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Have you ever tried to flex your heart to make sure it was still in your chest?

Everytime you tried to choke down what was hurting you, you realized it didn't matter anymore.

Lately, I've been doing okay. Except when the night starts telling secrets to the dawn so I have to make sure they don't whisper your name.

Please, don't worry about me though. Just focus on being happy.

Maybe one day, things will be in a place where you can see a shadow and smile without swallowing shards of glass.

E**ven though I promised to always be here, it will **** is both if I stay. I'm so sorry.
Help me.
I look in the mirror and I see a man,
Standing, looking down at the blood upon his hands
He shudders at himself, struggles to stand
This wasn't meant to be,
This wasn't part of the plan,

I look in the mirror, and I see a boy
Crying over spilt milk and broken toys
Over his favorite hot wheel being crushed by daddies van,
This wasn't meant to be, this wasn't part of the plan

I look in the mirror, and I see a monster,
A red blooded sociopath who looks like his father
Remembering a sermon of empty words
The deepest cuts bleed but dont hurt
But the ones on my wrist do,
This wasn't meant to be,
This wasn't a part of the plan
He walks in the room as though he were avenging the wrong she had done to him,
She whimpers as he strolls past her without giving one look in her direction.
What happened to the beautiful love they had shared?
Was it her apprehension from the beginning? His tendency to be overzealous?
Was it because he said "I love you" on their second date?
The only wrong she had done was love him to no avail, even months after things turned sour.
She had such a hard time warming up to the idea of his presence in her life.
He courted her for decades, loved her for years, dated her for months, kissed her for weeks, and cried for days.
Quickly, they fell in love and let go of their inhibitions.
Few individuals are lucky enough to find the kind of love they shared; an unforgiving albatross of happiness.
He turned bitter faster than they fell in love and she stood by him, unwavering in her feelings.
Their stubborn personalities clash with each other.
They yearn for the light the other brought into life.
She still loves him.
He still loves her.
Will they ever realize?
 Feb 2014 Eener Nospmoht
Stubborn as all hell, I am
When you say you just want to be friends
But what happens when I kiss someone else
And want you on the receiving end?

As I pull off her dress,
Wishing it was us making a mess
Feel fire rolling off her tongue, in full heat
But my heart still plays your beat

She shudders and moans the way you used to,
But still
Still she’s not you
I let the music take me over,
soak into my skin.
I let the music take me over,
and wash away my sins.
I let the music take me over,
sometimes way too loud.
I let the music take me over,
as gentle as a cloud.

Wash away my worries,
take away the lies.
Brush off all my bruises,
the tears fall from my eyes.
Seldom, I am happy.
Though it makes me feel that too.
Mostly it takes me deeper,
in my empty part of two.
It makes me feel so numb,
but it makes me feel such pain.
It cuts off all my senses,
or sends them rushing to my brain.
So many greats are writers,
just like you and I.
So many writers are nobody,
who give me my wondrous high.
It doesn't matter who you are,
Just listen with your ears.
It doesn't matter what is wrong,
washing over all your fears.

I let the music take me over,
soak into my skin.
I let the music take me over,
and wash away my sins.
I let the music take me over,
sometimes way too loud.
I let the music take me over,
as gentle as a cloud.
I stared at my phone screen,
Waiting for you to reply.
With the soft winter breeze blowing through my heat filled room,
I could almost mistake this day for summer.
With you in your ray bans,
And me in my aviators.
I want to sit in a meadow of daisies
by the river,
watching you pick the petals from the stem.
And hear you laugh like sunshine rays tumbling down my skin.
It isn't only until just now,
That I realized that this is not
and we are not laughing anymore,
And nothing is easy.
It is hard and I miss you..
It's early in the evening but I'm so tired it feels like the late hours of the night. I have a cup of tea in one hand and a cigarette in the other and I can't even look at the stars because they remind me of your eyes.
She's everything to me.
She's my light in the dark, my shelter from the rain, my warmth from everything that's cold in this world.
We fight.
A lot.
But through the frustration and the anger and sadness.. All I am ever thinking about is how much I love her.
How much she means to me.
All the moments that I've had with her;
hearing her heartbeat for the first time;
holding her while she cried, while she held my scars in her lovely hands;
watching her rest and seeing her smile so beautifully while she slept..
That makes it all worth it.
Everyday I see her,
Everyday I get to hug her for that one moment,
makes it all worth it.
There is so much I need to say to her.
So much that I wish I could explain so she could see what she is to me.
I can't ever lose her.
She must never go from me or leave me.
I couldn't handle life.
She is my life.
She is everything good and beautiful and  heavenly in this world.
She's my world, my everything.
And I will never leave her side.
I thank God everyday for her and ask that He keeps her happy and safe.
I hope she loves me forever.
Because I love every part of her.
My best friend.

I love her forever..                         .
An old letter that slipped through my jewelry box. It's funny how things change over the years. I love my best friend with my whole heart, I've just learned about myself and my boundaries and limits. I am still as thankful as ever. Just for different reasons now.
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