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 Aug 2020 eleanor prince
The crystal forms slowly building sequential
Pace the turning of the heart
Stagnant or swollen
What divinity lays entwined
In a sunlight
And the pulsing of your dream
Pounding away at your reality
The crystalline heart
Segmented refining it’s beauty
Lips caress the lip
Drowning in love the segments define
The table set for starving lovers
Pierce me and I will bleed
 Aug 2020 eleanor prince
For Bukowski

rough ragged creviced whiskey soaked
smoke inundated telling
wrapping his arms around the world
laughing with the wicked and the pure
ragged edges
bold enough to split you open
revealing how beauty is best viewed
from within the shadows
Thomas w. Case/ Bukowski challenge.
from a eulogy, by a poet, of a poet:

she rewinds the years for the dead

to a time he sat around a campfire with the ancient ones, singing,

"old songs written by broken men in love with their own vanishing nature..."

and it hits me, I am now among their ranks

proudly proclaiming, I am Natan Lupan, the grey wolf

yet seeing more a shivering coyote in morning's mirror

no noble howl to greet the day, but scripting what I will say,

to a world of faces, without whose feigned graces,
I would be put out to pasture

they see the white beard, the thinning mane, and wonder why I am still among them

then they decide where to go to lunch

without me, but I do not lament this loss

broken sons, long lost lovers, buried friends, and a Medicare card trump such trivial slights

they know nothing of my pitiable past

nor do they care--they weren't there
when my Elysian dreams and grandiose schemes
were born, and died

now a darkness approaches, and I fear I face it alone

though a borrowed line reminds me,
others have been there before...

sitting around a fire in the night,
mesmerized by flames that flap gold wings for short flight, then become red embers when men take sleep

when morning's cold ashes are lifted by the wind, I hope the songs we sang will be their celestial waltz
The quoted line is from Patti Smith's elegiac piece about her friend Sam Shepard
 Aug 2020 eleanor prince
Reliving the path your blood has taken
and gathering up
all of time that has past
since it uttered its first beat
it hangs suspended somewhere
for the broken to harbor

but time is always reaching out
tethering itself to what will be
it is painless and pure
freely offering the sutures
that draw our wounds closed....
A poem of healing.
 Jul 2020 eleanor prince
 Jul 2020 eleanor prince
Thinking about getting a tattoo
But, I take pause...
Looking in the mirror
I see my body’s already covered
Marked in invisible ink
Every inch of my bare skin
Painted with the joy and pain of living
From my heart to my hips
Color faded here, but poppin’ over there
Memories designed by your hands
Others etched on my own
A collection that makes me smile
Among a few pieces I regret
So, about getting a tattoo...
I guess I’m not ready
Because I can’t think of a tattoo
Meaningful enough, yet
To write over any of the life I’ve lived
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