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Eden Branch Mar 2016
Living a life for someone else
Turning into someone you don't know
Somehow confused by yourself
Unaware- with no where to go

I can't say there was no warning
Or that I didn't see it coming from miles away
But I was not expecting
In a million years to say

That is not my face in the mirror
Or my voice echoing on the phone
Nothing in this world seems familiar
Like living a house without a home
Eden Branch Mar 2016
Have you ever drawn a smiling face on a shower door or a foggy window?
Most people would see it as a free moment of happiness getting the chance to express itself, and then take a smile of their own as they walk away.

Not me.
At least, not often.
On days when the sky goes from gray to black, darker than hell- letting out its aggression with a downpour,
Or when a hot shower is about standing under the current, letting the mistakes and memories of the day flow down the drain.
More about a second of peace than actually washing the dirt off.

Those moments are when I carve the thin lips of a crooked smile, watching small droplets of water gather at the bottom of two lines I pictured as eyes.
I see the beads stream down like tears when the weight gets to be too much.
And the face keeps a smile until the condensation of it all lets the image of brief optimism destroy itself.
The remains of free happiness trickling down the wall.
Eden Branch Mar 2016
Find yourself
Don't push off believing
Don't rationalize away
The love your "loved ones" aren't receiving

Give happiness a place to live
Let joy exist
Say you gave the venture of life
Half a chance at least

Explore all possibilities
Challenge love and what it means
And in this life I hope you see
No matter how meaningless
You think it to be
Know that the same life you doubt
Means everything to me
Eden Branch Mar 2016
live for the somedays
whatever they bring
the mysterious future
whenever lives change
Eden Branch Mar 2016
I look around and all I see
Is a war of pageantry and vanity
Everyone striving to define "pretty"

Waking up to put on a show
Painting on their faces before they go
Start their day with lies, fake smiles, glitter and bows

They have no direction
besides following their own reflections
Spreading their disease of insecurity
and superiority complex infections
Eden Branch Mar 2016
I looked in a mirror today
and didn't recognize the person staring back.
I knew the curve of her face,
saw familiar freckles wandering across her nose,
and I wasn't surprised by the dark circles below deep set eyes.
Nor was I shocked by the eyebrows resembling hairy caterpillars
scrawled across her forehead.
But underneath all the worry lines and pimple scars-
the eyes making contact with my gaze
were dull
Where did that spark go?
Where is the life and curiosity
that defined my smile
My attitude
My life
Where did the light go?
How did I let that escape me?
And where do I find it again?
Eden Branch Mar 2016
Before the days came to get older
Before they made me stress
A lifetime ago when days began
With something other than regret

I miss the days when we could run
Spontaneous and free
Leap up high into the air
Nothing beneath our feet

Could fly with no fear of falling
Soar with certainty
No stop to imagination
Or weight of reality

And now I find myself years later
Coming back to think
Time gets to have the fun of flying
Why on earth can't we

We're wiser and we're older
Some wrinkles added to our eyes
But since when does experience
Make our wings too scared to fly
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