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Dylan Burns Jan 2014
I have all I want
I look around and appreciate all I have
Most of which given to me
It is easy and comfortable to live
But I sit here with a dense heart
Ready to rid of all this and follow the dreams and fears that are in the back of my head
I can't be challenged when I'm comfortable at home
I don't have a clue where I will go
But any of the roads I see will take me to the place I need to be
Dylan Burns Jan 2014
I miss it
All of it
The warmth, the touches, and the softening of myself
I melt my energy and inner ego
Letting myself be transparent in the moment
She transitioned me from the sun to the moon
But I could not give her the light she needed
She needed to find her own illumination
But I'll still never forget
What is
Dylan Burns Jan 2014
Instead of enjoying the simple beauty of nature
We fight over who or what made it
Instead of loving each other on the ground we live on
We fight and **** over territory and resources
Instead of holding hands with each other
We clench our fists
Instead of opening our hearts and minds
We strangle and forever hold onto old ideas
Instead of living from instinct of the body
We live and see by facts and straight lines
Instead of thinking about everything you do and always searching for constant stimulation's or distractions
Enjoy your feelings for they are and love the world with your senses
Dylan Burns Dec 2013
How many more thoughts until you make your next move?
How many pros and cons?
How long should you decide to decide?
Let be and stop killing the great spontaneousness of life
Only then can you truly understand the good and bad
Be great but with many hard times
Be unique but with much resentment from others
This life is set in such a way where it is better than any dream you could have
Only here can you be close to death but feel more alive
To lose everything then gain everything
To be a the person you think about everyday right now
A whole infinite journey...
Just for you
Dylan Burns Dec 2013
Again on my mind
Here goes another poem to unwind
I can still feel her in my chest
We did what hurt but was truly best
We grew together
But in the end we both needed to be better
To grow stronger while being alone
It was time to be our own
Don't think I forgot that last kiss
As if I could even resist
And when time has passed
Maybe we can give each other a friendship that will last
Dylan Burns Dec 2013
Same problems and same complaints
Different mouth and different person
All wish to get better but won't be better
They want joy but never give joy
Who want to get by rather than fly over all
Unwilling to adapt to the new environment
The play is still the same
Overcome or become extinct
Dylan Burns Dec 2013
The worry and fear in you of going into that empty coffin
Do you really believe? Or is it that you ought to believe?
You like being you and fear that you will never express yourself again
But you take a form of energy
Remember in school when they said energy can not be created nor destroyed
Why that is you too
Afraid of never having another experience
How could it be? What did you fear before you were even born?
It is the same experience and not that empty black box you imagine
A block of ice does not fear of turning into water
Nor does the water fear of turning into the mist that is all around you
Life and Nature knows nothing of your silly questions
Give yourself your own permission to feel and live spontaneously
and have a good dance on this life's stage
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