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Eilish Sep 2013
I know of lonely days,
I want my girls back.
Eilish Jun 2013
To wake at noon, the  rare warmth of sunlight
breaks gently through the closed curtains, stroking our faces softly
beautiful bass tunes fill our heads from the room next door
I can already feel you pulling me up

Velvet and silk against the skin
I feel glamorous for once in my small life
I feel beautiful, still coated in the musk and smoke from the day before
We sit on the porch, I mistake shadows for my own hair and you blow smoke into the sky

Because of you and for you
We hold hands , take a walk along the train tracks
Is this taunting danger? I think we are safe but I will push it as far as it goes
Only to have you hold me around the waist, to tell me everything is okay

To have a candle lit dinner, on the floor of my bedroom
You tell long tales about our romantic future
I speak folklore into your ears
and then to rest, bed sheets, pillows and what comes with them.

So into the slumber I fall, into the world of dreams
where I dream this dream over and over, wishing I was there
Because, darling, whenever I wake
You are never here
Eilish Apr 2013
Your heart is not so well hidden, dark Siren
Not as you'd like to believe
What's hidden are your intentions
You know he feels differently now

You're looking at me but it is his reflection
I see in your crystal eyes
You smile at me, but is it genuine?
I swear I heard hate in your voice

With an innocent heart but defenses high
my eyes are locked on you, Siren
You sit upon your rock, waves lapping
and as you sing his name towards the shore
he and I will hold hands
Eilish Apr 2013
Your anger did not phase me
as what was digested took control
and I stepped tenderly
onto the eyelid garden
Eilish Jul 2013
I slipped from the eyelid garden
Falling now
I reached for your hand
but it wasn't there
And when I hit the concrete
leave my innards for the birds
Eilish Jun 2014
I have been absent
I have been used


Left for food
Scraps on the floor of ones mind

That piece together to make a once smiling face

Now distorted with shame and hysteria

For those unknowing to stare, to judge

Today I learnt that I am strong

Today I saw the love you're trying to deny

and with your presence, changed but yet there

I will bet that ******* that tore me in two

that stole me from you

and never let me forget
Eilish Jun 2013
On wet days the gutter fills with regrets
We are left to walk alongside
as they gush down dank city streets
The water collects debris
but abandons it quickly
With no time to process any situation
the matter is only to rot and block
Finally the drain may be reached
but it is a short relief
as it will drain all feeling
pulling it out and polluting the coast
Eilish Nov 2014
It has been a long time

Yet it feels as if yesterday
You awoke from my side
Reluctantly leaving the bed

Gentle pressure placed upon my eyes
Back then I had less reason to hide

But change happens quickly

Empty and lonely we each said goodbye

The in between






And Love

I still see it in you

I am hopelessly hopeful that you see it too
Eilish Nov 2014
This one is different from before
This one is empty
This one is angry
This one is dark and sad
But it is not like the others

Is this what its really like to be in love?
I have never felt so much pain for so long
So what were the others?
Because they were definitely not this.

This one is ongoing
This one is hopeful
This one is longing

And I don't even know what I'm saying
But I do know
There will not be an end to this pain
Unless he takes me swimming in the seas of Spain
Whats even going on?
Eilish Apr 2013
In the dark I felt your warm breath upon my lips
This shouldn't happen, nothing more will happen
My body and my mind bicker with each other
The internal conflict pains me so I grasp your hand

I grasp your hand and your heart quickens
How did this happen? Where is this going?
Your body tenses as if any movement will make this moment vanish
And in the dark you breathe your warm breath upon my lips
Eilish Apr 2013
Do you remember?
We've known of each other for a while now.
When did we meet?
I can't remember what I said, every nights the same,
You weren't even there that time!
But she told me, and didn't we sit and chat?
The night we first meet.

It was cold,
Every night is cold!  
I wore my blanket of cheap wine, numbing my body..
Numbing your mind! What were you thinking?!
Do we ever ******* think?
He smiled at me,
Me too.

We danced, didn't we?
Yes, it was lovely.
When was the last night that happened?
Every night, I don't know,
They have blurred and merged.
I need to sleep, I'm burning the candle.
Now now, you don't want to miss out on the fun.

If you don't go tonight, they'll forget your name.
You don't know each other, not in reality.
He'll be there, and you know what she's thinking..
Do you want that to happen?
I can't believe this is happening!
How long has it been?
I feel like I've known you my entire life..

With each sip, each inhale
The lights and sounds cut all senses,
Keep up! Or you'll get lost,
Get lost in the ever changing shapes and colours.
The kaleidoscope mirrors are made for illusion..
Is it real? I can't tell. But I can tell, for the moment,
It is beautiful.
Eilish Jun 2013
For I am the smallest child
I often find that my mind is swamped
Do I deserve to hold your heart?
You have held the hands of beauty queens,
Women in red heels and lips
You have moved them, their hearts swelled for you
And now you chase a plain paper bag
Swept up in the wind
I am dragged empty down the street

She sits upon my shoulder
Whispering devils into my ear
To brood over her memory
*So suffocating I can not bare
Eilish Nov 2014
At least I thought

None of you are who you want to be
Who you say you are to strangers

Its seems the opinion of strangers is what matters most
If it means you will be regarded in this false light

Lets be disingenuous
Lets be in denial
Lets play pretence

With all of our wonderful
You are perfect as you, but I suppose that's not important anymore.
Eilish Sep 2013
O! Laugh loved one, for we are not lost
Though eyes are shrouded, our hands we still hold
Eilish Apr 2013
A hot black temper lies beneath
that cold white face of soft beauty
Mother Moon peaks in the dark

Her lunar light penetrates those below
causing insanity and heartache
She does not love as a mother should

She is all that can be seen in this night
but with arms extended she is still out of reach

Forget Mother Moon
You will never be her Sun
Eilish May 2013
Their not broken
I'll take those glasses from your head
Cleaning them with my breath and a soft cloth
The smudges disappear easily
When we reminisce  

With eyes clear you can see it all again
And what lies ahead is sunny once more
Eilish Jun 2013
Perhaps it is just today but
to develop a love for one already loved
as if I have never meet him
as if I see him daily but from a distance
is surely a sign one is lonely

Perhaps it is just today but
to convulse with jealousy towards a past time
as if it has held back my love from me
as if it has numbed our present experiences
is surely a sign one is unstable

Perhaps it is just today but
to confuse my love for two of a different kind
to long for one which is the same but still
to feel guilty for the other
makes me sick to the core
as if I am heart broken and in love
as if I am unfaithful and forever loyal
as if I am losing my mind

Perhaps it is just today
in which case I will keep in my box
avoiding both tormentors until we see
which is the one who fights for me
Eilish May 2013
Some hold the heaviness of the world in their heart
I only cradle this silly wee thing
It sits in my heart like the tooth on my chest
It niggles away, a tickling sensation
But this silly wee thing is mine
and mine alone!
If it were not to be here then surely
neither would I
Eilish May 2013
They say this
You will look back on this and laugh one day
They say this to comfort
And maybe so if I grow to be you
Old and cynical
Laughing at a lost love
Anything to distract your sore heart
And your night-time longing for youth
But I would rather
Sit and smile
Not denying my heart the right to feel past pain still
And I would like to think
That somewhere
He is regretting
The rolling tears he caused
Eilish Nov 2014
These words you say
And the others too
They don't mean a thing
They are all so untrue

I care, I care
I'll always be there
It will all be okay
I promise, one day

Why waste your breath?
Why tell me this lie?
Just speak your true feelings
And tell me goodbye

******* hell I'm so mad
I hate seeing you sad
And I miss you too
I want to see you

Its not a competition
I'm just trying to say
The things that you do
They hurt me this way

I'll try, I'll try
But right now I'm high
I think, I think
**** I need a drink

He seems so happy
Oh you know him so well?
She's batshit crazy
Oh just go to hell

I don't own the guilt you feel
Each time that I cry
Who even cares?
I want to curl up and die
Eilish May 2013
Everyday I watch you
you slice down your chest's center
slide your fingers in
and pry yourself open
to let your gushing heart pour out
All over me
it gets on my shoes and stains my socks
Eilish Aug 2013
Left on the shore, we are
Cleansed of all mistakes
Of the hate, the hurt

This will wash away
And I will hold you forever
Because I love you, forever.
Eilish Apr 2013
It cannot be helped for one to think
that every distant smile
is directed to a lost lover

Unable to live fully in our present
my mind wanders to your past
I watch your heart swell for her

The artist wrote his lonely thoughts
No longer alone the record has stopped
Leaving only longing for the woman in his memories
Eilish Apr 2013
Soon I will wake up again
to the day I next see you
Like an old fashioned photograph
this day will be tinted a sunny rose
Making everything look like a summer's afternoon

Soon I will step out of this bed
and into your arms
I'll stretch pastel roses across your shoulder's skin
with a touch of peach pinching our tongues
We will watch the sun set

And as this sun says goodbye
the stars rise from their daylight slumber
Cold will seep through the soil, climbing the blades of grass
to tickle the soles of our bare skinned toes
And off are we to begin our own solid slumber

Only to find, that soon we will wake up again.
Eilish Nov 2014
The night we meet
We sat in that field
Sharing cigarettes and stories
I told you of my heart ache
And you listened

The weeks onward
When we fell in love
And we dreamed and we planned
Marry me in Thailand, you said
But I knew, by then, when you were lying

And then away you went
Across the world, to another world
And I was lost
My life became longing and heart ache again
But you were still listening

Still I lost myself further
Drowning in the dark
I listened to another
Taking advantage of my heart
I hurt you, I hurt you

And we met again
Eyes locked together in that foreign city
Walking streets together as if,
As if we were the only two left in this world
You listened and you forgave

Back in our home
We combine our things
Build a nest, build a sanctuary
Where we lived peacefully and lovingly
And then we didn't, not at all  

So much has happened in these small two years
My mind is ill, I can't comprehend
Everything is sour, its all such a mess
My heart is still aching
But your not listening
This night we met, my friends and I
Sharing cigarettes and stories
They told me of their heartache
And I realised, I should have really appreciated you
My mind is ill, my mind is ill
Don't even know if this makes sense, I'm just typing.
Not very subtle for those on here that know me personally.
But its not like I ever leave the house anymore so I wont see you around.
Eilish Apr 2013
Who would think now
that we had ever been so close?
Sometimes even I struggle to remember.
But I do remember,
clinging to your skin so tightly,
as stories of spirits rolled from our tongues
like ones breath in a morning frost.
We watched them watch us,
Eyes play tricks in dark bedroom corners,
And so it was till after 7 am
that I was finally brave enough
to fall asleep.
Eilish May 2013
Every word you carefully piece together
so finely, such tender fingers
your work is like the web of a spider
or did you sit for hours?
Stitching away with a needle and thread
so minute, every moment so precise
so particular
you're so careful, so safe

I feel like I found you,
you stumbled out of a dense wood
eyes large, bewildered
you ran straight into me and knocked me flat!
And yet you stopped to offer your hand,
unlike the ones before

A friend once said to me
I feel like I deserve more
I agreed with her, she did.
You are everything perfect she spoke of
and you are for me

And so,
young man,
so odd,
so in love
Be pleased,
Be proud
You do a wonderful job
and you make me shine
Eilish Dec 2013
Over the edge,
      into the deep, cold waters.
My ocean.
Is it possible for you to sit aside me?
      Contained and afloat.
Or, if you please, you may swim
Hold my hand.

And let it be, for just awhile.
Eilish May 2013
Last night I discovered galaxies
They were caught in waves
Washing up onto the shore
Following along behind us
Leaving our footsteps to glow

Last night I lay in a field
Two strangers by my side
Soon to become new friends
We spoke of the world
and watched the planets wave hello

Last night I thought of you
Your spirit by my side
I wanted to swim in everything
Take your hand and bring you
Into the deep warmth of below
Eilish Jun 2013
Unsuspecting you are, an
Innocent soul you have always been
my wee baby blue
You used to be there for me and
I'll hold your hand still too

Like a child your mind wanders
In the sun and mud between your toes
grubs and worms to play
Watch out for the snake in the grass
It slowly creeps, it will bite you one day

Sunken in teeth, so fast
The venom fills your blood
like so many others before
An addiction now you crave so badly
Once it leaves you for something more
Eilish Nov 2014
When did my mind change?
When did I become this senseless, desperate monstrosity?
When did you fall out of love with me?
Eilish Apr 2013
The street is full of the nights left-overs
We sit under the dead orange glow
I take a glance at your face, scared
Its twisted look of
makes my body twist itself
Until I have shrunken so tiny
I could sit upon the pin
that I just stuck into your chest
My pocket gives three sharp beeps

Are you coming?

Your not stupid
Your face tells me that

I'm not going to do this again

You say, pained
as you pull out the pin
I take your hand and hold it tight
Our skin blends together, but i want it too
and no one else
despite tonight's activities
We rise from the cold
Shake the glow off our shoulders
And watch as the sweeper takes away the streets mess

— The End —