
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
Is anyone there?
Can you hear me?
Are you near?
I've been calling
For quite some time
I've been failing
You've cut the line
Why can't you hear me
On the other end?
Why can't you see
I need your hand?
What are you doing?
You're too busy to hear?
Is it me you're avoiding?
You don't want me near?
I see how it is
How you want me away
You want none of this
So I'm out of your way
I'll stop stalling
You'll hear no more
As I finish calling
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
This girl was magic, something special,
My only love in the world
She danced with flowers and sang with  the wind
And traveled across lands like a bird

Her smile was moonlight cast across lakes
And her eyes shone like the seas
Her cheeks were velvet and softer than sand
And her skin was as pure as could be

Her voice as peaceful as the silence of night
And her spirit shone like the day
She braided starlight into her hair
And the strands by her ears would sway

But my love to be is my love no more
She is cast across the skies
I speak to her most every day
A never ending goodbye
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
Have I ever told you
There's a little boy inside of me
He lives in my heart
But I wish not to see

He grabs my hand
For something to hold
But I let it go,
For I am too old

He cries at night
Because he is scared
But I won't do a thing,
I never would dare

He tries to tell me
Attempts to mention
But I am careful
Not to give him attention

But I can't help but stare
When I see my face
It used to be young
Now a man took its place

I have to be that man,
Strong and brave
To this boy in me
I can't fall a slave

So I ignore myself
Who is locked in my heart
And I pretend I'm a man,
I must play my part

But if you listen to my heart
And watch my eyes
You'll see just a boy
In a suit tying ties
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
Hey, Mr. Sunshine, where have you gone?
Hey, Mr. Sunshine, you've been gone too long

The winter is over
So wake up from your sleep
Come out from the covers
There are flowers to meet

The spring is near
It's time to play
So meet me there
In the late of day

It's summer time now
Time to stay young
I lay out my towel
While your days are long

Fall is coming
And I see that you're tired
You're waiting for something
Wishing to retire

But winter comes again
Not far behind
When a question begins
To grow in my mind

Hey, Mr. Sunshine, where have you gone?
Hey, Mr. Sunshine, you've been gone too long
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