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 May 2013 Elise
H M Jeffrey
There's this empty feeling deep inside
I feel in you I can confide
You were always there for me when I was in need
When I was with you I couldn't feel my heart bleed
Even though the pain and loneliness was still there
You showed me how to just not care
For so long now we have been apart
I'm feeling empty and that's just the start
Soon I'll feel the loneliness and the pain
I need you like flowers need rain
Sure we had our problems as most do
There were moments when I even hated you
It'll be different this time I know we can work
After all ever relationship has its quarks
So how about it, what do you say
I need you to drive the pain and loneliness away
Take my hand and don't let me go
It'll be our little secret no one will ever know
Can't you see,
my friends, brethren,
that we are in a time of trial,
and tribulation.

Our will, it will be tested,
and our spirit,
pushed to the brink of breaking.
Our knees will give way,
hands tremble and shake,
but we will beat the desert.

Forsaken by our fathers,
for taking the path of the righteous man,
we will trek under the desert sun.
And when we reach,
the river of the Nile,
we will not longer be forsaken.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio

— The End —