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If you asked if I'd go out with you now
I'd tell you no
Not because I thought
we wouldn't have the love we have now
Or that I'm too good for you
I'd say no because I'm damaged
Damaged beyond repair
Or so it feels like most day
And I don't think you deserve someone
Who's got damaged written across their forehead
I'm not sure when I stopped living
And just started
To breath in and out of this empty chest of mine
Blinking and moving
But never feeling
I just hope
That there's a boy
Out there
That doesn't want ***
From his girlfriend
He just wants to
Enjoy her company
And watch as she does
All the little things
That combined to make her
Its like you don't get it
Like its not even crossing your mind
He's just a teenage boy
They say
But than what am I
They say
But we all know I'm not
What do you want?
When did I love you
become three hollow words
said threw tight lips
and unhappy thoughts

When did I love you
make it impossible for me to swallow
make run down my face

When did I love you
Make me want to wrap my fingers tightly around your throat

I think it happened
When you stopped being the guy I thought you were
stop being charming and kind
and started acting like every other teenage boy

But maybe I'm wrong
How would I know because I'm just some
teenage girl

So I'll say it again
I love you *but I don't know why
You can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Breath in
                Breath out
You hope it'll get better
tell your self it'll get better
                                     you try to believe it
But deep down you know
That this will forever be like this
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