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Jun 2024 · 73
The hunt
earthchild Jun 2024
There comes a time when we must make a recompensing to the wild.
For our souls to sustain our growing,
we must first master the painful lessons,
and be guided by our own intuition.
There's power in our inner knowing.
Knowledge passed down through our mothers dna,
and her mothers, and all the mothers that went before her.
A mysticism in the matriarchal wisdom embedded within us.
Let their lessons be lessons.
Tread new tracks,
let your feet wander to new pastures,
forge your way through the desolate destinations.
For the pup cannot venture far,
whilst she still suckles on her mother's teet.
The time is now,
to show the world your feral teeth.
The bloodied fur of victory,
the reclamation of your wildish nature.
Stand boldly atop the mountain,
at one with your surroundings.
A mage of mastery,
a soothsayer of transformation.
The wild is asking you to answer the calling to the hunt.
Become one with your ancestors,
and serenade the moon with your synergistic songs of freedom.
Apr 2024 · 110
Black vanilla and whisky
earthchild Apr 2024
She is sensual, soulful.
Like black vanilla and whisky.
Self-assured in her wildish nature.
No shame attached to her ****** expression.
Like smoke on water,
she delicately dances with the energy around her.
Hard to grasp but beautiful to witness,
she'll slip through your fingertips and take a piece of your soul with her.
Watch her prance in all of her nakedness around the corners of your mind,
for she finds comfort in her own skin.
A muse unto herself.
Art in living, breathing life form.
Apr 2024 · 149
The Morrigan
earthchild Apr 2024
For consciousness,
first a part of you must die.
The ego must cease to exist,
Call upon your inner Morrigan.
Leave the carrion for the crows,
and allow the bones to carry you across the bridge between worlds.
Walk upon it barefooted,
steadfast with awakened tenacity and intention.
Apr 2024 · 86
earthchild Apr 2024
Sometimes I wish I could just forget.
Shed you like a snake sheds its skin,
but from within.
Apr 2024 · 58
Lions den
earthchild Apr 2024
Our lips were destined to meet, with the Gods as our witnesses.
They had already foreseen our fate.
The lions den, a felicitious setting for two warriors passion to be ignited.
Neptune commanded his waves to crash at our feet, to join us, mirroring the intensity between our bodies.
The water that is a part of us both, wildly swirled.
Then as swiftly as a storm brewing can shift, it serenely synthesized into a tranquil lapping as the ocean caressed the shore. 
Zeus' lightning tore through the clouds somewhere on this earth that night, which illuminated the electricity flowing between you and I.
It was as if we had known eachother in another life, another relm, another time.
And irrevocably were in perfect harmony, reunited, at home within eachothers embrace.
The way our minds effortlessly merged, the familiarity upon my lips as your tongue danced with mine.
As I dived into the layers upon layers of your energy, a synopsis, a sliver inside your soul.
My body instinctively and magnetically drawn to sink deeper into yours, to move with you, to be as one, to let you deep inside me, free to wander, to explore all that is me.
Bewitched by your brown eyes under the moonlight, I knew then and there that the Gods had designed me only for you.
Mar 2024 · 84
Wild woman.
earthchild Mar 2024
The wild woman goes against the grain.
She holds her middle fingers up to the patriarchy,
redefining what it means to be both woman and wolf.
Her nonconformity, a rebellious act.
A liberation from the shackles that seek to chain her.
She knows her power, she finds solace in her intuition,
and in her ability to transmute energy with her bare hands.
Her presence needs no introduction,
silently she commands the room.
Her aura extends ripples throughout the forest,
compelling the trees to dance at her will.
One drop of her will send shivers down your spine.
Too much for some, but she likes it that way.
She prefers to watch the weak choke on her magnetism,
than pacify the world with a watered-down version of her woman and wild.
Feb 2024 · 73
earthchild Feb 2024
And on the days when I search for love outside of myself, I have to remind myself that love exists within me.
That my perception is skewed when I seek it through a blind man's eyes.
They don't see the battles I've fought and won, and the light that transcends despite the scars.
I know an unconditional love exists because I feel it in my heart.
The yearning to share it and have it reciprocated can be painful and solitary, but I have faith in the healing potency of love.
I will continue to be on this journey of learning to kiss my scars until the love seeps beneath them, sometimes imperfectly but always wholeheartedly.
I'll linger in that place until the laws of attraction make it a tangible thing for me to see, and feel the renaissance reflected in another's words, actions and the alignment that interlinks them.
Because I'd rather pour love back into myself than be mearly lusted after by someone incapable of loving me faithfully, and just as imperfectly.
This exploration has taught me that love is not something out of a fairytale, it is an action, and a choice.
Today I choose love, and I choose to be surrounded by those who choose love too. ❤️
Oct 2023 · 110
earthchild Oct 2023
365 days devoted to solitude,
moments to gaze upon my nakedness.
Flipping through the pages of my soul,
mindfully reading each one in braille.
A gentle knowing that there are many layers yet to be deciphered and explored.
A neverending tale of wonder.
How I blossom from a tiny seed,
into the tallest of trees.
Rooted in this journey of self expression.
The shedding, the stillness, the growth and the sturdiness in my acceptance, that nothing ever stays the same.
I will continue to change through the seasons of this existence,
and meet myself deeper time and time again.
Dec 2022 · 574
Dear future lover,
earthchild Dec 2022
Relationships take dedication, dedication to honour the soul of the one you're with.
A dedication to consistently show up for one another, regardless of distance and time.
Especially when things get tough.
When you truly value the one you're with, you'll find time to be fluent in their love language, to understand it, and to give it freely with no want or expectation.
I'm not looking for a part-time fling, a night between the sheets, or a convenient *******.
I want to build something with someone who appreciates and truly sees the depth of who I am.
A lover who wears her heart on her sleeve, in spite her hurts, her betrayals, her let downs.
Because I choose myself when the world and people try to convince me otherwise.
I know the magic my love holds, so no, I don't just want to be a moment in your day, a fleeting thought, a good morning or good night text.
I want someone who chooses me regardless of the circumstance, who holds space for me to heal my wounds, who shows up for me by loving and honouring themselves first.
Someone who reciprocates what I bring to the table, a you water me, I water you kinda romance.
Abundance, communication, consistency, devotion, growth, respect, and emancipation from the barriers leading to the heart.
These are my non-negotiables.
So before you decide if you want a seat at this table, first ask yourself... Am I ready to feast?
Jun 2022 · 256
earthchild Jun 2022
Have you ever been in love with a Goddess?
Her presence illuminates your shadows,
all the parts of yourself you try to bury,
and sweep under the rug.
The way she shines,
gives you permission to do the same.
Standing in her power,
all of her godliness,
in all of her glory.
Unapologetically  n a k e d.
True to herself,
she does not shrink to comfort others.
Her power is her femininity.
May 2022 · 295
And everything inbetween
earthchild May 2022
She is an amalgamation of luminescence and tenebrosity.
May 2022 · 148
earthchild May 2022
The dis-ease of perception, these conflicting, constricting and co-existing versions of me. But I reserve the right to burn them all to the ground, and rise from the ash.
May 2022 · 120
earthchild May 2022
Bliss exists within
May 2022 · 117
earthchild May 2022
I am ART in motion
May 2022 · 137
Pen and paper
earthchild May 2022
I find comfort in the way my pen caresses the parchment, my feelings flow from deep within and percolate pen to paper.
May 2022 · 122
Lessons from Mother
earthchild May 2022
The imperminace of life reminds me of my inherent connection to Mother Nature.
How her trees burst into an abundance of colour in the spring.
A hive of interwoven encounters with other seemingly independant elements, delicately working together in unison.  
Yet when the time comes for her copper leaves to float graciously to the ground in autumn, there is still beauty to be found in the decaying, the nourishment of the fertile ground.
Only for the cycle to repeat ad infinitum, without judgement or expectation.
May 2022 · 385
earthchild May 2022
She is strong but soft, a dichotomy of astronomical proportions.
The warrior, her armour forged in the flames of her pain.
Yet her heart so bravely beats for all to see.
For she knows, to love is to give her heart completely and freely.
And this is truly her greatest strength.
May 2022 · 97
Holy water
earthchild May 2022
Do they discern my divinity dripping down their chin?
May 2022 · 134
earthchild May 2022
Can you swim in the depths,
or is this just another S.O.S?
Jan 2022 · 834
That kind of love
earthchild Jan 2022
I don't want a love that is ownership.
I want a love that is liberation and freedom,
a sacred union.
Conscious co-creators of the type of love that sustains the spirit.
The type of love that cracks your ribs wide open as your heart swells.
Love that expands your mind,
spiritually, intellectually and emotionally.
The truth is,
I won't settle for anything less.
Because that kind of love is rare and potent medicine for the soul.
Jan 2022 · 151
Medusas gaze
earthchild Jan 2022
The fire flickered and the thick smoke filled my lungs,
witnessing you witnessing me,
like living art.
Your brown eyes softly pierce into my soul.
Your tender touch and your silken skin,
golden like honey and cinnamon.
Medusas gaze had me enchanted,
lost in the moment and you.
Then the words so delicately roll off your tongue...
"Do you want me?"
And I echo
Not merely on a physical level.
The layers to which those words penetrated my heart had deeper meaning.
Jan 2022 · 166
earthchild Jan 2022
Learning to see myself exactly as I am,
is the greatest act of love.
Jan 2022 · 324
True strength
earthchild Jan 2022
I fear not the bearing of my beating heart.
The power lies within the giving,
not the breaking.
Feb 2021 · 187
earthchild Feb 2021
As I sit on the sand beside the sea,
the ocean slowly laps the shore.
The constant rhythm,
soothes my wandering mind,
not needing anything more.
No desire,
other than to simply be.
At one with nature,
the winds, the earth, the water, and the fire.
The sun shimmers on her deep blue skin,
reminding me of the infinite stars that reflect within.
I am at one with my maker,
her waters flow through my veins.
She is I, and I am she,
in this moment it's crystal clear to see.
Feb 2021 · 187
Puppet master
earthchild Feb 2021
The puppet master
plucks the strings
of the toys that dance
to the beat of their fingertips.
Feb 2021 · 481
earthchild Feb 2021
It's easier this way,
I get it.
The temptation is erased,
so have your space.
Feb 2021 · 231
earthchild Feb 2021
Sharing our poetry,
declarations of love.
Words precisely picked,
to evoke emotions.
Torturing ourselves,
is the way you put it.
And I can't help but agree.
Feb 2021 · 137
Quantum entanglement
earthchild Feb 2021
Quantum particles once connected,
but separated by vast distances
still move in synergy.
Two souls reflecting,
back and forth
faster than the speed of light.
Inextricibly intertwined,
throughout multidimensional realities.
Feb 2021 · 646
earthchild Feb 2021
Sometimes the hardest words to say are,
I'm not ok.
Feb 2021 · 196
earthchild Feb 2021
I am not the woman I used to be,
my eyes perplexed by what they see.
There is no familiarity here,
new skin sits upon these bones.
Rebirthed from the earth,
rising through the dirt.
Layers of sediment,
grit and mud.
Building new homes,
within myself.
Feb 2021 · 144
earthchild Feb 2021
Time was all I needed,
and yet time is an illusion.
Feb 2021 · 888
My own Valentine
earthchild Feb 2021
Today I pick fresh flowers,
a gift to myself.
Unconditional love,
For the woman I am becoming.
Feb 2021 · 350
earthchild Feb 2021
In one moment sturdy walls shatter and turn to dust,
trailing destruction as I leave my footprints in the matter.
Feb 2021 · 310
Final song
earthchild Feb 2021
The greif comes and it goes,
but the slow burn remains.
It's ignited in my grandmother's tears,
when she yells out her brother's name.
How she wishes back the years,
for a time when they were young,
and life had not yet sung its final song.
Feb 2021 · 255
earthchild Feb 2021
Grieving the loss of my family,
I wish you were here with me.
Hold me in your arms,
my heart is fragile in all its charm.
From this pain,
comes growth,
I know.
Feb 2021 · 666
earthchild Feb 2021
I ebb and flow.
Gliding on the crest of Neptune's glimmering waves.
In compliance with my capricious emotions.
Ready to decend into the oceans watery grave,
knowing that then comes the ascent.
So I'll draw a deep breath and do it all again.
Jan 2021 · 255
earthchild Jan 2021
I watch my fern unfurling its leaves,
tendrils reaching out towards the light.
Slowly elongating,
grasping out to reach great height.

The unassuming nature of life,
my fight to turn my face towards the sun.
Growing, constantly growing.
My prerequisite, to be effortlessly flowing.
Jan 2021 · 243
9 months sober
earthchild Jan 2021
Coffee and carrot cake,
to mark this milestone.
Jan 2021 · 144
I'll wait
earthchild Jan 2021
Find me where the sun meets the sea.
Until then I'll embrace you in my mind,
somewhere amidst my dreams.
Jan 2021 · 183
earthchild Jan 2021
Your words they make me melt like a candle,
dripping with the thought of you.
I'll spill out onto myself,
raw and messy.
Perfectly imperfect just for you.
Jan 2021 · 152
earthchild Jan 2021
I am water.
I fill the space into which I am poured.
I am a shape shifter,
I flow effortlessly.

Try to hold me in your palms,
and I will slip through your fingertips.

I have the power to nourish the dying earth,
so that wild flowers may burst into blooms.

World's within world's live within me.
Just as science proves,
soon your lips will lust to taste me,
and your body will yearn to crave me.
Jan 2021 · 162
Blood rises
earthchild Jan 2021
Rest your gentle hands on my face,
feel how my blood rises to the surface to greet you.
Your flesh upon my flesh,
my blood bursting to meet you.
Jan 2021 · 134
Salty trails
earthchild Jan 2021
As the salty trails rolled down my cheeks,
the sky could not help but weep with me.
Jan 2021 · 587
One kiss
earthchild Jan 2021
The words I long to see leave my lips,
seem to be stuck in my throat.
I could tell you a thousand things,
with just one kiss.
Jan 2021 · 136
Thief in the night
earthchild Jan 2021
It seems I am running out of ways to articulate this aching feeling.
As if a thief in the night took a knife,
and stole a part of my heart.
One half beats and it waits,
for the other to reciprocate with a resounding thump. 
But I'm surrounded by the deafening sound of silence.

There is no way to avoid the inevitable.
The overwhelming sense of darkness,
it looms around me.
Like the fog obscures the tips of the trees,
I try to conceal my sadness.

I look in the mirror and I paint on a smile.
My best mask,
for the day ahead.
Maybe with time I'll convince myself,
that I can live without you. 

I wish I could go back.
Fix this mess,
but I cannot.
The stark reality,
that my heart has to beat without its counterpart.
No longer melodic in rhythm and rhyme.
It beats out of synchronicity.
Jan 2021 · 134
Wolf cries
earthchild Jan 2021
Just as the wolf cries to the moon,
my aching heart howled at the thought of losing you.
Jan 2021 · 108
The things that mattered
earthchild Jan 2021
I pray that you take your time before you banish the memories of me from the corners of your mind.
Let me linger a while,
savour the sweetness that once dripped from both our fingertips.
Love letters and poems,
late night laughter and dreams of a happily ever after.
While you prune the dying sunflowers and their browning petals that sit upon your fridge,
as you lay them in their final resting place.
Scattered amongst the trash,
beside the shirt that held my scent that comforted you at night.
I hope you take a moment to reconnect to the things that mattered.
Jan 2021 · 122
Oceans on fire
earthchild Jan 2021
Sunrays scatter across the ocean,
melt the icy core,
drip by drip, fed and watered the mind.
The old fades into quicksand.

She remains untamed.
Wild and free,
moulded a new.
A different dimension,
realigned her third eye.


She shed her skin under a thousand stars,
and swam into Oceans on fire.

— The End —