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5.2k · Sep 2011
Wolf Goddess
Eclipsing Moon Sep 2011
Wolf Goddess
A Book by Eclipsing Moon-blood red

manuscript- this book and all subsequent chapters --copyright@2011--- by Laurance Dyson all rights reserved not to be used except in this environment without express permission from the writer.

This Book is rated Mature and may contain material unsuitable for readers under 18.

Eclipsing Moon Sep 2011
Astral Souls
A Chapter by Eclipsing Moon-blood red

musings on the connection and joining of the reincarnated souls each new many linked souls or spirits does one determine are in one original soul

This Chapter is rated Mature and may contain material unsuitable for readers under 18.

I select Mature because I refuse to subject younger minds to transcendental thoughts...

Astral projection is more real at this point in my life than the daily occurances in my so called normal know me is to know there is nothing normal about Me.

   Projection to Me is the natural state of existance of soul beings and the travel to assist others is done subconciously and consciously in my daily and nightly moments of tuned in

travel in the Astral level...meditation is my natural way of entering this state and complete quiet and ****** movement is not required..when My spirit tunes into a spirit requiring thought of mental healing or just discussion on that level I "tune in" to the reality of that space in time...and that spirit and merge with the spirit and experience it with them.

   Clearing the spirit of a soul is required by the joining with them ..and letting them experience Astral thru Me ...while I calm them internally in their physical form...many traumatic injuries can be treated in this taking over the pain and healing the body from inside...pain is only karma needing balancing and occurs to promote the understanding of assisted by allowing a spirit to be in the body of the teacher/friend to see what the lesson is.

Post script:

I simply did not follow that line in the process..ty for mentioning the responsibilities it brings...I'm gonna post that on the reviews as I've answered several questions along the same will notice I said it is karma and involvement in karma is responsibility...I never attempt to alter personal lessons with out consulting with the entity...pain is for karmic teaching..I do not aleviate it unless I must to remove a certain type of situation...such as a broken leg in physical life that is very painful and no pain medicine is around..the blood pressure can get way too high in certain yes..i will intervene in certain death situations if My guides is only then that WE would decide that is far from simple as Kerry commented...I sent her an explanation on that...responsibility wise it is a heavy karmic responsibility and I claim no god complex..if I dont share with enlightened beings such as YOU..then I am at fault for keeping it secret...I assure you it does not seem God like from here...kinda like deep doodoo for spirit help...I would never wish that on anyone....I am still searching...Yes always will be ,,a physical body is a trust endowment to care for...if the difficulty were my personal choice and mine alone to decide...I would resign the honor...but it is not...The laws of Dharma And Karma require Me to choose to learn ...until My time ..this over...teaching and learning is MY responsibility...clear as a singing bowl's ring...OmManiPadme Om.

Guided Meditation

On closing my eyes I see a insect takes on air around its body by trapping it in its hair then dives slowly into the depths and goes..down ...down...down..until it reaches a hidden rock cave..where it goes in and deposits its air bubble..on exiting it repeats this process and traps more air at the surface...only yo go down ..down..down..again ...time after time...repetition is my focus and it is soothing to my gives it a focus to relieve the tension...I stay until the focus ..removes My be contd.

prev chapter
2.2k · Sep 2011
Eclipsing Moon Sep 2011
Calabash Squash
A Poem by Eclipsing Moon-blood red

entry for a contest...rhythm

Hip- hop jury swapped

Hippity- hoppity sequestered they stop

Bibity- bobity alone on the cobblestone.

falling in- falling over

The balcone wailing, and buckets pailing, and hailing, and


The walls and ramparts the cannons were whaling

Moby dicking and schlicking the schlock of the clock… hickory dickery ..where is the Doc?

Blind mice made the move..up one "grandfather  side.

... and

Over the top .

Now wasn’t that a quainty dish to set before the Queens …

in drag

© 2011 Eclipsing Moon-blood red
1.7k · Oct 2011
Beauty Is as Beauty Does-
Eclipsing Moon Oct 2011
Chapter Three

Déjà vu- poem by Muse

My life, sometimes I ponder,

God.....did he fashion my hands and skin from another?

Am I just a recovered tired vessel,

refurbished lung and breath, reassembled, to be something fragile?

My fears and defects I feel are not my own,

borrowed and rented maybe, from someone once known.

Your voice just a proverbial song.

It feels ancient, but like an undercurrent, it carries me along.

My story perhaps is a plagiarism of you,

a reincarnation of what I might answer, and what I might do.

With every deliberate ill-mannered step,

someone before me, has already passed, lingered, and slept.

My soul, has it lived before?

It seems to be the same narrow path, but a different revolving door.

Seeking answers in restorative dreams,

this body, however temporary, is not what it seems.

My thumbprint a reminder of her,

your girlish vision, a familiar relic, with a haunting blur.

Is this a case of refuted Deja vu?

Or just maybe, she's a vicarious spirit, that has been there too.

I.... felt as If  I was dropped into the middle of the park like a tornado touched down and regurgitated my entirety into the dirt.

Siting and looking around I thought to recover my senses from the last years worth of experiences and the seemingly odd and recurring ???types of things. A kind of Déjà vu of someone elses life.They must have been a mystic because they seemed to see…I seemed to see…as thru a proverbial glass darkly.

I found that peoples thoughts and memories were easily seen and felt in their presence and that their entire life histories were… Mine ..just for the looking or rather thinking of the thought to trigger their inner most secrets. The intricacies of their lives and the interrelated woven tapestry of their Dharmas and Karmas were unfolded to my mind and knowings as one continuous scroll of life.

Invigorating and compelling to be part and parcel to the workings of Life , but confusing and tiring keeping up and interacting as a vocation.I was supposed to be a Home Design specialist with a hobby of -White Lite WICCA….Hobby of the weekend I chuckled to myself.

Well ,now I was fully awake and centered again ..and as I rose from my place in the dirt I noticed I had been sitting as was far too familiar as of late and pondering the strangeness of my life…in the middle of a strange place , not remembering how I got there or why. Well so much the bother ,I was here now and I believe my calendar says I have , oh yes an appointment I’m late for already. Up I get and brushing myself off,I head out in the direction for my Meeting with a small company of Artists decorating their loft and space for exhibiting their recent works. Clover- Wolf was the odd name of their business.

Well maybe a quick design idea there…wolfs head over a four leaf clover…hmm well maybe not, Lame at best.

prev chapter

© 2011 Eclipsing Moon-blood red
1.4k · Nov 2011
One Clan-celtic
Eclipsing Moon Nov 2011
One Clan
A Poem by Eclipsing Moon-blood red

holiday season is on us again

One Clan

There is thunder in the sound of a horse’s hooves

And crackle of lightening in the crisp, clear breaking

Of a morn on the tall peaks.

Alas the reverie of the season is tried and found to be wanting.

All amiss of buttered *** and candy canes.

Saturated with the intensity…

Of our remembered Holidays, past.

Do you find a value in this our most way-laid Happiness?

Let us conjure the spirits of a truer time …

Snow on the ground and earth mothers feeling

Of the all -encompassing hug

Of Being one in kith and kin

One Clan
1.4k · Nov 2011
mie Takuye Oyasin
Eclipsing Moon Nov 2011
Mie Takuye Oyasin
A Poem by Eclipsing Moon-blood red

we are all related in NA sioux language.transcendental look at relationships...

Words of the creation, softly ,jaggedly, tumbled from my mouth...

Blindingly Lit by the Cosmotic forces, thunderingly struck ...

As a two headed drum of goatskin, beats the primal rhythm... Thump...resoundingly beckoning all spirit matter to proclaim....

I am worthy ...We are worthy ..We are all related in creation..

1.3k · Oct 2011
Beauty Is as Beauty Does
Eclipsing Moon Oct 2011
Beauty Is As Beauty Does--chapter one

A Chapter by Eclipsing Moon-blood red

Galaxy Stanza

A Poem by Raven Starhawk

Nimbus arms embrace celestial terrain

as it cascades infinity

wielding zephyr's wand

and sipping inferno's nectar

In zenith's hour

epochal monoliths mystify

Goliath arrogance

as it persecutes a nebula
while astral satiety arrests the beast

and galaxy stanzas resume

Beauty is as Beauty Does-

A Story by Eclipsing Moon-blood red

In the dark recesses
of the void, we call our universe a cloud was forming, one devoid of morals or

The molecules came
together under the thought processes of a malignantly minded old sorcerer,
blended with his hope of a lasting endowment of centuries of learning and spell

He was searching for a
one to carry on his knowledge and spells of potion and this cloud could carry
out the espying in secret as he wished...under cover of dark and
thought...unless a spirit was descerned by another caster of woven potions.

Today in time was
measured more by centuries and decades as the process took... its
form...questing for the entity as this universe and others had been targeted
for his type of Magic...sorcerers specialized in their trade and like all good
practitioners he had his fireworks shows with energy beams and potion majic mixed
to control and manipulate the certain being he was working with...for power was
the name of his gambit...the access and addition of as well as controlling in
the sphere of a society...let’s just say he got his jollies from using other’s
well- earned energy…What they worked for...he stole and reveled in the process.

It just so happened
that today...his cloud was in the vicinity of a planet known to the Magical
world as Earth...Terra...this being inhabited by beings in many dimensions and seemed to home in on a child...being birthed as a logical
consideration ..So that; further study was merited

Marking this beings
location in the foothills of a hidden mountain range the Tibetan range and
former birthplace of a religious teacher known as Lord
Buddha...Siddhartha...and a nice long history in the telling of the Monks who
followed him...this time a twist a counter turn of the incarnation was a Female
child …Looking to be imbued with the same set of majical powers...and the
beginning of another time and space of reign as the first...excellent time to
lay claim to the mind and teachings of this ...ONE..Of Beauty.

Her fingers curled into her palms. Beneath her fingertips she felt an electric shock, almost gasped but then the pulse was through her. The diary was etched in her memory; its feel, shape and smell. It was almost as if it was a breathing thing rather than an inanimate object. The cool plastic feel of a pen settled over each relaxing digit and it was as if she was writing the next entry.

Darkness lingered around her eyes as she shifted her weight to one foot. Glancing at the end of the avenue she gave a weak smile to anyone who passed by and dared to look at the two officers and teenagers. Then as the lamp next to them flickered, its bulb ready to give way to shadows, the first officer stood perfectly tall once more and stared with unmoving features.

Owen stammered, looked from Candace to the first officer and then the second. He pushed his glasses up with a shaky forefinger and shuffled closer to the lamp post where it beamed a dully. She tugged at his sleeve and nodded toward the police car. Its spinning lights ceased as the first officer hopped in the driver's seat.

"Come on, Owen," Candace said and was pulling him along toward the back where the second officer was standing with his hand on the handle.

"Are we being arrested," he asked, Candace pushing him into the small caged seat. Staring through a steel mesh, he asked, "What is going on?"

Moments later they were riding into the night. Soft music was playing over the radio but only at a whisper as the two officers engaged in conversation. They hardly spoke like authority figures and Candace sensed Owen must be in a world of questions but as they sat with silence between them she simply smiled.

next chapter

© 2011 Eclipsing Moon-blood red
1.1k · Nov 2011
In praise of a Warrior
Eclipsing Moon Nov 2011
As I placed the kiln dried wood upon the altar , I thought of the One who I was to bury here. She who was so unlike the others.. A Woman of principal and morals , yet of the wilderness in her heart. She who fought and taught and learned the ways ...of the cultures of many and few. She who spoke the language of the people but not of the country, where government of the people and by the people did not exist..NOW I LAY HER DOWN TO SLEEP...I PRAY HER SOUL BUDHA TO KEEP....I TRUST HER BODY TO THE GREAT DEEP...WHOLE OF DHARMA...KHARMICLY KEPT FOR REASONS DEAR.
1.1k · Sep 2011
dedos de una costa bajo
Eclipsing Moon Sep 2011
dedos de una costa bajo
A Poem by Eclipsing Moon-blood red

This Poem is rated Mature and may contain material unsuitable for readers under 18.

Esta noche estoy llorado para entrelazados

los extremidades y influenciadas en mina

el toque de dedos rugosas trazar las curvas plumas

el aguijón eléctrico de su carne de reunión y de partición

como las ondas de una costa bajo una luna creciente

deslumbrante y fresco como la brisa violenta.

© 2011 Eclipsing Moon-blood red
855 · Sep 2011
Beauty Is As Beauty Does
Eclipsing Moon Sep 2011
Beauty Is As Beauty Does
A Story by Eclipsing Moon-blood red

If enough people are interested I will continue with this series as a Book with chapters this one being renamed ...Beauty Is As Beauty Does-Prologue .

Beauty Is As Beauty Does

A Story by Eclipsing Moon-blood red

If enough people are interested I will continue with this series as a Book with chapters, this one being renamed ...Beauty Is as Beauty Does-Prologue.

In the dark recesses of the void, we call our universe a cloud was forming, one devoid of morals or intent.

The molecules came together under the thought processes of a malignantly minded old sorcerer, blended with his hope of a lasting endowment of centuries of learning and spell castings.

He was searching for a one to carry on his knowledge and spells of potion and this cloud could carry out the espying in secret as he wished...under cover of dark and thought...unless a spirit was descerned by another caster of woven potions.

Today in time was measured more by centuries and decades as the process took... its form...questing for the entity as this universe and others had been targeted for his type of Magic...sorcerers specialized in their trade and like all good practioners he had his fireworks shows with energy beams and potion majic mixed to control and manipulate the certain being he was working with...for power was the name of his gambit...the access and addition of as well as controlling in the sphere of a society...let’s just say he got his jollies from using others well earned energy..What they worked for...he stole and reveled in the process.

It just so happened that today...his cloud was in the vicinity of a planet known to the Magical world as Earth...Terra...this being inhabitied by beings in many dimensions and seemed to home in on a child...being birthed as a logical consideration ..So that; further study was merited

.Marking this beings location in the foothills of a hidden mountain range the Tibetan range and former birthplace of a religious teacher known as Lord Buddha...Siddhartha...and a nice long history in the telling of the Monks who followed him...this time a twist a counter turn of the incarnation was a Female child ..Looking to be imbued with the same set of majical powers...and the beginning of another time and space of reign as the first...excellent time to lay claim to the mind and teachings of this ...ONE..Of Beauty.
780 · Oct 2011
Beauty Is as Beauty Does
Eclipsing Moon Oct 2011
Chapter Two -poem-Neva Flores

Sometimes I get tired of having so little time
and plainly seeing my surroundings
crying out before the scent of dawn
has bloomed.
Can a single cloud breathe in
all of the warm air
that hails my universe,
removing all reason to wake up,
live life and resume?

I look at fleeing ships
whose sails are full of thunder
and I hear a song
dissolving the wildest parts of me.
Each note dances in the breeze
dropping its own melody
inside my heart
until it becomes the only thing
I hear inside my soul
and I struggle to even

I was a cabin boy on a tallmasted ship.In the Straits of Gibraltor.Yes they did not know I was female but that was my well kept does have to survive in this world and by hook or crook I planned on doing just name is Samuel.well really Samantha..been called Sam a while so the transition /switch to samuel was fairly easy.I figure Im close to 8yrs, maybe 9 and I'm scrawny and quick.Business was done in cramped quarters so no-one was the wiser.My best friend was Joque, he kinda wanted a son I reckon, he was partial to Me and gave Me the easy work and fed Me all the know the fresh stuff so I wasn't inclined to scurvy..apples whens theys were here...oranges and salt in rations he kinda shared with me.Odd how I was found at sea and in the middle of nowheres they say..just like I was plunked down in the ocean like a drowning rat , lucky it was in front of the HMS Frigate Triumph..not much to see but it was dryer than I had seen in a while...anyways Joque fished me out and dryed Me up ..said he'd never seen a boy with that much a hair cut was in order...threw me some dry clothes that dinna smell like stinky fish and here I were.

prev chapter

next chapter

© 2011 Eclipsing Moon-blood red
707 · Sep 2011
Eclipsing Moon Sep 2011
One Foot Behind
A Poem by Eclipsing Moon-blood red

"A story has no beginning or end; arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead." Graham Greene, The End of the Affair

Running out of time , one foot behind.

A very old saying and very old thought.

Did the thought come first

Or did the saying produce the thought.

Chicken or egg

I ve always thought that the egg was laid

So if God created the animals first

Were We behind at the


creation ?

"A story has no beginning or end; arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead." Graham Greene, The End of the Affair

© 2011 Eclipsing Moon-blood red
655 · Dec 2011
posting celtic music?
522 · Sep 2011
My friend the Poet
Eclipsing Moon Sep 2011
Friends in the realm of Poetry
Are usually few and far between
but this one sparks My interest
'cause her work is not routine..
she tells of Love forgotten
And some times begotten
on some cloud or stream or ocean of her Dreams.
for my friend the poetress Neva

— The End —