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 Mar 2018 egghead
Dezzie Hex
 Mar 2018 egghead
Dezzie Hex
Do I sicken you?

Does your lip curl in repulsion as I cast aside my skin and invite you in?
Oh, what misfortune is mine that you would choose to dine with me!
Am I not a pretty spread, charred from toe to head?

Feast on me and be sickened.

With such disgust you mask your lust,
and I watch your tongue quiver, shiver, and shake--
Touch me and I will break in your fingers.
You see me as lovely and wild; and yet,
I am so very reviled by you.
Is my human mask too loose?
Would you fancy me in a noose?

Ah, such wonder we feel at what makes us ill, for hunger sets no limit.
Do you know when to stop eating?

Is your heart even still beating?

You made yourself sick.
Still a WIP, but I'm liking it.

— The End —