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Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
Here I stand so way up high
Where tears turn to ice in this cold, lonely sky

I tower above the buildings below
Who call out to my peak where windows do glow

They see a warmth and comfort in me
But this comfort and warmth is a false make-believe

They peer in the doors of my very tipped toes
And see not my sad heart that only I know

It is lodged away in a room so up high
Away from on-lookers who may bare a sigh

I can no longer carry the burdens of homes
These rooms are full of rotting old tombs

I built these walls to hide me behind
So as not to burden others, or ask them to mind

I gaze at the stars and the people below
I watch candle lights flicker as cold winds blow

It's lonely way up top, alone with myself
But it's the only way known to keep out the help
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
Listen to my heart
As it beats out of tune
It sings faster and slower
And wraps around you
As we embrace, our souls touch,
And they sing their own song
Of freedom and love
And memories passed on
Listen to the melody
Of this familiar tune
It sounds like the tears
Of a very sad moon
The stars tell of memories
That are lost to the storm
The Earth cries out,
For a kind friend it mourns
This orchestra of love
Is sung in the sky
It is hummed within the hearts
Of yours and mine
If you forget the words
To this song and its sound,
Cast your eyes to the heavens,
For to our stars, it is bound
For the boy who gave me the stars
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
Nibble my ear
And kiss my eyes
Hum me the tune
Of that sweet lullaby

Your hand in mine
And mine in yours
It's those moments with you
My small heart adores
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
Sleep sweet dreams

Of days with snow,

And  angels of cold

That freeze your toes,

Frozen men with

Smile of coal,

Days of laughter

Grow never old
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
Your life is a journey
To be taken step-by-step
A book to be written,
A memory to be left

Remember where you've gone,
Where your feet have taken you
The soft fields your soles traveled
And on rocks without shoes

Think of the storms
And the days full of song
Think of all the faces
The hearts and the arms

But do not turn around
To see where you have been
To see the horrors of days gone by
And the sadness that dwells within

Do not think of hours of darkness
For they were years ago
You passed them by miles on back,
They matter not to you anymore

Instead, take a look around
See the ground where you stand
It's good and solid and reliable
Unlike quick-moving sand

It's good to take pleasure
In how far you've gone
And recognize the person
Whom you have become

But do not ponder much too long
On the present and material things
For in the trees, just up ahead,
There a sweet bird sings

He sings for you so that you know
There is more than this to come
More than money, ***, and drugs,
Or a shiny car and gun

There is something grande, something new,
Just around the bend
But you may have to fight a war
And your castle you must defend

But do not worry, you'll make it through
The hero always survives
He must to keep the story going,
And yours is one that thrives

This may not be a fairy tale,
With a princess in a tower
It may be a tragic comedy
With a ****** war among flowers

But do not worry about the genre,
And of the ending, don't fear,
For the next chapter is not yet written,
The finale is nowhere near

You'll make it to the end
And such an ending it will be,
The series good and long,
You'll have to wait and see

Just travel your journey,
Take it step-by-step
Write in your own chapters
Make them a memory to be left
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
If friends were flowers, I'd pick you.

I would gently pluck you from
The softest of soil.

I would bring you inside and place you
in a vase of glass that best
compliments your petals.

I would place you on the windowsill
So that you could soak up the sun
And watch life as it passes.

And people who pass by and look at you
With their eyes of envy will see
And they will know that this
Beautiful flower belongs to
A very lucky me.

And how lucky I am indeed
To have a flower as a friend.
For my dearest friend, Olivia
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
Who do you think you are, Magic Man,
Holding the stars on a string
You make them dance across the sky,
A hand on the moon, a hand on me

You pull me closer, Perfect Boy,
You're watching with those eyes
You kiss my lips, this time the first,
I wish never to say goodbyes

You thread that kiss onto the line,
The stars then dance and sing
But, who do you think you are, Magic Man,
Holding my heart on a string?
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