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Eccentric Enigma Jul 2014
Seeking forth to times that linger last
Knowing somewhere in those dreams
You are out there waiting so it seems
Mistakes made in times long past
One day by chance I know we will meet
Somewhere someday on lifes street
To join to hold warm hands in trust
Just you and I the two of us
Then we both look back on our past
Thrown down the shadows of those masks
And walk together future bound
Knowing honesty in truth, we've found
No longer needing to run to escape
Warm comfort found in our joined fate
Feeling that what’s found is right
Finding shelter from cold dark night
(GE2014) (C) Reserved
Eccentric Enigma Jul 2014
Scattered through the mists of time
Ancient bells echo out their rhyme
Swirling dust clouds rolling through
Whispered echoes of the things once true
Raindrops spiral downwards gather pace
Bringing life to dry (wrinkled) creek beds face
Erasing fissures in long dried mud
Drought it breaks and turns to flood
Straddled now aboard fates train
Each day seeing how we lose the pain
Of places once held treasured deep
Where once we did just stand and weep
As changes flowing on life’s tide
Mountain streams feed rivers ride
To replenish stockpiles once deplete
Fate to destiny’s chance we meet
Cloaks their gathered against the cold
Reaching now the things we hold
Warm light floods the way ahead
(More wonderful than that book you read)
Remembering now the things you said
(GE2014)(C) Reserved
Eccentric Enigma Jul 2014
Photographs painted cities proud
Shimmering puddles rain soaked crowd
Ventures forth silent stillness called
Colours chasing rainbows showers fold

Remembered images spider cracks in glass
Fortune cast like driftwood
from the past
Cluttered highways peak hour homes
Willow bending shore breaks free

Past times echoing forgotten tunes
As coastlines etched in ancient runes
Belonging cost to all event
Twirling treetops shaped in winds lament

Grey haired monks by habit hide
Distant echoes calmed by dawns first light
Passing aimlessly through dark of night
Called by wonders seeking to complete
Again the reflections drawn from campfires heat

Architects of destiny call to speak
Places dawned life giving feat
Dew draped windows speak of inner heat
Tear shaped raindrops rainbows complete

(GE2014) (C) Reserved
Eccentric Enigma Jul 2014
Fern leaves mirrored light is bent
Dewdrops glistening heaven sent
Dry lands drinking sky borne rain
Again the echoes sound so strange
To be tomorrows yesterday
Sitting quiet living in today
No past no shadows now of grey
Wondering now what made us stray
From things so common to the plan
Altered fabrics change of brand
Voices echo through the night
Stalled by sunrises warm soft light
Ash damped down by dying fire
The hopeful press and never tire
Spurred on always by lifes hope
Seeing always the ways to cope
Mirrored images waterfalls pass
Crystal pinned diamonds on the grass
The seasons casually spinning wheel
Meeting lifes terms meeting lifes deal
Seeing things for truth what’s real
Heartbeat constants knowing feel
Believing now it’s worth the cost
Warm sunrise banishes night’s cold frost

(GE2014) (C) Reserved
Eccentric Enigma Jul 2014
Painting memory pictures of the past
The truth of honesty finishing last
Rain clouds scatter drought away
Sunrise brings yet another day
Where you went to who you are
The classic beauty of your guitar
Your written lyrics stand for time
Your sweet voice as summer sunshine
The way you brighten up the room
Just by being there and being you
Your hazel eyes that cut straight through
The crowds of people that you view
Never playing on their dreams
Always bringing happiness to life it seems
The lucky few you get to know
Remember deep your inner glow
Room full of treasures you create
Asking nothing just to follow fate
Writing ballads guitar tunes
Bringing joy with each new moon
Asking nothing but respect
To even know you honors us
The hand that builds
The mouth so sweet
One of the most wonderful women
A man could meet
Blowing kisses across the street
(GE2014)(C) Reserved
Eccentric Enigma Jul 2014
Fence sitting causes splinters
But safety found in silence
Watching games there playing
Wondering at their worth
Falsehoods blossoming like petals
Some believe their truth
Sighing to see the games they play
Knowing of life inner truth
Gathered in their numbers safety in the flock
New ideas shielded by their misunderstandings
Wasting all their youth
Laughing in the silence
The crowds they mill and flock
Careful always on the edge never the boat to rock
Game playing with their lies held high
Again they con people [please they try
Sadness fills my vision watching as they lament
Beds they've made they sleep in
More tricks just to pay the rent
The when called on to answer
The blame they lay sideways
Always the fault of others
Through their patterns remain the same
(GE2014) (C) Reserved
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