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Why can't you see it?
Why is it that you can't see the truth?
Is it because you don't know?
Or are you blinded by lies?

I wish I could make you see
What an amazing being you are
One that isn't just a random collection
Of billions upon billions of particles

I wish I had enough heart
To pour into this poem
To tell you how fantastic you are
To show you that you aren't what you say you are

I've tried numerous times
To try and move the right words
In the right positions, in the right order
But I can never find the right combination

Maybe because it can't be done
At least not by me
I am not the right person for this
If I was, I will try to my last breath.

I will try to find the right words
The right adjectives, the right nouns, the right verbs
The right order, the right length, the right sound
Trying to make a poem just as beautiful as you are

It may never finish
It may never begin
Because you cannot simply be defined
By just a few words

Not even a few hundred
Not even a few thousand
Not even a few million
Because there is always more about you

Because I don't want that poem to end
I don't like endings
Some things were never meant to be finished
Especially not you

But right now, I must go.
So I'll just say one word that I hope will be enough for you
Enough to last my eternal task to find the right combination.
The sun.
Emitting light.
The right amount,
Not enough to blind.
But enough to see,
What was hidden
In the dark.
The truth.

The earth.
Revolving the sun.
Moving farther away,
Moving closer together.
Never far enough
To be free of it's pull.
Never close enough,
To be burned by it's heat.

The moon.
Revolving the earth.
Showing the light,
In times of darkness.
Pulling it towards
The right direction.
A symbol of beauty,
for all the world to see.

The sun,
My light.

The moon,
My guide.

The earth,
My world.

My light, my guide, my world,
My universe.
But the universe has flaws.
Mine has only one.

It has too much space.
Wanted: v.; to desire, to lack

I wanted you to be the stars to my sky --
I would have let you form
galaxies and constellations
to the edge of infinity,
in whatever shapes you pleased.
I wanted you to be the pen,
while I, the paper,
let you write across me,
telling me your story,
blending it with mine.
You were the avalanche
to my echoing heartbeats:
unstable, unstoppable,
a snowflake turned by rage
into a force incomparable.
You were the thunder
to my summer storm:
inconstant, intemperate,
a distant reminder
of things worse to come.

I wanted you to be a sonnet,
but instead you were an elegy
for a love unrequited.

And I would hold your hand,
but I can grasp a pen;
and it makes me free to know
that unlike you
the pen
will not
let go.
Why does everyone always think I'm in love?
Sure, it looks like it.
The signals all point to it.
When I see her, I smile
When I hear her, I smile

When I think of her, I smile

Yes, those are clear aspects as to why I love her.
Well, I'm not capable of love
I don't know how to love
I don't know how to be in love
I don't know what love feels like

I don't know what love is

And yet, this one time, I thought I finally knew
It isn't what a dictionary tells you
Nothing can compare to the real feeling
Words cannot explain what love is.
However, words can build love
Words can build trust

But words can destroy these as well

I cant love, at all
That's obvious of course,
You have to speak from experience
And I tried, I did, I really tried
And not only did i fail

I failed twice

I tried too less and I tried too much
I don't know what exactly 'enough' is
But I guess "there is never enough"
Does not apply for love
I lost both wars and now there's one left to face

But that is a story for another time

They say "home is where the heart is"
Whoever 'they' are I hope they're wrong or are they right?
If they're right, then my heart is toxic and horrible
And I perfectly agree with that
No one should be poisoned by the toxic waste inside me

So i tried to give it away, to see if someone would love
A toxic heart

Looking back now, I saw how bad of an idea that was
Who would love a heart that was not only disgusting, but was deadly
I've made a mistake, two mistakes that outweigh all the other mistakes I've made
It's hard to make mistakes like this
They hurt, bad.
So to summarize it all,

Never give harmful things to others

So don't say I'm in love
I didn't even fall out of it
I was pushed away from it
And I guess I deserved it

But I do know the dictionary definition of love
It sums up all the things I know and deserve
So what do I deserve?

love - n. (tennis)
 Oct 2013 eccentricities
In the form of textbooks.

In the form of politics.

In the form of money.

In the form of model sized women.

In the form of corpses.

In the form of marriage certificates.


In the form I choose it to be.
 Oct 2013 eccentricities
 Oct 2013 eccentricities
As kids we believed
In order to see a monster
We had to look under our beds at night.

But as we got older
We discovered that in order to see a monster,
All we had to do was look into a mirror.
We saw what no one else but ourselves could see.
We saw what everyone around us created us to see.
What they created us to believe.

A society only focused on money
Taught us we'll never be enough,
They taught us we needed
So many products of so many different brands.
If we wanted to "fit in".
Some people thought about it too often,
Obsessed with other people's idea of beauty.
We moved into a society where
Beauty had escaped the eye of the beholder.
We moved into a society where
Beauty was on a screen of a television,
On the cover of a magazine,
We're in a society where,
We've all been hypnotized into thinking there could be
One true idea of beauty.

*k.l (innercunt}tumblr)
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