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  Sep 2014 Elijah
Purvi Gadia
God.....if you hadn't sent me in this world
Then my heart wouldn't have started crying seeing this....
All the suffering people bear in their hearts
And the unbearable pain of lost ones they miss

All these hearts they look silent and at peace
But they are screaming at the top of their voice
They have been secretly tortured and burned at the stake
Their screams loud: can't you hear the noise

My heart it weeps and it cries
It burns in agony and drowns in a sea of blood
Only if all this suffering could be lessened
Then hopefully peace and happiness would flood
The starting two lines are kind of not mine..... My father came up with those lines in the language, Hindi......
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Elijah Sep 2014
the essence of the colour white
where an angel's intrusive manner triggers
a spiritual union, sudden character unleashed
the essence of the colour blue
a vision transmitted into reality
a spiritual union, sudden charater blemished
the essence of the colour violet
it's there to tranquilize a soul
a spiritual union, between you & I.
#soul #spiritual #life #love .
  Sep 2014 Elijah
Ofentse Tsie
Let's make art. I wanna draw you like pablo with no picasa though. You give me butterflies when I think of your smile
                  Let me carve you being with my soul. all the beautiful flaws that are there will stand out
               You'll become a 10; flawless in a way my eyes will never wander
and lust will fade
                           I'll trip for you in all the areas of my life and find my place at home in your eyes.
                 Your heart will become my place of safety
I want you all to myself.
                For myself. My happiness will be found in every word said by your voice, the humor in your laugh.
         I wanna get lost into the beauty of your smile - let you make me happy with a blink of an eye

by: ofentse_tsie & dvniel
We had this in some sort of a conversation. We hope you guys enjoy it like we enjoyed writing it for ya
Elijah Sep 2014
one, two steps in the wilderness
hoping to find your resemblance
three, four glimpes on the streets
hoping to find a glance attraction
five, six inches from the moonlight
hoping to find a bright future ahead of us
seven, eight "yes's" from the tip of your tongue
hoping to find my arms around you
nine, ten steps to paradise
where the world will find you & I .
#soulsearching #love #life

— The End —