I walked the path that wound
alongside the river
It was along this bend that settlers had their boats
dashed on the rocks by nature's unexpected fury
I wanted to see the river,
these rapids that turn the world,
this reminder of earth's power
So I stepped off the path
and headed down the bank
over rocks and bushes
And aside from the static white noise
of water, the first thing to greet me
at the edge was a cross
Two simple sticks, with a ribbon
draped over its outstretched arms
The unmistakable symbol of a life lived
and a life lost
The only thing between me and the rushing water
was this
For some reason
this terrified me more
than any man-made disaster can
This was nature,
Pure and indifferent
My mind wandered to the obvious void
This space that used to be occupied
by a living, breathing being
Someone with fears and joys of their own
Someone who had seen things and known people
Someone who had stood where I am standing right now
But who were you?
And who missed you?
What was your name?
What did you love?
Did you fall?
Or did you leap into the waiting arms of the river?
Were you afraid, as I am, standing here
just inches away from something that can't be controlled?
I have so many questions that will never be answered,
except by the deafening rush of water, and the
Cold spray of mist at my face