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And new

There is only so much

That we can’t define

Until we find

We’re all melting




Yourself live





There is only so much

That we can’t define

Until we find

We’re all melting
 Nov 2013 ECKate
Cara Grace
Had a one-night stand with Euphoria
Didn’t hear from him again
But I kept his shirt as a reminder
That when my heart beats quick
It’ll race like a rocket
Straight to the moon
But just as soon
It simmers and slows
So I catch it and lock it
But the trusty trees and foamy seas
Passing strangers who share the breeze
Carbon-copied my cage’s keys
And I don’t know how
And I don’t know when
But it won’t be long
Til I catch it again
 Nov 2013 ECKate
Cara Grace
I sat on a stoop
and smoked my last cigarette
and thought of making love with you
as the wind played dancing games
with the night’s forgotten litter.
 Nov 2013 ECKate
Cara Grace
His eyes
Pressed into her with the pull of polarity
A haunting indication of an impossibility too beautiful to protest
He looks
With a longing he has hidden deep in his sock drawer
So no one can tell him he’s wrong or irrational
A locket only to be worn round his pulsating mind’s mannequin
But she wears on her sleeve what he’s trying to leave
And dressed like a nightingale
In feathers so free
Her eyes with a fire that waves like the sea
Closer they crawl
Past night’s shadowed humans getting drunk off doubt and betting on beauty
Past the scratches on stools once straddled by sorrow
And Isolation, his lover
Who lost her last words somewhere under the covers
That they shook out in morning
To shake off the mourning
But the streets crave a sweep
For the ashes are thick and catch on their tongue
Reminding the runaways to stop feeling young
And as they both draw so near
With the friction of fear
And the whip of a wish
And a harsh hit of hope
For the call of a kiss
Her hairs stand on stilts at the nape of her neck
An impatient frenzy that’s waiting on deck
But the lights left her lonely
A bubble-bruised brain
And he left her only
The promise of pain
As he grabbed another hand and rushed out the door
She smiled a sadness that left her lips sore
And gathered her hollows
And the last of her trust
And took to the streets with the ashes and dust
 Nov 2013 ECKate
Jerry Desbrow
Awareness becomes acute,
shadows fall into darkness,
eyes transition, dilating to scoop up day's
fading light, a tingling of verboden awareness.

Heart rate increases...

The hearing filters the white silent noise
probes record temperatures change
while a moon's waning prepares our body
defenses for the new evening waiting.

Adjusting to the black and white...

The shift when smells registering locations
as we walk along levies and back streets.
A chill of anticipation prevails in the darkness
uneasiness with a sudden changing wind.

A tactile sensitivity slams our senses...

Withdrawing into our second nature as
night falls upon the day. Animal instinct
replace our norm to guide the human animal
safely on it's way.


Oct 29 2013
 Oct 2013 ECKate
Hilda Doolittle
Where the slow river
meets the tide,
a red swan lifts red wings
and darker beak,
and underneath the purple down
of his soft breast
uncurls his coral feet.

Through the deep purple
of the dying heat
of sun and mist,
the level ray of sun-beam
has caressed
the lily with dark breast,
and flecked with richer gold
its golden crest.

Where the slow lifting
of the tide,
floats into the river
and slowly drifts
among the reeds,
and lifts the yellow flags,
he floats
where tide and river meet.

Ah kingly kiss --
no more regret
nor old deep memories
to mar the bliss;
where the low sedge is thick,
the gold day-lily
outspreads and rests
beneath soft fluttering
of red swan wings
and the warm quivering
of the red swan's breast.
 Oct 2013 ECKate
X-Ray El gato
A man screams in his sleep.
Her features all aligned into a perfect order
Just because I'm hungry doesn't mean I have to eat.
A low hum
Burring  into my mind
Drives me into vicious fits of obsession
She stirs me

I look at her but cannot see her.
I try so hard to drink her in.
Every feature I want to drown in.
The vision is only a drop to a dying thirst

I stare so uncomfortably at her soft skin.
Guilty I lust for her.
She exemplified feminine strength

She stings me with her beauty
And Instills in me a sadness I can't understand

Consciously torn between being a dog and a man.
Stuffed my shame into my belly and moved on.
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