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Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
"Unlovable" is harsh,
But love is scarce,
When you live in this world of mine

People judge your hope,
But you can only cope,
Because it started from the beginning of time

They see what they hate,
And peace is too late,
For it begins another war

Humans beg and cry,
And on the streets they die,
And yet, we ask for more

We tend to be sick and wrong,
But in our minds we stand strong,
Alone against the world

Because of our hate,
And of the lives we take,
We wouldn't feel love if we could

So around and 'round,
We're beat to the ground,
In this circle of blood and gore

By our familys and friends,
And anyone with hands,
Until we shout, "No more"

We're pushed to the limit
Until we take the ticket
For a train to get out of town

But the only place to go,
And of this we know,
Is to be those six feet down
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
To Touch is to Feel
To Feel is to Hurt
Hurt is pain
Enough Pain to lead to Death

So do not Touch me,
Do not Touch the cool of my skin
And so I will not Touch you,
Feel the pain you dwell your moments within

Do not Feel my love, my hate,
The feelings that rush through my veins
I won't Feel your hope, your pity,
The deepness that rests within your eyes

Do not See my hurt like a desert,
Broad and open, but a place not to explore
I will not See what lies inside that heart,
The darkness forever screaming within its chambers

Do not love me for I will one day Die
Death, even now, holds me within its grasp
I won't reach out to you either,
Because once I Touch, the only end is death
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
Oh, sweet little heart,
Why must you cry
Why shake and quiver
As though you'll die

You once beat strong,
So full of hope
You never once thought
One day you'd mope

So full of feelings
Of hurt and anger
Sometimes pondering
If they'll put you in danger

There is no where left
For you to go
No place of laughter,
But this you know

But do not cry any longer,
And of these feelings, don't fear
Look to the future and see,
The end of pain is near

So put down the knife and sword,
Put away those words of hate
For help, I promise, is on the way,
And not a second too late

The worst has come and gone,
This is now a time to heal
Let them put their arms around,
So love and hope you'll feel

Scarred and bruised you'll forever be,
With stitches up the side
But scars and bruises are much better, my heart,
Than if you would have died
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
They are birds of a feather,
Forever together,
And how could they forget me

They tease and poke,
And of my hopes they joke,
They will remain forever mean

They hide in the mist,
And they slap my wrist,
When I go and do something wrong

But stay quiet they do,
When I'm around you,
But quiet, they don't stay for long

They whisper between my ears,
Make me cry tears,
Tears that create a flood

But when I go to bed,
They make me color in red
As I draw them lines of *blood
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
This heart's as fragile as they come,
Scarred and bruised so easy
It holds feelings that push against walls,
And pain that makes me queasy

It tells a story never to be heard,
It's seen sights that should never be seen
I cut it, choke it, place it in the dark,
I find it a wonder why it never becomes mean
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
This sword that pierces through my heart,
Held by a hand so brave,
Is made of word and feeling so strong,
It's sure to make my grave

Gently, it slides across my bone,
To touch this heart of rock
It reaches with its death-cold hands
Upon the door to knock

I open slowly, so unsure,
Of what lies outside these walls
Words rush inside like winter wind,
Playing with feelings like dolls

Everything inside held hostage,
Hopes and dreams behind bars
And as for those on the outside,
Nothing's left but ****** scars
Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
I wake up in the morning,
Smile at the sky
Run around with smiles,
Never tell a lie

I stand to hug the day,
A very happy child
Run, dance, sing, be glad,
My love could stretch a mile

Talk, talk, talk,
All day long
Never thought or worried
If I ever quite belonged

But then I began to grow,
I grew to be so tall
And that's when it began,
My worries weren't so small

I started to wake up
From my very happy dream
Where every princess had an ending
But what did "happy" mean

I was told to grow up strong,
Beautiful and smart
But instead I like those T-shirts,
Video games and art

I've been told to go so far,
Find places and things so new
But over the years of hopes and fears,
I've learned a thing or two

Your whole future is laid out in front,
Your wishes, hopes, and dreams
So don't become who you aren't,
That's what this poem means
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