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Duncan Weir Apr 2012
I crumpled to my knees
under your watchful eyes
i felt as though i could go no longer
but you made me
I knew not why, and i complained
You picked me up when i was weakest
you kept pushing me
you kept making me go
and for what reason?
at the end of the road
i stood where i had always wanted to
and i looked at you
because i know it was due to you
Duncan Weir Apr 2012
In the middle you stood
as the world crumbled around you
you cared not what happened
for you were on top
you looked down and spat upon us
and we looked up and loathed you
you knew not what you made us
but we knew what we had made you
we had made you our leader
we had followed you
and you repaid us with this
we could do nothing
so you rose, and we fell
but in the end that would not matter
in the end
what would matter was who stood
on the right side
Duncan Weir Apr 2012
The horse stood upon the hillside
the grass blew in ripples
the man upon the horse
took in a deep breath
then he rode down
his spurs digging deep
the thunderous noise engulfed the valley
and down road the man
unto certain death
but it was not in vain he rode
for as his men saw him go
they were filled with bravery
and they followed without fear
unto death, but not that mattered
for they would go down in history
as the greatest men
to ever die
Duncan Weir Apr 2012
The waves lick up against the rock
The wind rustles through my hair
I squint my eyes against the salt
I can see the far off land mass
and i know that I it will be hell to get there
but i swear to myself that I will do it
Because i took an oath
that i was to let nothing stand in my way
and i intend to honor that
Duncan Weir Apr 2012
The  blood drips down my face
it pools at my feet
I look up into his eyes
I expect hate
What I see takes my breath
I see desperation
I see a person, fighting for what i am
I see a man
Fighting to get home to those he loves
And i know
I can not blame him for his evil
Duncan Weir Apr 2012
I looked at you
I made that joke
just for an excuse
to talk to you
you laughed
and i felt better
then i had ever felt before
so now I look
into your eyes
and i can think
of nothing else but you
Duncan Weir Apr 2012
If you sit up late at night
and perk your ears
you may hear a sound
coming from outside
A tap on the window
high pitched and pleading
poke your head out and you'll see me
standing there, pebbles in hands
I'll call for you, and down will you come
and together, off we'll run
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