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Scott Jurewicz Mar 2020
When frequencies all around us get to singing
We don't hear frequencies
We hear music  
Even if discordant
When frequencies agree
We're blessed to hear the best angels of ourselves
When we hear the harmony
That renders us peaceful
And graced with balance
With Bach, the head translates life's frequencies to the heart
With Coltrane, the heart translates life's frequencies to the head.
We all hear music
No matter what path music may take to be heard.
37 · Apr 2020
Martha's Lament
Scott Jurewicz Apr 2020
What are fingers, anyway
What gentle touch is missed
On any given anguished day
When lips cannot be kissed

What are hands for, anyway
If not for us to lend
To hold each other everyday
For strangers we befriend

What's a dream for, anyway
What nightmares must we reap
Till comes the morning of the day
We rise from peaceful sleep
33 · Jan 2020
Refined Sugar
Scott Jurewicz Jan 2020
As the taste of sugar is so sweet
And true love's sight is blind
As the gentle touch when her I meet
And the smells that are entwined
As then I hear my poor heart beat
And wearied senses are refined
Scott Jurewicz Jan 2020
my words are wasted spoken

before they part my lips

my words are heard as token

a whimsy left unsipped

the fool who cannot hear me

is trapped inside his thinking

the fool with eyes can't see

through all his clever winking

— The End —