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Duncan Weir Apr 2012
As the sunlight washes in
Upon the yellow wall
all is bright, fine, and good
until the night sets in
then the people come out
the ugly in them
they look around, suspicious of me
i give them no reason to be
yet they are, even without basis
I can do nothing but laugh
so laugh i must
or where is the light?
Duncan Weir Apr 2012
without the mistakes that others have made
we would not be who we are
we would have to experience it all for ourselves
and how could we expect to survive that?
we take what they have taught and we apply it to what we will learn
we hope that this is how it is meant to be
yet, i have on question; how can we know for sure?
Duncan Weir Apr 2012
they used to say that it would all end
that i would never get my chance
I wanted to tell them that i would
but upon what basis would i say so?
now I feel as though i have gotten my chance
I have fulfilled what I was meant to do
I have no wish to perish, yet if I do
it shall be without regret in my heart
Duncan Weir Apr 2012
I felt a tap on my shoulder, so I looked
standing there stood he
only coming up to my shoulder
i smiled in a friendly way
i knew not what he wanted
i offered him money, he turned away
i offered him food, he turned away
I knew not what to do, so I frowned
then he tapped me on the shoulder
said he "Mister, I need one thing"
I nodded for him to go on
"Sit down" he said
I sat and as I did he looked at me
"Now please, talk"
And as I did, the boy never interupted
at last i looked over, he was fast asleep
a smile upon his lips
Duncan Weir Apr 2012
So she looked at me once then said
"I don't understand you"
I could do nothing but smile
I looked at the ground and laughed
"Sometimes, I don't either"
Duncan Weir Apr 2012
So on that fateful day, when I took that walk
I saw the truth, of what you had done
I grew disgusted at what I saw
yet, that was for only a second
for soon I saw why, and how
then I knew that you had the reason
whether I may have done it the same
is yet to be seen, but now, knowing it
I can no longer say I blame you
Duncan Weir Apr 2012
If I die in a brave way
whether the way I planned or not
and it was in such a way
that I have made an impact
then I have not died in vain

— The End —